Bucks County Public Safety Radio Network
System Name: | Bucks County Public Safety Radio Network |
Location: | Bucks County, PA |
County: | Bucks |
System Type: | Project 25 Phase II |
System Voice: | APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive |
System ID: | Sysid: 4D3 WACN: BEE00 |
Last Updated: | March 14, 2025, 23:48 pm UTC [Changed Talkgroup Category: Interop to Interoperability] |
System Notes
Tower site locations include: Bensalem, Bridgeton, Buckingham, Buckwampum, Fairhill, Falls, Flint Hill, Frenchtown, Holland, I-95, Ivyland, Lower Makefield, Lower Southampton, Milford, New Britain, New Hope, Newtown, Thiokol, Thorpe, and West Rockhill.
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
30 | 01e | T | BC TAC-1 | Countywide Tactical 1 | Multi-Tac |
31 | 01f | T | BC TAC-2 | Countywide Tactical 2 | Multi-Tac |
32 | 020 | T | BC TAC-3 | Countywide Tactical 3 | Multi-Tac |
33 | 021 | T | BC TAC-4 | Countywide Tactical 4 | Multi-Tac |
10505 | 2909 | TE | BC STAC-5 | Countywide Secure Tactical 5 | Multi-Tac |
10506 | 290a | TE | BC STAC-6 | Countywide Secure Tactical 6 | Multi-Tac |
10507 | 290b | TE | BC STAC-7 | Countywide Secure Tactical 7 | Multi-Tac |
10508 | 290c | TE | BC STAC-8 | Countywide Secure Tactical 8 | Multi-Tac |
10601 | 2969 | TE | LBucks Schools | Lower Bucks Schools LE Interop | Interop |
10602 | 296a | TE | MBucks Schools | Middle Bucks Schools LE Interop | Interop |
10603 | 296b | TE | UBucks Schools | Upper Bucks Schools LE Interop | Interop |
27604 | 6bd4 | T | Turnpike Dist 4 | PA Turnpike District 4 Interop | Interop |
Primary dispatches for all county Fire and EMS agencies are sent via two-tone voice pagers on 155.550 MHz, CTCSS 123.0, NFM.
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
43 | 02b | T | FD/EMS Disp | Countywide Fire and EMS Dispatch | Fire Dispatch |
15 | 00f | T | FD North | Fire North - Response | Fire-Tac |
45 | 02d | T | FD North Ops | Fire North - Operations | Fire-Tac |
17 | 011 | T | FD South | Fire South - Response | Fire-Tac |
47 | 02f | T | FD South Ops | Fire South - Operations | Fire-Tac |
16 | 010 | T | FD East | Fire East - Response | Fire-Tac |
46 | 02e | T | FD East Ops | Fire East - Operations | Fire-Tac |
18 | 012 | T | FD Centrl | Fire Central - Response | Fire-Tac |
48 | 030 | T | FD Centrl Ops | Fire Central - Operations | Fire-Tac |
19 | 013 | T | FD Emergency | Fire Emergency | Fire-Tac |
22 | 016 | T | Special Ops | Bucks Co Special Ops | Fire-Tac |
20 | 014 | T | FD North FP | Fire Police North | Fire-Tac |
21 | 015 | T | FD South FP | Fire Police South | Fire-Tac |
23 | 017 | T | EMS North | EMS North - Response | EMS-Tac |
24 | 018 | T | EMS South | EMS South - Response | EMS-Tac |
25 | 019 | T | EMS Hospital | EMS Hospital Notifications | EMS-Tac |
66 | 042 | T | Doyestown ER | Doylestown Hospital ER | Hospital |
67 | 043 | T | Grand View ER | Grand View Hospital ER | Hospital |
68 | 044 | T | Jeff Bucks ER | Jefferson Bucks Hospital ER | Hospital |
69 | 045 | T | Jeff Torres ER | Jefferson Torresdale Hospital ER | Hospital |
70 | 046 | T | Lwr Bucks ER | Lower Bucks Hospital ER | Hospital |
71 | 047 | T | St Lukes ER | St. Luke's Hospital ER | Hospital |
72 | 048 | T | St Marys ER | St. Mary's Hospital ER | Hospital |
20113 | 4e91 | T | FP Ops 1 | Fire Police Ops 1 | Fire-Tac |
20133 | 4ea5 | T | FP Ops 2 | Fire Police Ops 2 | Fire-Tac |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
2 | 002 | TE | PD Zone 1 | Police Zone 1 - Bristol Area | Law Dispatch |
3 | 003 | TE | PD Zone 2 | Police Zone 2 - Falls Area | Law Dispatch |
4 | 004 | TE | PD Zone 3 | Police Zone 3 - Middletown Area | Law Dispatch |
5 | 005 | TE | PD Zone 4 | Police Zone 4 - Northampton Area | Law Dispatch |
6 | 006 | TE | PD Zone 5 | Police Zone 5 - Newtown Area | Law Dispatch |
7 | 007 | TE | PD Zone 6 | Police Zone 6 - Central Area | Law Dispatch |
8 | 008 | TE | PD Zone 7 | Police Zone 7 - Northern Area | Law Dispatch |
9 | 009 | TE | PD Zone 8 | Police Zone 8 - Bensalem Area | Law Dispatch |
10 | 00a | TE | PD Zone 9 | Police Zone 9 - Warminster Area | Law Dispatch |
11 | 00b | TE | PD Cntywide | Police Countywide | Law Talk |
12 | 00c | TE | BC Security | Courthouse Security | Security |
42 | 02a | T | BC Prison | County Prison | Corrections |
13 | 00d | TE | PD Data | Police Data (Lookups) | Law Talk |
14 | 00e | TE | BC Detective | County Detectives | Law Talk |
26 | 01a | TE | BC ERT-1 | Countywide Emergency Response Team 1 | Law Tac |
27 | 01b | TE | BC ERT-2 | Countywide Emergency Response Team 2 | Law Tac |
28 | 01c | TE | BC ERT-3 | Countywide Emergency Response Team 3 | Law Tac |
29 | 01d | TE | BC ERT-4 | Countywide Emergency Response Team 4 | Law Tac |
35 | 023 | TE | PD Ops 1 | Police OPS-1 (Zone 1) | Law Tac |
36 | 024 | TE | PD Ops 2 | Police OPS-2 (Zone 2) | Law Tac |
37 | 025 | TE | PD Ops 3 | Police OPS-3 (Zone 3) | Law Tac |
38 | 026 | TE | PD Ops 4 | Police OPS-4 (Zone 4) | Law Tac |
39 | 027 | TE | PD Ops 5 | Police OPS-5 (Zone 5) | Law Tac |
40 | 028 | TE | PD Ops 6 | Police OPS-6 (Zone 6) | Law Tac |
41 | 029 | TE | PD Ops 7 | Police OPS-7 (Zone 7) | Law Tac |
58 | 03a | TE | PD Ops 8 | Police OPS-8 (Zone 8) | Law Tac |
59 | 03b | TE | PD Ops 9 | Police OPS-9 (Zone 9) | Law Tac |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
1 | 001 | T | BC CommTech | Radio Communication Technicians | Public Works |
44 | 02c | T | Programming | Over-The-Air Programing | Data |
49 | 031 | TE | BC CommTech2 | Radio Communication Technicians 2 | Public Works |