System Name: Greater Sudbury
Location: Sudbury, ON
County: Sudbury District
System Type: Project 25 Phase I
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 001 WACN: 8A22D
Last Updated: March 6, 2024, 01:25 am UTC   [Changed Talkgroup Category: Fire to Fire]
System Notes

 confirmed but unidentified talkgroups in the Wiki

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name Freqs
1 (1) 001 (1) Sudbury West 866.0375c866.2875c866.775c867.275c867.7875c868.050c868.3625c868.8875c
2 (2) 002 (2) Site 2 867.2375c868.250c868.625c     
3 (3) 003 (3) Site 3 866.0875c866.725c866.975c867.2375c867.7375c867.9875c868.250c868.625c
4 (4) 004 (4) Site 4 867.9375c868.500868.775c     
5 (5) 005 (5) Dowling? 867.5875867.9375867.9625868.325c868.5875c868.850868.850 
6 (6) 006 (6) Chelmsford? 867.3625867.5375867.8625868.5375c868.8125   
7 (7) 007 (7) Hanmer? 866.200c866.450c866.700c867.200c867.6875c868.1875c868.6875c868.950c
8 (8) 008 (8) Site 8 866.350c866.6125c866.8625867.125c868.0375   
9 (9) 009 (9) Site 9 866.1125866.4875c867.375c867.625c867.875   
10 (A) 010 (A) Garson 866.550c866.8125867.0625867.3125c867.5625c867.825c868.0875c868.400c
11 (B) 011 (B) Site 11 (Wahnapitae?) 866.6625c866.9125c867.1625c867.4125c867.6625c867.6875c867.9125c868.1625c
12 (C) 012 (C) Sudbury South 866.1625c866.4125c867.0375c867.4875c868.2125c868.4625c868.725c868.9875c
17 (11) 017 (11) Site 17 769.95625c       


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2160d8DEGSPSDispatch 1 - RegionalLaw Dispatch
2240e0DEGSPSDispatch 2 - Urban Law Dispatch
2020caDEGSPS 202GSPS 202Law Talk
2060ceDEGSPS 206GSPS 206Law Talk
2090d1DEGSPS 209GSPS 209Law Talk
2100d2DEGSPS 210GSPS 210Law Talk

For a list of all stations and apparatus, please visit

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
321141DEALL CALL Pager ALL CALL Pager TestFire Dispatch
30012cDEInterop 1Interop 1 - City FireInterop
402192DEInterop 2Interop 2 - Regional FireInterop
375177DEStn5 CopperCliffStation 5 Copper Cliff PagingFire Dispatch
376178DEStn 6 LiivelyStation 6 Lively PagingFire Dispatch
377179DEStn 7 LivelyStation 7 Lively PagingFire Dispatch
37817aDEStn 8/9 WF&BLStations 8-9 Whitefish and Beaver Lake PagingFire Dispatch
360168DStn 10 AzildaStation 10 Azilda PagingFire Dispatch
361169DEStn11Chelmsford Station 11 Chelmsford PagingFire Dispatch
36216aDEStn 12 Dowling Station 12 Dowling PagingFire Dispatch
36316bDEStn 14 LevackStation 14 Levack PagingFire Dispatch
36516dDEStn 15 Val CaronStation 15 Val Caron PagingFire Dispatch
36616eDStn16ValTherese Station 16 Val Therese PagingFire Dispatch
36716fDStn 17 Hamner Station 17 Hanmer PagingFire Dispatch
368170DEStn 18 CapreolStation 18 Capreol PagingFire Dispatch
369171DEStn 20 GarsonStation 20 Garson PagingFire Dispatch
370172DEStn 21 FalconStation 21 Falconbridge PagingFire Dispatch
371173DEStn 22 SkeadStation 22 Skead PagingFire Dispatch
372174DEStn 23 ConistonStation 23 Coniston PagingFire Dispatch
373175DEStn 24 WahnapitStation 24 Wahnapitae PagingFire Dispatch
374176DEStn 25 Red DeerStation 25 Red Deer PagingFire Dispatch
30312fDECity DispatchStations 1-4 City Operations Fire Dispatch
31413aDERegionalDispatchStations 5-25 Regional Operations Fire Dispatch
401191DEFD TAC CityTAC - CityFire-Tac
304130DEFD TAC 1TAC 1Fire-Tac
305131DEFD TAC 2TAC 2Fire-Tac
306132DEFD TAC 3TAC 3Fire-Tac
307133DEFD TAC 4TAC 4Fire-Talk
308134DEFD TAC 5TAC 5Fire-Tac
309135DEFD TAC 6TAC 6Fire-Talk
340154DELock BoxLock Box ActivationData
Municipal Services
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
600258DBy-lawBy-law OfficersLaw Talk
601259DBy-lawBy-law OfficersLaw Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
5031f7DGST OpsOperationsTransportation
5041f8DTransitSudbury TransitTransportation
5051f9DHandi LiftHandi Lift BusTransportation
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2010c9DCOPCitizens On PatrolSecurity