Bucks County Public Safety Radio Network

System Name: Bucks County Public Safety Radio Network
Location: Bucks County, PA
County: Bucks
System Type: Project 25 Phase II
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 4D3 WACN: BEE00
Last Updated: March 14, 2025, 23:48 pm UTC   [Changed Talkgroup Category: Interop to Interoperability]
System Notes

 Tower site locations include: Bensalem, Bridgeton, Buckingham, Buckwampum, Fairhill, Falls, Flint Hill, Frenchtown, Holland, I-95, Ivyland, Lower Makefield, Lower Southampton, Milford, New Britain, New Hope, Newtown, Thiokol, Thorpe, and West Rockhill. 

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name Freqs
1 (1) 001 (1) Simulcast 769.25625769.50625770.55625770.80625771.68125771.98125772.33125772.65625


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3001eTBC TAC-1Countywide Tactical 1Multi-Tac
3101fTBC TAC-2Countywide Tactical 2Multi-Tac
32020TBC TAC-3Countywide Tactical 3Multi-Tac
33021TBC TAC-4Countywide Tactical 4Multi-Tac
105052909TEBC STAC-5Countywide Secure Tactical 5Multi-Tac
10506290aTEBC STAC-6Countywide Secure Tactical 6Multi-Tac
10507290bTEBC STAC-7Countywide Secure Tactical 7Multi-Tac
10508290cTEBC STAC-8Countywide Secure Tactical 8Multi-Tac
106012969TELBucks SchoolsLower Bucks Schools LE InteropInterop
10602296aTEMBucks SchoolsMiddle Bucks Schools LE InteropInterop
10603296bTEUBucks SchoolsUpper Bucks Schools LE InteropInterop
276046bd4TTurnpike Dist 4PA Turnpike District 4 InteropInterop

Primary dispatches for all county Fire and EMS agencies are sent via two-tone voice pagers on 155.550 MHz, CTCSS 123.0, NFM.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4302bTFD/EMS DispCountywide Fire and EMS DispatchFire Dispatch
1500fTFD NorthFire North - ResponseFire-Tac
4502dTFD North OpsFire North - OperationsFire-Tac
17011TFD SouthFire South - ResponseFire-Tac
4702fTFD South OpsFire South - OperationsFire-Tac
16010TFD EastFire East - ResponseFire-Tac
4602eTFD East OpsFire East - OperationsFire-Tac
18012TFD CentrlFire Central - ResponseFire-Tac
48030TFD Centrl OpsFire Central - OperationsFire-Tac
19013TFD EmergencyFire EmergencyFire-Tac
22016TSpecial OpsBucks Co Special OpsFire-Tac
20014TFD North FPFire Police NorthFire-Tac
21015TFD South FPFire Police SouthFire-Tac
23017TEMS NorthEMS North - ResponseEMS-Tac
24018TEMS SouthEMS South - ResponseEMS-Tac
25019TEMS HospitalEMS Hospital NotificationsEMS-Tac
66042TDoyestown ERDoylestown Hospital ERHospital
67043TGrand View ERGrand View Hospital ERHospital
68044TJeff Bucks ERJefferson Bucks Hospital ERHospital
69045TJeff Torres ERJefferson Torresdale Hospital ERHospital
70046TLwr Bucks ERLower Bucks Hospital ERHospital
71047TSt Lukes ERSt. Luke's Hospital ERHospital
72048TSt Marys ERSt. Mary's Hospital ERHospital
201134e91TFP Ops 1Fire Police Ops 1Fire-Tac
201334ea5TFP Ops 2Fire Police Ops 2Fire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2002TEPD Zone 1Police Zone 1 - Bristol AreaLaw Dispatch
3003TEPD Zone 2Police Zone 2 - Falls AreaLaw Dispatch
4004TEPD Zone 3Police Zone 3 - Middletown AreaLaw Dispatch
5005TEPD Zone 4Police Zone 4 - Northampton AreaLaw Dispatch
6006TEPD Zone 5Police Zone 5 - Newtown AreaLaw Dispatch
7007TEPD Zone 6Police Zone 6 - Central AreaLaw Dispatch
8008TEPD Zone 7Police Zone 7 - Northern AreaLaw Dispatch
9009TEPD Zone 8Police Zone 8 - Bensalem AreaLaw Dispatch
1000aTEPD Zone 9Police Zone 9 - Warminster AreaLaw Dispatch
1100bTEPD CntywidePolice CountywideLaw Talk
1200cTEBC SecurityCourthouse SecuritySecurity
4202aTBC PrisonCounty PrisonCorrections
1300dTEPD DataPolice Data (Lookups)Law Talk
1400eTEBC DetectiveCounty DetectivesLaw Talk
2601aTEBC ERT-1Countywide Emergency Response Team 1Law Tac
2701bTEBC ERT-2Countywide Emergency Response Team 2Law Tac
2801cTEBC ERT-3Countywide Emergency Response Team 3Law Tac
2901dTEBC ERT-4Countywide Emergency Response Team 4Law Tac
35023TEPD Ops 1Police OPS-1 (Zone 1)Law Tac
36024TEPD Ops 2Police OPS-2 (Zone 2)Law Tac
37025TEPD Ops 3Police OPS-3 (Zone 3)Law Tac
38026TEPD Ops 4Police OPS-4 (Zone 4)Law Tac
39027TEPD Ops 5Police OPS-5 (Zone 5)Law Tac
40028TEPD Ops 6Police OPS-6 (Zone 6)Law Tac
41029TEPD Ops 7Police OPS-7 (Zone 7)Law Tac
5803aTEPD Ops 8Police OPS-8 (Zone 8)Law Tac
5903bTEPD Ops 9Police OPS-9 (Zone 9)Law Tac
Dept of Emergency Communications
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1001TBC CommTechRadio Communication TechniciansPublic Works
4402cTProgrammingOver-The-Air ProgramingData
49031TEBC CommTech2Radio Communication Technicians 2Public Works