Central Virginia Radio Communications System

System Name: Central Virginia Radio Communications System
Location: Various, VA
County: 4 Counties
System Type: Project 25 Phase II
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 00A WACN: 927C2
Last Updated: January 25, 2025, 16:46 pm UTC   [Updated 1 talkgroups for Other]

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name County Freqs
10 (A) 010 (A) Amherst County Simulcast Amherst 854.0875c856.9875c857.5375c857.9875c858.9875c859.9875c 
20 (14) 020 (14) Lynchburg City Simulcast Lynchburg 855.2125c855.4625c855.9625c856.4875c856.9375c857.4875c857.9375c
30 (1E) 030 (1E) Bedford County Simulcast Bedford 854.4875c855.2375c855.7125c856.2375c856.5375c856.7125c857.2375c
42 (2A) 042 (2A) Campbell County Simulcast Campbell 851.350c851.950c852.7375c853.0625c853.6625c  


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4001fa1DCVRCS Reg FireRegional Fire Mutual AidInterop
4002fa2DCVRCS Reg LawRegional Law Enforcement Mutual AidInterop
Amherst County Fire/EMS
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
110044cDAmherst F/E DispDispatchFire Dispatch
110144dDAmherst F/E Ops1Ops 1Fire-Tac
110244eDAmherst F/E Ops2Ops 2Fire-Tac
110344fDAmherst F/E Ops3Ops 3Fire-Tac
1104450DAmherst F/E Ops4Ops 4Fire-Tac
1109455DAmh F/E StwdEMSStatewide EMS PatchInterop
1111457DAmherstFirePageAmherst Fire PagingFire Dispatch
1113459DAmherstRescPageAmherst Rescue PagingEMS Dispatch
111545bDMonelisonFirePagMonelison Fire PagingFire Dispatch
111745dDMonelisonRescPagMonelison Rescue PagingEMS Dispatch
111945fDPedlarF/R PagingPedlar Fire/Rescue PagingFire Dispatch
Amherst County Sheriff
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10003e8DAmherst SO 1 SCh. 1 (South)Law Dispatch
10013e9DAmherst SO 2 NCh. 2 (North)Law Dispatch
10023eaDAmherst SO 3Ch. 3Law Tac
10033ebDAmherst SO 4Ch. 4Law Tac
10043ecDAmherst SO ACAnimal ControlLaw Tac
10053edDAmherst SO CourtCourt SecurityLaw Tac
10063eeDAmherst SO CrPrvCrime PreventionLaw Tac
10103f2DTwnAmherst PDTown of Amherst PoliceLaw Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3100c1cDLynchburg FD DspDispatchFire Dispatch
3101c1dDLynchburg FD FG1Fireground 1Fire-Tac
3102c1eDLynchburg FD FG2Fireground 2Fire-Tac
3103c1fDLynchburg FD FG3Fireground 3Fire-Tac
3104c20DLynchburg FD FG4Fireground 4Fire-Tac
3112c28DLynchburg GenHspLynchburg General HospitalHospital
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3201c81DELynchburg PD DspDispatchLaw Dispatch
3202c82DELynchburg PD TacTacLaw Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3020bccDLynchburg SO DspDispatchLaw Dispatch
3021bcdDLynchburg SO CtCourtLaw Tac
3022bceDLynchburg SO CnfConferenceLaw Tac
3023bcfDLynchburg SO SpvSupervisorsLaw Tac
3316cf4DLynchSO LRJDCLynchburg Regional Juvenile Detention CenterCorrections
Lynchburg City Services
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3031bd7DLynchburg MA 1Mutual Aid 1Interop
3032bd8DLynchburg MA 2Mutual Aid 2Interop
3300ce4DLynchburgRegApt2Lynchburg Regional Airport - Ops 2Public Works
3301ce5DLynchburgRegApt1Lynchburg Regional Airport - Ops 1Public Works
3303ce7DLynchburgBldg/GrBuildings and GroundsPublic Works
3305ce9DLynchburg RefuseRefusePublic Works
3306ceaDLynchburgStreetsStreetsPublic Works
3309cedDLynchburgFlaggerFlaggersPublic Works
3310ceeDLynchburg PW 1Public Works 1Public Works
3311cefDLynchburg PW 2Public Works 2Public Works
5530159aDGLTC Mnt/WreckerGreater Lynchburg Transit Company - Maintenance/WreckersTransportation
5531159bDGLTC OpsGreater Lynchburg Transit Company - OperationsTransportation
5532159cDGLTC 2Greater Lynchburg Transit Company - Ch. 2Transportation
5533159dDGLTC Spec EventsGreater Lynchburg Transit Company - Special EventsTransportation
5534159eDGLTC ParatrnsprtGreater Lynchburg Transit Company - Paratransport ServiceTransportation
554015a4DLynchburg WaterWater ResourcesPublic Works
554115a5DLynchburgWstwatrWastewater Public Works
554215a6DLynchburg UtilUtilitiesUtilities
Bedford County Fire/EMS
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2100834DBedford F/E 1Ch. 1Fire Dispatch
2102836DBedford F/E Ops2Ops 2Fire-Tac
2103837DBedford F/E Ops3Ops 3Fire-Tac
2104838DBedford F/E Ops4Ops 4Fire-Tac
2105839DBedford F/E Ops5Ops 5Fire-Tac
210683aDBedford F/E Ops6Ops 6Fire-Tac
210983dTBedford F/E LZ NLanding Zone Ops - NorthFire-Tac
211083eTBedford F/E LZ SLanding Zone Ops - SouthFire-Tac
211183fDBedford F/E Co 1Company 1 (Town of Bedford)Fire-Talk
2112840DBedford F/E Co 2Company 2 (Big Island)Fire-Talk
2113841DBedford F/E Co 3Company 3 (Boonsboro)Fire-Talk
2115843DBedford F/E Co 5Company 5 (Forest)Fire-Talk
2117845DBedford F/E Co 7Company 7 (Huddleston)Fire-Talk
2118846DBedford F/E Co 8Company 8 (Moneta)Fire-Talk
2119847DBedford F/E Co 9Company 9 (Montvale)Fire-Talk
2120848DBedford F/E Co10Company 10 (Saunders)Fire-Talk
2121849DBedford F/E Co11Company 11 (Smith Mountain Lake Marina)Fire-Talk
212284aDBedford F/E Co12Company 12 (Hardy)Fire-Talk
212384bDBedford F/E Co13Company 13 (Stewartsville-Chamblissburg)Fire-Talk
2129851DBedford F/E Co19Company 19Fire-Talk
214185dDBedford F/E Sq 1Squad 1 (Bedford Life Saving)Fire-Talk
214285eDBedford F/E Sq 2Squad 2 (Big Island)Fire-Talk
214385fDBedford F/E Sq 3Squad 3 (Boonsboro)Fire-Talk
2144860DBedford F/E Sq 4Squad 4 (Chamblisburg)Fire-Talk
2145861DBedford F/E Sq 5Squad 5 (Campbell County)Fire-Talk
2146862DBedford F/E Sq 6Squad 6 (Goode)Fire-Talk
2147863DBedford F/E Sq 7Squad 7 (Huddleston)Fire-Talk
2148864DBedford F/E Sq 8Squad 8 (Moneta)Fire-Talk
2149865DBedford F/E Sq 9Squad 9 (Montvale)Fire-Talk
Bedford County Sheriff
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
20007d0DBedford SO 1 DspSheriff 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
20047d4DBedford SO 2Sheriff 2Law Tac
20057d5DTwn Bedford PD 1Town of Bedford Police 1Law Dispatch
20067d6DTwn Bedford PD 2Town of Bedford Police 2Law Tac
20107daDBedford 911911Emergency Ops
20127dcDBedford SO Inv 1Investigations 1Law Tac
20147deDBedfordSO SpEvt1Special Event 1Law Tac
20157dfDBedfordSO SpEvt2Special Event 2Law Tac
20167e0DBedfordSO SpEvt3Special Event 3Law Tac
20177e1DBedford SO TRTTactical Response TeamLaw Tac
20187e2DBedford SO Vice1Vice 1Law Tac
20197e3DBedford SO Vice2Vice 2Law Tac
20207e4DBedfordSO CivilCivil ProcessLaw Tac
20217e5DBedfordSO CourtCourtLaw Tac
20227e6DBedfordSO SROSchool Resource OfficerLaw Tac
20237e7DBedfordSO ACAnimal ControlLaw Tac
Bedford County Services
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2201899DTwnBedford ElecTown of Bedford ElectricUtilities
220489cDTwnBedford PWTown of Bedford Public WorksPublic Works
220689eDBedford DumpDumpPublic Works
220789fDBedford Bldg MntBuilding MaintenancePublic Works
Bedford County Schools
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
22098a1DBedford SchoolsSchoolsSchools
Campbell County Fire/EMS
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60001770DCampbellF/E DspDispatchFire Dispatch
60011771DCampbellF/E Ops1Ops 1Fire-Tac
60021772DCampbellF/E Ops2Ops 2Fire-Tac
60031773DCampbellF/E Ops3Ops 3Fire-Tac
6010177aDCampbellF/E FG10Fireground 10 (Altavista)Fire-Tac
6011177bDCampbellF/E FG11Fireground 11 (Brookneal)Fire-Tac
6012177cDCampbellF/E FG12Fireground 12 (Brookville)Fire-Tac
6013177dDCampbellF/E FG13Fireground 13 (Concord)Fire-Tac
6014177eDCampbellF/E FG14Fireground 14 (Gladys)Fire-Tac
6015177fDCampbellF/E FG15Fireground 15 (Lyn-Dan Heights)Fire-Tac
60161780DCampbellF/E FG16Fireground 16 (Rustburg)Fire-Tac
60171781DCampbellF/E FG17Fireground 17 (Evington)Fire-Tac
Campbell County Sheriff
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
605117a3DCampbell SO 11Law Dispatch
Liberty University
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
557115c3DLibertyU PD DispPolice DispatchLaw Dispatch
557415c6DLibertyU PD Tac1Police Tac 1Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
5500157cDBRRJ 5500Blue Ridge Regional JailCorrections
55041580DBRRJ PatrolBlue Ridge Regional Jail - PatrolCorrections
55071583DBedford ADCBedford Adult Detention CenterCorrections
55201590DReg2000ServAuthRegion 2000 Services Authority (Landfill)Public Works
555515b3DCVCC SecCentral Virginia Community College - SecuritySecurity
555615b4DCVCC Ops 2Central Virginia Community College - Operations 2Schools
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
64001fa01DCVRCS RadTech 1Radio Technicians 1Public Works
64002fa02DCVRCS RadTech 2Radio Technicians 2Public Works
64003fa03DCVRCS RadTech 3Radio Technicians 3Public Works