System Name: University of Michigan
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
County: Washtenaw
System Type: Motorola Type II Smartnet
System Voice: Analog
System ID: Sysid: 0F22 Connect Tone: 138.46
Last Updated: August 26, 2021, 01:31 am UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]
System Notes

This legacy Type-II TRS will be phased out-of-service by the end of spring of 2021. Currently, the U of M and Motorola are implementing a new P25 digital TRS that will replace this TRS in a few months. When the cutover is completed, this system will be permanently deactivated.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Simulcast 854.2125854.2625854.7625855.0375c855.2625855.5375855.6125855.7125c


Emergency/Mutual Aid
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
61456f010ADPSS Access 1DPSS Access 1 (Mutual Aid)Interop
61488f030ADPSS Access 2DPSS Access 2Interop
57360e010AFire/Med 1Fire/Medical 1Multi-Tac
57392e030AFire/Med 2Fire/Medical 2Multi-Tac
57424e050ASURVFLIGHTSurvival Flight DispatchEMS Dispatch
Division of Public Safety and Security
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
61520f050ADPSS PrimaryDPSS DispatchLaw Dispatch
61552f070ADPSS LEINL.E.I.N.Law Talk
61584f090ADPSS Car/CarCar-to-CarLaw Talk
61616f0b0ADPSS Event 1Event 1Multi-Tac
61648f0d0ADPSS Event 2Event 2Multi-Tac
61680f0f0ADPSS Event 3Event 3Multi-Tac
61712f110ADPSS Event 4Event 4Multi-Tac
61744f130ADPSS Tac 1Tac-1Law Tac
61776f150ADPSS Tac 2Tac-2Law Tac
63216f6f0ADPSS - MaintDPS-to-Maintenance: Central & North CampusesMulti-Talk
64944fdb0AHosp Sec 1Hospitals Security 1Security
64976fdd0AHosp Sec 2Hospitals Security 2Security
57520e0b0AMPSCS Patch1Patch to MPSCSLaw Talk
57552e0d0AAAPD PatchPatch to AAPD on the MPSCSLaw Talk
Washtenaw County Fallback
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
59648e900AALT-1Ypsi City / Milan / Pittsfield Twp. DPS.Multi-Dispatch
62832f570ABK-1PS CallInterop
62864f590ABK-2Ann Arbor FDFire Dispatch
62896f5b0ABK-3Sheriff / Central DispatchLaw Dispatch
62928f5d0ABK-4Milan / SalineMulti-Dispatch
62960f5f0ABK-5Forensic Center / U.S. MarshalsMulti-Talk
62992f610ABK-6AA Govt. / County Govt.Multi-Talk
63024f630ABK-7EOC / County ParksEmergency Ops
63056f650ABK-8HVA / County FireEMS Dispatch
63088f670ABK-9Road CommissionPublic Works
63120f690ABK-10MOSCAD / INTRACData
63152f6b0ABK-11Ypsi City/ EMU/ WCCMulti-Dispatch
63184f6d0ABK-12Pittsfield Twp. DPSMulti-Dispatch
63216f6f0ABK-13Ann Arbor PDLaw Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
61968f210AAir CondAir Conditioning (A-16)Public Works
62288f350AAir CondAir Conditioning Trouble (B-16)Public Works
62512f430ABuildingSvcsBuilding Services (A-6)Public Works
63728f8f0ACarpenterCarpenter Shop (A-5)Public Works
62160f2d0AConstructionConstruction Service Dispatch (B-15)Public Works
61936f1f0AConstructionConstruction Services (A-15Public Works
62192f2f0AElectricElectric Trouble (C-10)Public Works
62032f250AElevator RepElevator Repair (B-9)Public Works
61808f170AElevator 1Elevator Shop 1 (A-9)Public Works
61840f190AElevator 2Elevator Shop 2 (A-10)Public Works
62320f370AEvent 1Event 1 (B-1)Public Works
62352f390AEvent 2Event 2 (B-2)Public Works
62384f3b0AEvent 3Event 3 (B-3)Public Works
62064f270AFire ProtectFire Protection Shop (B-10)Public Works
63632f890AGround/WasteGrounds/Waste Management (B-6)Public Works
63856f970AHospital M/AHospital - Mutual Aid (C-1)Public Works
64080fa50AHosp Area 1Hospital Area 1 (C-4)Public Works
64112fa70AHosp Area 2Hospital Area 2 (C-5)Public Works
64144fa90AHosp Area 5Hospital Area 5 (C-6)Public Works
64176fab0AHosp ElecHospital Electric (C-7)Public Works
64208fad0AHosp HVACHospital HVAC (C-8)Public Works
64048fa30AHosp PlumbHospital Plumbing (C-3)Public Works
64016fa10AHosp/ENWAHHospital/ENWAH (C-2)Public Works
63600f870AKey/ClosureKey/Closure Shop (B-5)Public Works
62096f290AMillwrightsMillwrights (B-11)Public Works
62672f4d0AMOSCAD DataMOSCAD - Fire & Burglar alarms (DATA)Data
63664f8b0AMoving/TruckMoving & Trucking (B-7)Public Works
64304fb30ANot AssignedNot Assigned (C-9)Public Works
63792f930AOSEHOSEH - Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (A-3)Public Works
62480f410AParkingParking (A-7)Public Works
63824f950APhys PlantPhysical Plant - Mutual Aid (A-2)Public Works
62000f230APlumbingPlumbing (A-13)Public Works
64272fb10APlumbingPlumbing Trouble (B-13)Public Works
63760f910APower HousePower House (A-8)Public Works
64432fbb0AWorkRequestsRepair/Work Requests (C-13)Public Works
62224f310ARoof/MillRoof/Mill Trouble (C-11)Public Works
61872f1b0ARoofingRoofing (A-11)Public Works
61904f1d0ASheetmetalSheetmetal (A-12)Public Works
62256f330ASheetmetalSheetmetal Trouble (C-12)Public Works
62416f3d0ATransport 1Transportation 1 (C) (A-4)Public Works
62448f3f0ATransport 2Transportation 2 (D) (B-4)Public Works
63696f8d0ATunnelsTunnels (B-8)Public Works
64400fb90AUnid C-?Unid (C-?)Public Works
64336fb50AVacant C-15Vacant (C-15)Public Works
64368fb70AVacant C-16Vacant (C-16)Public Works
62128f2b0AWeldingWelding (B-12)Public Works
63952f9d0AWork ControlWork Control/POS (C-14)Public Works
63888f990AZone MaintZone Maintenance (A-14)Public Works
63920f9b0AZone TroubleZone Trouble (B-14)Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
62544f450AOSHA 1OSHA 1Federal
62576f470AOSHA 2OSHA 2Federal
University Services
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
62608f490AMail ServiceMail ServicesSchools
62640f4b0AIT Comm 1IT Comm 1Schools
62704f4f0AMed SciencesMedical SciencesSchools
62736f510AAthletic 1Athletic 1Schools
62768f530AAthletic 2Athletic 2Schools
62800f550AMedia UnionMedia UnionSchools
63472f7f0AArbor LakesArbor Lakes Security SupervisorsSchools
63504f810ATelecom 1Telecommunications 1Schools
63536f830ATelecom 2Telecommunications 2Schools
63568f850AComp Svcs 1Computer Services 1Schools