Grundy County Public Safety

System Name: Grundy County Public Safety
Location: Grundy County, IL
County: Grundy
System Type: Motorola Type II Smartnet
System Voice: Analog
System ID: Sysid: 7B1C Connect Tone: 90.00
Last Updated: January 23, 2025, 02:24 am UTC   [Updated General System Details]
System Notes

Important Information:
Grundy County TRS was using the Motorola Shuffled Band Plan, BUT IS NOT CURRENTLY.  The Grundy County TRS has at least temporarily turned of the "motorola shuffle band plan" for testing. It may be off for a few months [this reported January 2013].  See this wiki article for further instructions if/when the shuffled band plan is reinstated.

8/11 FCC Modification
*WQJZ345 adding 854.3625, 854.0625 Repeaters at all simulcast locations; also adding new location at Dwight

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Simulcast 851.825852.1875852.6625c853.0875c853.6625c854.1625854.2375
011 (B) Morris 854.1625854.2375     
012 (C) Minooka/Dwight 854.2375      
013 (D) Gardner 854.5375      
014 (E) Morris 9 854.3625      
015 (F) Morris 10 854.7125      


Mutual Aid / Intersystem
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
816330AEMAAuxillaryEMA Auxillary [AUX / EMA]Emergency Ops
12004b0AISPERN PatchISPERN Patch (155.475)Law Talk
1296510AEMA/Mrrs EMSEmergency Management Agency / Morris Ambulance [ESDA / EMA]Emergency Ops
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
17446d0AFire/EMS PGFire/EMS: County Paging (Simulcast of 154.055)Fire Dispatch
17766f0AFire NorthFire/EMS: North (Simulcast of 151.37) (Linked to SC21 Fire 1)Fire-Tac
1808710AFire SouthFire/EMS: South (Simulcast of 151.235) (Linked to SC21 Fire 2)Fire-Tac
Sheriff's Department
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1760b0ASpecialEventSheriff: Special Events [SPECIAL EVENTS]Law Tac
2080d0AShrf AllCallSheriff: All Call (Countywide) [ALL TALK]Law Tac
2400f0ASheriff DispSheriff: Dispatch (w/ Minooka, Coal City, Mazon) [SHERIFF DISPATCH]Law Dispatch
272110AShrf TrafficSheriff: Traffic Enforcement [SHF.TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT]Law Tac
912390ASD TacticalSheriff: Tactical [SHERIFF TACTICAL]Law Tac
1136470ASheriff-JailJail OpsCorrections
1328530A911 Back-Up911 Back Up [911 BACK-UP]Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4321b0AMinooka PD2?Minooka Police - F2?Law Talk
4961f0AMinooka PD1Minooka Police - Dispatch F1 [MINOOKA POLICE]Law Dispatch
656290ACoalCity PDCoal City Police [COAL CITY POLICE]Law Dispatch
9603c0AMorris TacMorris Tactical [TACTICAL]Law Tac
9763d0AMorris PDMorris Dispatch [MORRIS POLICE]Law Dispatch
Government / Miscellaneous

More info about possible users of these talkgroups may be found here.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1168490ARadio TechsRadio TechsBusiness
12644f0AGE 170 OpsGE 170 (GE Nuclear Waste Storage)Utilities
1936790AOps 1Ops 1 [OPS.- 1]Public Works
19687b0AOps 2Ops 2 [OPS.- 2]Public Works
20007d0AOps 3Ops 3 [OPS.- 3]Public Works
20327f0AWork 1Work 1 [WORK - 1]Public Works
2064810AWork 2Work 2 [WORK - 2] South Public WorksPublic Works
2096830AWork 3Work 3 [WORK - 3]Public Works
22568d0AWauponseTwp Wauponsee Township or Central Grundy - Public Works / Snow PlowsPublic Works
22888f0ADispPW CommnGrundy Dispatch and Public Works: CommonPublic Works
2320910AS Twp PubWksSouthern Townships - Snow Plows / Public WorksPublic Works
2352930AN Twp PubWksNorthern Townships - Snow Plows / Public Works (Nettle Creek, AuxSable, Saratoga Twps)Public Works
2384950AC Twp PubWksGooselak Twp or Felix Twp or Central Grundy Public WorksPublic Works
2416970AGoodfarm TwpPossibly Goodfarm Township? / Grundy South Public Works?Public Works
2448990AMorris PublicWrkMorris Public WorksPublic Works