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Entity Entity Type
Bexar County Trunked Systems (52) Trunked
Bexar County Amateur Radio Amateur Radio
San Antonio Category
Bexar County Category
Municipalities Category
Schools Category
Higher Education Category
Boerne Stage Airport (5C1) Aircraft / Airport
Businesses Business Group
Camp Bullis Military
Federal Federal
Fort Sam Houston Military
Lackland Air Force Base/Kelly Field Military
Martindale AAF Military
Media Business Group
Public Services Business Group
Randolph Air Force Base Military
San Antonio International Airport (SAT) Aircraft / Airport
San Antonio Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) Aircraft / Airport
Sea World Attraction
Six Flags Fiesta Texas Attraction
Stinson Field Aircraft / Airport
The Alamo Attraction

Bexar County is home to the City of San Antonio, TX and it's associated suburbs. All public safety operations for San Antonio and Bexar County are on the Alamo Area Regional Radio System listed below.

San Antonio Police are fully encrypted and cannot be monitored, and Bexar County Sheriff is mostly encrypted but will operate in the clear some.  All fire non investigative talkgroups are clear, and active incidents can be found on the COSA website here


San Antonio

Public Safety
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
All San Antonio Police, Fire, and EMS operations use this system
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
123.025 BM CSQ Police Air-Air Police Air-to-Air with DPS ("Victor") AM Law Tac

The talk-around channels are sometimes used for on-scene and tactical operations in simplex mode.

Downtown Public Improvement District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.375 RM 423 DPL Centro SA Centro San Antonio - Ambassadors/Maintenance FM Public Works

Bexar County

Bexar County Fire Alarm

Bexar County Fire Alarm dispatches many of the VFDs in Bexar County.

Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Bexar County Public Safety uses this system for all communications
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.250KKW980 RM 156.7 PL BCFA DISP Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
153.770KKW980 RM 156.7 PL BCFA TAC3 Tactical 3 FMN Fire Dispatch
151.145WQQG864 RM 032 DPL BCFA DISP Dispatch (Repeater in Fair Oaks) FMN Fire Dispatch
154.280WNLY370 BM 203.5 PL Bexar/Blv TA Bexar Bulverde FD (103/104) Talkaround FMN Fire-Tac
151.1525KKW980 RM 61F NAC BCFA P25 VHF 1 BCFA P25 VHF 1 P25e Fire-Tac
151.3025KKW980 RM 61F NAC BCFA P25 VHF 2 BCFA P25 VHF 2 P25e Fire-Tac
155.2275KKW980 RM 61F NAC BCFA P25 VHF 3 BCFA P25 VHF 3 P25e Fire-Tac
153.830 BM 203.5 PL GardendaleTA Gardendale FD (Station 164) Talkaround FMN Fire-Tac
155.7525 BM CSQ Bexar EMER-COM Emergency Comm Net FMN Emergency Ops
Bexar County Sheriff's Office
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Sheriff's Office uses this system for all communcations
Acadian Ambulance Service

Acadian Ambulance Service covers the unincorporated areas of Bexar County for 911 service.

Communication Professionals (Connect Plus)
DMR Motorola Connect Plus (TRBO)
Acadian EMS uses this system for communications.
AMR Medical Transportation
Industrial Communications (North Central San Antonio)
LTR Standard
AMR uses this North Central system when they respond to the Medical Center area. They also use this system for alerting their staff for EMS and patient transfers.
Industrial Communications (Northeast San Antonio)
LTR Standard
AMR uses this NorthEast system when they respond to RAFB and Ft Sam Houston. AMR uses this system for alerting their staff for EMS and patient transfers.
Bexar County Hospital District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.450WPLH467 RM 532 DPL BCHD UHS Maint University Hospital Physical Plant Maintenance FM Business
Bexar County Services
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.220WPMD975 RM 218.1 PL BC JDC Juvenile Detention Center FMN Corrections
155.295WQDT237 RM 107.2 PL BC JDC 2 Juvenile Detention Center (3621 Farm Road) FMN Corrections
155.8875WQTN934 RM 205 DPL BC CSCD Jail CSCD Jail (10975 Applewhite Road Jail/Drug Rehab) FMN Corrections
464.500WPVS493 BM 156.7 PL CenTexDetCtr Central Texas Detention Center (owned by GEO Group and under contract for prisoners of USMS and ICE) FMN Corrections
452.2875WQJV833 RM 155 DPL Haven4Hope Ops Haven for Hope Operations FMN Business
456.4125WQJV833 BM 155 DPL Haven4Hope Sec Haven for Hope Security Life and Safety Teams FMN Security
Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.340KUY460 B 156.7 PL STRAC MOU MOU FMN EMS-Tac
155.3475 BM 156.7 PL STRAC MOU MOU FMN EMS-Tac
VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority
San Antonio VIA Metro Transit P25
Project 25 Phase II
VIA general operations on this system
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
VIA Police operate on this system
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.8875WQES265 RM 91.5 PL VIA Sec GP1 Security Ch. 1 - Madla TC, Randolph Blvd. PR, Crossroads PR, South Texas Medical Center TC FMN Security
453.8875WQES265 RM 179.9 PL VIA Sec GP2 Security Ch. 2 - KEL-LAC Transit Center FMN Security
453.8875WQES265 RM 192.8 PL VIA Sec GP3 Security Ch. 3 - Downtown Info Center, North Star Transit Center FMN Security
453.8875WQES265 RM 250.3 PL VIA Sec GP4 Security Ch. 4 - Ellis Alley Park & Ride FMN Security


Alamo Heights
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Alamo Heights Police and Fire are dispatched on this system.
Balcones Heights
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.995KTE615 RM 192.8 PL BHFD Disp Fire Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
Castle Hills
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Castle Hills operates on this system
Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) P25
Project 25 Phase II
Cibolo operates on this system.
Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) P25
Project 25 Phase II
Converse has several talkgroups on this system but ceased dispatching on it August 2018.
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Converse PD is dispatched on BCSO East, Fire is dispatched by BCFA.
Grey Forest

See Balcones Heights for VHF police frequency.

Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Police are on BCSO West, Fire is dispatched by BCFA
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
156.150KVT866 RM 136.5 PL GF PubWorks Grey Forest Public Works FM Public Works
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Helotes uses this system for communcations
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.025KUX416 RM 203.5 PL Helotes FireTac7 Fire Tac 7 FMN Fire-Tac
158.985WPRU873 RM 203.5 PL Bexar Fire Relay Fire Bexar Dispatch Relay FMN Fire Dispatch
Hill Country Village
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Hill County Village uses this system for communications. Police are dispatched by BCSO. Fire is dispatched by BCFA
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
159.465WNDG924 RM 203.5 PL HCV PD TAC Police Tactical FMN Law Tac
Hollywood Park

Fire dispatched by Bexar County Fire Alarm. Hollywood Park Police operates on the Bexar County trunked radio system.

Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Kirby Police and Fire talkgroups can be patched to this system as required.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.070WNJI201 RM 203.5 PL KIRBY FIRE Fire Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
154.980KNBN642 BM KIRBY PW Public Works FMN Public Works
Leon Valley

 Leon Valley PD is dispatched from BCSO West Patrol.  Bexar County Fire Alarm provides fire dispatching. 

Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Police and fire operate on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.145KBQ204 RM 203.5 PL LVFD Disp145 Fire Dispatch (Pager Calls Only) FMN Fire Dispatch
154.725KYU874 RM 203.5 PL LVFD Disp725 Fire Dispatch (Pager Calls Only) FMN Fire Dispatch
156.195KNIR927 RM LV PW Public Works FMN Public Works
Live Oak
Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) P25
Project 25 Phase II
Live Oak PD has moved to this system.
Olmos Park

Fire/EMS dispatched by Alamo Heights.

Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) P25
Project 25 Phase II
Schertz has moved all operations over to the LCRA P25 system.
Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) P25
Project 25 Phase II
Selma has moved all operations over to the LCRA P25 system.
Shavano Park

Shavano Park PD is dispatched BCSO West Patrol (94xx units). Shavano Park FD is dispatched on Bexar County Fire Alarm.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.9775WPVV788 RM 074 DPL SP PubWorks Public Works FMN Public Works
Terrell Hills

Fire/EMS dispatched by Alamo Heights.

Universal City
Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) P25
Project 25 Phase II
Universal City has moved all operations over to the LCRA P25 system.
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Windcrest PD is dispatched by Bexar County SO on the East Patrol Channel. Fire dispatched by BCFA.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.145KVX747 BM CSQ Windcrest AC Animal Control FMN Public Works
453.775WXP369 RM 91.5 PL Windcrest PW Public Works FMN Public Works


Alamo Heights Independent School District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.100KCU269 RM AHISD Truanc Truancy DMR Law Dispatch
461.1875WQOS876 RM AHISD Band High School Band FMN Schools
462.375WQQG486 RM AHISD Staff High School FMN Schools
Cornerstone Christian Church and School

Security patrols include the school campus on NW Military Hwy and the Church Campus at 1604 and Stone Oak Pkwy

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.550WQTT872 RM 2 RAN CCS Ch. 1 Secur Channel 1 Security NXDN48 Security
464.925WQTT872 RM 4 RAN CCS Ch. 2 Secur Channel 2 Security NXDN48 Security
451.6625WQTT872 M 662 DPL CCS Ch. 3 Channel 3 FMN Schools
452.1875WQTT872 M 465 DPL CCS Ch. 4 Channel 4 FMN Schools
456.6625WQTT872 M 371 DPL CCS Ch. 5 Channel 5 FMN Schools
457.6625WQTT872 M 244 DPL CCS Ch. 6 Channel 6 FMN Schools
457.6875WQTT872 M 115 DPL CCS Ch. 7 Channel 7 FMN Schools
457.8625WQTT872 M 7 RAN CCS Ch. 8 Channel 8 NXDN48 Schools
456.4625WQTT872 M 9 RAN CCS Ch. 9 Channel 9 NXDN48 Schools
457.0625WQTT872 M 12 RAN CCS Ch. 10 Channel 10 NXDN48 Schools
452.5125WQTT872 M 6 RAN CCS Ch. 11 Channel 11 NXDN48 Schools
462.1875WQTT872 M 8 RAN CCS Ch. 12 Channel 12 NXDN48 Schools
East Central Independent School District
Advantage Communications (South)
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
Buses and ECISD Police on this system before 5:00 PM
Edgewood Independent School District
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Edgewood ISD primarily use this system with full encryption
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
460.2625WQBJ724 RM 210.7 PL EISD PD-1 Police Dispatch FMN Law Dispatch
460.3875WQBJ724 RM 132 DPL EISD PD-2 Police Special Events FMN Law Tac
Fort Sam Houston Independent School District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.150WPOD826 RM CC 14
TG 13001
SL 2
FtSHISD Bus Bus Dispatch DMR Schools
462.150WPOD826 RM CC 11
TG *
SL 2
FtSHISD Ops Operations DMR Schools
463.450WPGP358 RM FtSHISD Mntc Maintenance FMN Schools
Harlandale Independent School District
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Harlandale ISD Police primarily use this system
Judson Independent School District
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
All district operations (campus channels, police, and transportation).
Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) P25
Project 25 Phase II
Judson ISD Police are dispatched after 5 PM and on weekends on the Live Oak PD Primary. All business hour operations are fully encrypted otherwise on the AARRS.
Lackland Independent School District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.300WQIJ737 BM LISD Bus Bus Dispatch FMN Schools
152.900WQIJ737 M LISD Bus Cln Bus Cleaning FMN Schools
153.005WQIJ737 RM LISD Sch Sec School Security FMN Security
153.020WQIJ737 RM LISD CrosGrd Crossing Guards FMN Security
157.560WQIJ737 RM LISD ElemSch Elementary FMN Schools
159.990WQIJ737 RM LISD Stacey Junior-Senior High FMN Schools
160.110WQIJ737 RM 051 DPL LISD Maint Maintenance FMN Schools
North East Independent School District
North East Independent School District
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO)
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
NEISD Police use this system full time
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.6025WQMC473 RM 412 DPL NEISD Bradley 1 Bradley Middle School Ch. 1 (Administration Staff) FMN Schools
151.865WNSI243 M 167.9 PL NEISD Bradley 2 Bradley Middle School Ch. 2 (Custodians) FMN Schools
462.250WQTL601 RM 156 DPL NEISD Chrchl Churchill High School FMN Schools
154.505WQVV523 RM 192.8 PL NEISD Coker 1 Coker Elementary School Ch. 1 (Administration Staff) FMN Schools
463.2125WQWF887 RM CC 7
TG *
SL 1
NEISD DriscollMS Driscoll Middle School DMR Schools
464.175WQZS398 RM 244 DPL NEISD Eisenhower Eisenhower Middle School FMN Schools
452.2375WQXJ247 RM 192.8 PL NEISD Garner 1 Garner Middle School Ch. 1 (Administration Staff) FMN Schools
464.8875 M 205 DPL NEISD Harris MS Harris Middle School FMN Schools
153.2975WQUA753 RM 371 DPL NEISD Jacksn Jackson Middle School FMN Schools
463.400WQJB485 RM CC 3
TG 16777199
SL 1
NEISD JohnHS Adm Johnson High School - Admin DMR Schools
463.400WQJB485 RM CC 3
TG 16777199
SL 2
NEISD JohnHS Cus Johnson High School - Custodians DMR Schools
151.490WQCZ787 RM 152 DPL NEISD Lee HS 151 Lee High School FMN Schools
463.2375WQRF287 RM 346 DPL NEISD MacArt MacArthur High School FMN Schools
464.0875WPOY364 RM 325 DPL NEISD Madison Madison High School FMN Schools
153.6875WREM503 RM 152 DPL NEISD Olmos Olmos Elementary FMN Schools
469.8875 M 261 DPL NEISD PreK West Pre K Academy (West Ave) FMN Schools
463.275WPOE491 RM 703 DPL NEISD Reagan Reagan High School FMN Schools
154.4825WQGI442 RM 162.2 PL NEISD Roosev Roosevelt High School FMN Schools
154.540WRCC368 RM 173.8 PL NEISD Wilshire 1 Wilshire Elementary School Ch. 1 (Administration Staff) FMN Schools
154.540WRCC368 RM 186.2 PL NEISD Wilshire 2 Wilshire Elementary School Ch. 2 (Custodians) FMN Schools
152.2925WQXK796 RM 192.8 PL NEISD Windcrest Windcrest Elementary School Ch. 1 (Administration Staff) FMN Schools
462.4875WQNZ543 M 071 DPL NEISD WoodMS Wood Middle School FMN Schools
Northside Independent School District
Northside Independent School District
LTR Passport
NISD operates on this trunked system.
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
NISD Police use this system full time
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.0875WNZE790 RM NISD LCTR Northside Learning Center DMR Security
458.9625WQGD926 BM Blattman Blattman Elementary School FMN Schools
Randolph Field Independent School District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
72.120WPXK601 B RFISD ES Pag Elementary Paging FM Schools
72.200WPXK601 B RFISD MS Pag Middle School Paging FM Schools
72.360WPXK601 B RFISD HS Pag High School Paging FM Schools
San Antonio Independent School District
San Antonio Independent School District
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
SAISD Buses are on this system
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Police are fully encrypted on this system
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.650WQYV845 RM 162.2 PL Brackenridge HS Brackenridge High School FMN Schools
461.525WQRY734 RM CC 5
TG 3030
SL 1
SAISD Lanier HS Lanier High School Ops DMR Schools
Somerset Independent School District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.3475WQIM225 RM SmrstISD Bus Somerset ISD Bus Dispatch FMN Schools
South San Antonio Independent School District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.125WQNX759 RM CC 2
TG 6000
SL 2
SSAISD PD-1 Police Dispatch DMR Law Dispatch
461.650WQUM790 RM 91.5 PL SSAISD PD-2 Police Tactical FMN Law Tac
453.350WQQQ898 RM CC 4
TG 16777184
SL 2
464.300WQUM790 RM 043 DPL SouthSanHS Ops High School Campus FMN Schools
Southside Independent School District
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Police are on this system
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.330WRHX526 RM CC 12
TG 200000
SL 1
SISD Buses Buses DMR Schools
153.560WPXW284 RM CC 2
TG 101
SL 1
SSISD School Ops School Ops DMR Schools
Southwest Independent School District
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Police are on this system
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.8875WQHK507 RM 423 DPL SWISD Sec SWISD Security Dispatch FMN Security
452.125WRDS497 RM CC 3
TG *
SL 1
SWISD Bus Disp D SWISD Bus Dispatch DMR Schools
453.0125WQHK507 RM 351 DPL SWISD Bus Disp A SWISD Bus Dispatch FMN Schools

Higher Education

Alamo College District
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Alamo Colleges Police are fully encrypted on this system
Our Lady of the Lake University
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Police are on this system
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.625KD4487 RM CC 11
TG 2
SL 1
OLLU PD-1 Disp Police Dispatch DMR Law Dispatch
463.625KD4487 RM CC 11
TG 2
SL 2
OLLU PD2 CampTac Police Ch. 2 Campus Tac DMR Law Tac
St. Mary's University
Saint Mary's University
LTR Standard
St. Mary's uses this system
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
St. Mary's Police use this system
Trinity University
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
Trinity University Public Safety uses this system
University of Texas - Health Science Center
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
UTHSC Police and Security use this system
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.100WQEN984 BM 77.0 PL UTHSC BG UTHSC Brady Green FMN Schools
453.200KNFL953 RM CC 10
TG 11000
SL 1
UTHSC TG 11000 UTHSC DMR Schools
453.200KNFL953 RM CC 10
TG 12000
SL 2
UTHSC TG 12000 UTHSC DMR Schools
453.5125WPUP339 RM CC 11
TG 13000
SL 1
UTHSC TG 13000 UTHSC DMR Schools
453.5125WPUP339 RM CC 11
TG 14000
SL 2
UTHSC TG 14000 UTHSC Maintenance DMR Schools
453.800KVR712 RM 162.2 PL UTHSC TAC-3 UTHSC Tactical 3 FMN Law Tac
453.925WQEN984 RM 114.8 PL UTHSC HOSP UTHSC Hospital FMN Schools
University of Texas - San Antonio
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
All UTSA public safety operates on this system
University of the Incarnate Word
Alamo Area Regional Radio System (AARRS)
Project 25 Phase II
UIW Police use this system
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.475WNZW437 RM 103.5 PL UIW Security Security FMN Security