System Name: Glendale Public Safety
Location: Glendale, AZ
County: Maricopa
System Type: Project 25 Phase I
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 141 WACN: BEE00
Last Updated: February 12, 2012, 15:06 pm UTC   [General text description updated]
System Notes

System is no longer online as of February 2012.

Avondale and Glendale have moved to the Regional Wireless Cooperative system.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name Freqs
1 (1) 001 (1) Simulcast 856.4375856.7125857.4375857.7125858.4375858.7125859.4375c859.7125c


Glendale Emergency Operations
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
901385DGlendale EOCEmergency Operations CenterEmergency Ops
Glendale Municipal Airport
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
801321DTOWER/GNDTower with Ground PersonnelAircraft

Police Special Events, SAU & Detectives use ANY of the Alternate talkgroups with the exception of channels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 16. (These are typically utilized as assigned).

South Districts 20 & 30 are on channel 1.  North Districts 40 & 50 are on channel 4.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
30112dDGPD 1 S DISPCh. 1 - South DispatchLaw Dispatch
30312fDGPD 2 S TACCh. 2 - South TAC/IncidentsLaw Tac
305131DGPD 3 INFOCh. 3 - InformationLaw Tac
307133DGPD 4 N DISPCh. 4 - North DispatchLaw Dispatch
309135DGPD 5 N TACCh. 5 - North TAC/IncidentsLaw Tac
311137DGPD 6 C2CCh. 6 Car-to-CarLaw Talk
313139DGPD 7 TOUCh. 7 TOU (SWAT)Law Tac
31513bDGPD 8 AltCh. 8 AlternateLaw Tac
31713dDGPD 9 AltCh. 9 AlternateLaw Tac
31913fDGPD 10 AltCh. 10 AlternateLaw Tac
339153DGPD 10A AltCh.10A Alternate (used during Fiesta Bowl)Law Tac
325145DGPD 11 AltCh. 11 AlternateLaw Tac
340154DGPD 11A AltCh. 11A AlternateLaw Tac
329149DGPD 12 AltCh. 12 AlternateLaw Tac
327147DGPD 13 AltCh. 13 AlternateLaw Tac
10013e9DGPD 14A IACh. 14A Interagency (Specifically during NFL Events)Law Tac
321141DGPD 15 AltCh. 15 AlternateLaw Tac
323143DGPD 16 AltCh. 16 Alternate (Arena Traffic Control)Law Tac
616268DGPD HS FballPD at High School Football GameLaw Tac
33114bDEGPD Unk APD TacticalLaw Tac
33214cDEGPD Unk BPD TacticalLaw Tac
33314dDEGPD Unk CPD TacticalLaw Tac
33414eDEGPD Unk DPD TacticalLaw Tac
354162DEGPD Unk EPD TacticalLaw Tac
355163DEGPD Unk FPD TacticalLaw Tac
356164DEGPD Unk GPD TacticalLaw Tac
357165DEGPD Unk HPD TacticalLaw Tac
358166DEGPD Unk IPD TacticalLaw Tac
359167DEGPD Unk JPD TacticalLaw Tac
360168DEGPD Unk KPD TacticalLaw Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
5011f5DWATER TREATWater TreatmentPublic Works
5031f7DWATER DISTROWater DistributionPublic Works
5051f9DBLD/FAC MNTBuilding Maintenance/Facilities ManagementPublic Works
5071fbDSTREETSStreets/Right of Way/Traffic SignalsPublic Works
513201DSANITATIONSanitationPublic Works
515203DPARKS & RECParks and RecreationOther
601259DEMERG MGNTEmergency ManagementEmergency Ops
7012bdDDialARide ADial A RideTransportation
7032bfDDialARide BDial A RideTransportation
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
353161DAvondale PDAvondale PDLaw Dispatch