Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) OpenSky

System Name: Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) OpenSky
Location: Various, TX
County: 39 Counties
System Type: OpenSky 4800 baud
System Voice: TDMA Digital
Last Updated: February 15, 2023, 17:36 pm UTC   [Changed Site # 041 (Concrete) to 41 (Concrete)]
System Notes

This page is merely a reference to the frequencies being used at various sites within the LCRA footprint.  At some point, these sites will be replaced by P25 in some form, and having these as a reference for what is already used could aid in future discovery.  Currently (May 2022), there are no scanners or software that are capable of monitoring OpenSky transmissions.  The main users of the system are utility customers and Hays County Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS (also use LCRA P25).  It is believed that they are capable of patching most of their talkgroups from this system to the sister talkgroups on the LCRA P25 System.

The site numbers below are used only to keep the sites and their counties in alphabetical order and are not true site identifiers.

If you have useful information about which frequencies are being used in your area and can identify the tower and license they are associated with please submit it.  If you have information about the system set up, such as talkgroups being used from an actual OpenSky radio, please put this in the wiki unless you have the actual talkgroup numbers associated with the alpha tags.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
005 (5) Bandera Bandera 936.725937.675     
011 (B) Bastrop Bastrop 938.450939.1375939.675    
121 (79) Bay City Matagorda 935.450935.950937.000938.9625   
081 (51) Bergheim Kendall 935.425935.675936.225938.4875938.8875  
082 (52) Boerne Lake Kendall 936.4125937.950938.200938.9625939.9125  
126 (7E) Brady McCulloch 935.4875937.150937.4875    
166 (A6) Brenham Washington 937.975939.150939.500    
026 (1A) Burnet Burnet 938.175936.6625     
021 (15) Caldwell Burleson 936.150937.150938.750939.750   
141 (8D) Camp Wood Real 937.2125937.4625     
046 (2E) Carta Valley Edwards 936.450      
076 (4C) Cedar Valley Hays 935.9625936.400937.9375939.4625936.6125937.425 
083 (53) Comfort Kendall 936.4625937.925938.925    
041 (29) Concrete DeWitt 935.400936.150937.7375    
156 (9C) Creedmoor Travis 938.975      
056 (38) Doss Gillespie 938.000939.9625     
012 (C) Elgin Bastrop 936.2125937.225937.9625938.2125939.4875  
161 (A1) Fieldstore Waller 936.3875937.4875     
051 (33) Flatonia Fayette 937.175937.700938.700939.4375   
111 (6F) Fowler Hill Llano 939.1375      
057 (39) Fredericksburg Gillespie 935.9125937.1875938.150    
176 (B0) Georgetown Williamson 935.200936.450937.2375938.2375939.425  
106 (6A) Giddings Lee 935.6375936.750     
031 (1F) Glidden Colorado 939.4875      
061 (3D) Goliad Goliad 936.225936.450936.900    
066 (42) Gonzales Gonzales 936.3875937.4875939.400    
112 (70) Granite Shoals Llano 935.4125936.4875938.950    
101 (65) Hallettsville Lavaca 937.2125939.6375     
016 (10) Johnson City Blanco 935.900936.3875938.750    
157 (9D) Jonestown Travis 937.450938.1875     
091 (5B) Junction Kimble 935.1375936.4875     
086 (56) Kerrville Kerr 936.000937.6625939.000939.450   
071 (47) Kingsbury Guadalupe 936.750935.4875939.450939.9625937.4375  
052 (34) LaGrange Fayette 935.9125936.225937.675938.900939.4125939.9125 
158 (9E) Lake Austin Travis 937.4625938.4125     
142 (8E) Leakey Real 935.150935.725     
107 (6B) Lexington Lee 936.9125938.475     
096 (60) Lometa Lampasas 935.975936.3875937.950    
084 (54) Luckenbach Kendall 937.3875937.900938.450939.675   
116 (74) Mason Mason 935.4625937.4125     
006 (6) Medina Bandera 935.9625936.200936.400936.650939.6625  
136 (88) Menard Menard 936.1375936.400     
131 (83) Mico Medina 935.475936.9125     
038 (26) New Braunfels Comal 938.150936.450938.400    
171 (AB) New Taiton Wharton 936.3875937.650938.4625    
159 (9F) Pickle Travis 935.500935.700935.750936.1875936.900937.2125937.250
146 (92) Richland Spring San Saba 935.925937.9875938.475    
047 (2F) Rocksprings Edwards 936.175936.6875     
048 (30) Rocksprings West Edwards 938.250938.6875     
053 (35) Rutersville Fayette 935.4875935.950936.400937.450938.000938.400 
077 (4D) San Marcos Hays 938.3875938.950935.3875935.975938.3875937.975939.500
054 (36) Schulenburg Fayette 937.9375938.2375939.3875    
001 (1) Sealy Austin 935.425936.4375939.1625    
092 (5C) Segovia Kimble 936.675937.425937.700    
013 (D) Smithville Bastrop 936.700937.250     
151 (97) Sonora Sutton 938.1375938.650939.1375    
160 (A0) Southeast Austin Travis 935.450935.725936.4625937.400937.950938.200 
017 (11) Spicewood Blanco 936.7125937.175937.675938.1375   
037 (25) Spring Branch Comal 936.950935.200936.700937.250937.725939.9375 
167 (A7) Washington Washington 937.000939.450939.9625    
027 (1B) Watson Burnet 936.975938.000939.000939.450939.9625  
078 (4E) West Hays Hays 935.4625935.925939.150939.4875   
079 (4F) Wimberely Hays 936.2375939.250939.3875    
