Recreation and Attractions / Miscellaneous

Subcategory: Grants Farm (Grantwood Village)

Unique DB ID: 34441

Owned by the Busch family since 2021; located between Crestwood and Affton

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 38.55100 Longitude: -90.35300 Range: 0.5 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.3875WRWP828 RM CC 2
TG 10
SL 2
Grants Farm 10 Operations/Trams DMR Business
461.3875WRWP828 RM 346 DPL Grants Farm 1 Operations FMN Business
461.025WRWP828 RM 203.5 PL GF Trains/Trams Trains/Trams: Ops FMN Transportation
462.0875WPGA965 RM 203.5 PL Grants Farm 2 Trains/Maintenance (LP) [AB License] FMN Business
463.2625WPEE884 RM 173.8 PL Grants Farm 3 Tours (LP) [AB License] FMN Business
462.150WRWP828 RM Grants Farm 4 Security (not 203.5) FMN Security