Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

System Name: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Location: Livermore, CA
County: 3 Counties
System Type: Motorola Type II SmartZone
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 5434 Connect Tone: 97.3
Last Updated: September 22, 2010, 18:02 pm UTC   [Added a new news entry]
System Notes

Most of the traffic will be heard on the main Livermore Lab site, 300 and LBL. Radio Site 3 is located at both Site 300 and rebroadcasted at DLA Tracy. The other sites are fill-in sites that restrict a lot of traffic; i.e., only important stuff like Security or FD will come over the Mount Diablo site though many LBL TG's do too. Crane Ridge is regularly active with traffic that's roamed off 300; it's located South of the Lab off N. Mines Road. Site 8 is/was located on the property of the Defense Distribution Depot (now DLA) San Joaquin in Lathrop.

LLNL Security is encrypted 98% of the time. Once and a while they'll intentionally go into the clear and do roll-calls, then go back to secure. Supposedly radios are rekeyed via OTAR. The OTAR frequency is unknown.

Private Call (aka I-Call) is used a lot by what sounds like Project Management people at the LLNL main site. ALCO Dispatch (located at the LLNL main site) typically MSEL's a bunch of groups in its dispatches (Usually 496, 560 and 1008) so make sure you have them all in if you are in ID Scan or Closed Mode. During normal business hours the Lab site is pretty busy but outside of that you'll probably hear/see just the facilities guys chasing alarms, FD, or Site Security.

This network has backup sites for Site 1 and 3. Since changes in communications management have occurred the sites are no longer cycled for redundacy testing.

There are a two fire stations on the Lab property; as of the ALCO contract agreement they are known as County Fire Station 20 and 21 (formerly 1 and 2 respectively). They can often be heard on ALCO Trunked TG Control 2 and Fire Tac 6 in addition to the Lab's Fire TGs. [If someone could provide more detailed unit numbering it would be helpful!]

DLA Tracy has a Federal Fire Station on-site. Their vehicle numbers are Chief 26-2, Engine 26-2, HAZMAT 26-2, Ladder 26-2 and Truck 26-2. DLA Sharpe is assigned Engine 26-3 and Truck 26-1. Both departments are dispatched via a DLA unified 911 comm center for on-depot operations or for off-depot operations thru LIFECOM on San Joaquin County Fire South channel. In the DB see San Joaquin County Fire, specifically South Dispatch and Command.

Useful Radio ID Ranges:
9xxx      Lab Fire Dispatch (aka ALCO Fire)
20xx      Lab Fire Portables
21xx      Lab Fire Portables
30xx      Lab Fire Mobiles
40xx      Lab Fire Base Radios (Station radios)

System Callsigns:
Badger or Bobcat - TG224 personnel
Charles - DLA PD Captains/shift commander
Eagle - unknown Site 300 personnel
India - Lab shuttles
Mike - Site 300 Police officers (no unit # is Dispatch)
Papa - DLA facility maintenance
Sam - DLA Sharpe Depot PD Officers
Sam Sam - DLA PD Sharpe shift Sgt's
Sierra - Lab Security and Escort personnel (no unit # is Dispatch)
Tango - Lawrence Berkeley Lab?
Tom - Tracy Depot PD Officers
Tom Sam - DLA PD Tracy shift Sgt's
Wahoo - Hazardous Control technicians (fire alarms, etc)
Whiskey - LLNL facility maintenance (no unit # is Dispatch)
Wild - unknown; heard on Site 300 TG 800
Xray - Site 300 facility maintenance (no unit # is Dispatch)

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
001 (1) Livermore Lab Alameda 406.1625c406.3625c406.5625c406.9875c407.5875407.950408.3625
006 (6) Lawrence Berkeley Lab Alameda 406.150c406.975c407.8625c408.1875c408.3875  
007 (7) Crane Ridge Alameda 407.3875c408.9625c     
005 (5) Mount Diablo Contra Costa 406.1125c406.500407.550c409.025410.350c  
003 (3) Site 300 & DLA Tracy San Joaquin 406.1875c406.7875c407.350c407.7875c408.550409.425409.6375


Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1376560DDLA01 EqpRprDLA CH1 - Equipment Support "NANA"Federal
1552610DDLA02 BinDLA CH2 - BinFederal
1392570DDLA03 BulkDLA CH3 - Bulk ProcessingFederal
14405a0DDLA04 CCPDLA CH04 - CCPFederal
14565b0DDLA05 DPTSPTDLA CH05 - Depot2Depot transfersFederal
1408580DDLA06 FacDLA CH6 - FacilitiesFederal
15205f0DDLA07 HazardDLA CH07 - Hazardous ProcessingFederal
14725c0DDLA08 ComSupDLA CH08 - Computer Support "Help Desk"Federal
1648670DDLA09 InvntyDLA CH9 - InventoryFederal
1872750DDLA10 VPoolDLA CH10 - Vehicle PoolFederal
1424590DDLA11 PacShpDLA CH11 - Packing & ShippingFederal
1600640DDLA12 RcvingDLA CH12 - ReceivingFederal
1568620DDLA13 SpeProDLA CH13 - Special ProjectsFederal
1536600DDLA14 InvSurDLA CH14 - Inventory SurveyFederal
1664680DDLA15GenCom1DLA CH15 - General Comm 1Federal
1888760DDLA16GenCom2DLA CH16 - General Comms 2Federal
352160DDLA 352Telecom?Federal
14885d0DDLA Shrp FDDLA Sharpe Fire Dispatch (Not used; see 1504)Federal
15045e0DDLA Tracy FDDLA Tracy Fire DispatchFederal
1616650DDLA PD ShrpeDLA Police Sharpe facility (Not used; see 1632)Federal
1632660DDLA PD TracyDLA Police Tracy facilityFederal
1840730DFIRE 7Fire 7 - DLA TrainingFederal
1856740DDLAPDTrcyTacDLA Police Tracy TacticalFederal
Lawrence Berkeley Lab (LBL)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1920780DLBL SecurityLBL Site SecurityFederal
1936790DLBL SEO 2LBL "SEO" (Systems Engineering Office?)Federal
19527a0DLBL 1952LBL 1952Federal
19687b0DLBL 1968LBL 1968 - Tango callsignsFederal
19847c0DLBL 1984LBL SecurityFederal
20007d0DLBL 2000LBL 2000Federal
20167e0DLBL 2016LBL 2016Federal
20327f0DLBL Fac 2032LBL ElectriciansFederal
2048800DLBL 2048LBL FacilitiesFederal
2064810DLBL Fac 2064LBL FacilitiesFederal
2080820DLBL Fac 2080LBL FacilitiesFederal
2096830DLBL 2096LBL FacilitiesFederal
2112840DLBL 2112LBL 2112Federal
2160870DLBL 2160LBL 2160Federal
22888f0DLBL 2288LBL 2288Federal
Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
128080DELab Sec ATGSecurity ATG - Sometimes UnencFederal
368170DLLNL VehMtceVehicle MaintenanceFederal
4481c0DLab ExcrszesHazardous ExcersizesFederal
4961f0DLab Fire 1Fire 1Federal
512200DLab Fire 2Fire 2Federal
528210DLab Fire 3Fire 3Federal
544220DLab Fire 4Fire 4Federal
560230DLab Fire 5Fire 5Federal
576240DLab Fire 6Fire 6Federal
640280DLLNL WhiskeyFacility alarms - Whiskey unitsFederal
6882b0DLLNL EscortsLLNL Site Escorts - Sierra unitsFederal
7042c0DLLNL PowerHigh KV ElectriciansFederal
7202d0DELab Sec DispLab Site Security DispatchFederal
7362e0DELab Sec TC1Lab Site Security Tac 1Federal
7522f0DELab Sec TC2Lab Site Security Tac 2Federal
784310DLLNL TelecomTelecom/Radio MaintenanceFederal
896380DELLNL Sec 896Lab Security TG 896Federal
912390DLLNL Sec 912LLNL Security relatedFederal
9603c0DLLNL ShttlesLab Shuttles - India UnitsFederal
10083f0DLab HCDHazardous Control - Wahoo unitsFederal
1168490DLab HCD 3Hazardous Control CH 3Federal
12644f0DLLNL PrjMgmtProject managers?Federal
1296510DLLNL 1296LLNL TG 1296Federal
1328530DLLNL 1328LLNL TG 1328Federal
1360550DLLNL 1360LLNL TG 1360Federal
16966a0DLLNL 1696LLNL TG 1696Federal
17126b0DLLNL IT 1712IT/ComputersFederal
17766f0D300 TG 1776Xray 33 calling 32Federal
1808710DLLNL 1808LLNL TG 1808Federal
Miscellaneous Agencies
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
17286c0DMuir NHSJohn Muir NHS - Martinez (Uses Diablo)Federal
2144860DDOE JGI SecJoint Genome Institute Security (Uses Diablo)Federal
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4641d0D300 TG 464Site 300 Admin (Ch 8)Federal
800320D300 GroundsSite 300 Property Access Control (Ch 10)Federal
16010D300 X 16300 Facilities - ElectricalFederal
32020D300 X 32300 Facilities - HVACFederal
64040D300 Sec TG64Used by 300 SecurityFederal
80050D300 SecuritySite 300 SecurityFederal
96060D300 TG 96Site 300 Security Tac?Federal
112070D300 TG 112Xray callsignsFederal
1760b0D300 RangeSite 300 Range OperationsFederal
2240e0D300 TG 224Site 300 soil/water quality assuranceFederal
4161a0D300 TG 416Talk of Explosives TransportFederal
832340D300 TG 832Xray callsignsFederal
9283a0D300 TG 928Conducting emergency drillsFederal
9923e0D300 RangeOpsSite 300 Range OpsFederal
1040410D300 OpsATGSite 300 Operations AnnouncementsFederal
1120460D300 TG 1120Environmental Health & Safety; "Team One Channel"Federal