University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

System Name: University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
Location: Fayetteville, AR
County: Washington
System Type: NXDN NEXEDGE 4800
System Voice: NXDN Digital
System ID: HEX: 1a9 DEC: 425
Last Updated: December 1, 2024, 18:27 pm UTC   [Updated System Description Text]
System Notes

Parking is not part of the UAPD responsibility unless it involves illegal use of handicapped parking spaces or obstruction of traffic.
The Department of Parking and Transit handles parking enforcement and transit responsibilities.


Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Campus 453.100c453.250453.700460.375463.800453.500453.275451.475


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
101DPolice Patrol APolice: Patrol ALaw Tac
102DPolice Patrol BPolice: Patrol BLaw Tac
103DPolice Patrol CPolice: Patrol CLaw Tac
124DPolice Ops 124Police: OperationsLaw Tac
125DPolice Ops 125Police: OperationsLaw Tac
126DPolice EventsPolice: Event Assisting Agencies (not Razorback Stadium events)Law Tac
203DUnion OpsArkansas Union OperationsSchools
301DFacilities/MaintFacilities/Maintenance (Systemwide Interoperability)Schools
402DParking EnfrcmntParking Enforcement (non-UAPD)Schools
411DBus Ops 2Bus Ops 2Schools
412DVan OpsVan OpsSchools
601DCustodial/GuestCustodial/Guest ServicesSchools
701DGameDay A PatrolGame Day A (Patrol)Law Tac
702DGame Day B OpsGame Day B (Game Ops)Schools
703DGame Day C ACICGame Day C (ACIC/Records)Schools
705DGame Day EMSGame Day E (EMS)EMS-Tac
713DGame Day BusesGame Day BusesSchools
1208DEvent Tckts/AdmsEvent Tickets/AdmissionSchools