Perry County / Perry County

Subcategory: Perry County E-911 / Sheriff

Unique DB ID: 29246
Dispatched by St Francois County Joint Communications - 911 Central Dispatch (SFC911) as of 1/14/25
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Sheriff and Perryville Police uses talkgroups 6101 - 6108. 6108 is Central Dispatch Law 1 (Dispatch) and 6103 Central Dispatch law 2 (backup)

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 37.71425 Longitude: -89.80499 Range: 20 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.430KSV781 RM 123.0 PL PerryMO Sheriff (BACKUP) Sheriff: Dispatch FMN Law Dispatch
158.760WPDJ635 BM 123.0 PL PerryMO EMA 1 Emergency Preparedness Teams FMN Emergency Ops
156.875 BM 136.5 PL PerryMO EMA 2 Emergency Management [no known license, may no longer be used] FMN Emergency Ops
154.010WPEM928 RM 123.0 PL PerryMO Fire E Fire: Dispatch - East FMN Fire Dispatch
155.160KUV653 BM 88.5 PL PerryMO EMS Perry County EMS: Dispatch FMN EMS Dispatch
453.550WNQN284 RM 136.5 PL PerryMO Highway Highway Maintenance [Expired 3/22] FMN Public Works