Hawaii Wireless Interoperability Network (HIWIN)

System Name: Hawaii Wireless Interoperability Network (HIWIN)
Location: Varies, HI
County: Statewide
System Type: Project 25 Phase II
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 888 WACN: 0000B
Last Updated: January 19, 2025, 06:22 am UTC   [Changed Site # 208 (Hilo) to 208 (Hilo)]
System Notes

This is the new statewide interoperability network, which is currently in its first phase of deployment on the islands of Maui and Oahu by JVC Kenwood. Currently, the system on Maui will operate on 800 MHz conventional channels; whereas, the deployment on the island of Oahu will use 700 MHz Project 25 trunking. Funding for this project was received through the Statewide Shared Blended (SSB) System grant valued at $2.5 million dollars, provided by the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security. 

Moreover, as additional phases are completed, the entire state will have island-wide Project 25 trunking coverage in the 700/800 MHz radio bands. This will ensure interoperable communications between all of Hawaii's first responders, regardless of what island they are on. Likewise, this matrix will make it possible for users to communicate from one island to another; thus, creating a truly seamless interoperable environment.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name County Freqs
1 (1) 040 (28) East Honolulu Honolulu 765.9375c773.55625c773.80625c774.30625c   
1 (1) 205 (CD) Hilo Hawaii 770.70625773.30625c774.03125775.56875   
1 (1) 208 (D0) Hilo Hawaii 769.15625769.40625c769.65625769.90625c770.15625  
1 (1) 037 (25) Honolulu 2 Honolulu 769.15625c769.40625769.65625769.90625770.15625  
1 (1) 094 (5E) Kawaihae Hawaii 773.83125c774.06875c774.33125c774.58125c774.83125c  
1 (1) 090 (5A) Kona Hawaii 769.20625769.41875c769.45625769.70625769.95625770.16875c770.20625
1 (1) 128 (80) Site 1-128 UNKNOWN 774.79375c      
1 (1) 146 (92) Site 1-146 UNKNOWN 773.84375c774.09375c774.34375c774.59375c774.84375c  
1 (1) 148 (94) Site 1-148 UNKNOWN 769.46875c      
1 (1) 167 (A7) Site 1-167 UNKNOWN 769.19375c      
1 (1) 171 (AB) Site 1-171 Hawaii 774.54375c      
1 (1) 190 (BE) Site 1-190 UNKNOWN 769.41875c770.16875c     
1 (1) 192 (C0) Site 1-192 UNKNOWN 769.20625c769.70625c773.78125c    
1 (1) 194 (C2) Site 1-194 UNKNOWN 773.83125c774.06875c774.33125c774.58125c774.83125c  
1 (1) 050 (32) Site 1-50 UNKNOWN 770.46875770.91875c773.04375c773.54375c   
1 (1) 004 (4) Site: 1-04 UNKNOWN 774.30625c774.55625c774.80625c    
1 (1) 005 (5) Site: 1-05 UNKNOWN 773.55625c773.80625c     
1 (1) 006 (6) Site: 1-06 UNKNOWN 769.44375c      
1 (1) 007 (7) Site: 1-07 UNKNOWN 774.31875c774.56875c774.81875c    
1 (1) 009 (9) Site: 1-09 UNKNOWN 773.29375c773.54365c774.81875c    
1 (1) 010 (A) Site: 1-10 UNKNOWN 770.66875c773.04375c     
1 (1) 016 (10) Site: 1-16 Kauai 773.79375c774.29375c774.54375c774.79375c   
1 (1) 017 (11) Site: 1-17 Kauai 774.04375c      
1 (1) 200 (C8) Site: 1-200 UNKNOWN 770.96875c      
1 (1) 028 (1C) Site: 1-28 Maui 773.79375c774.04375c774.54375c774.79375c   
1 (1) 032 (20) Site: 1-32 Kauai 769.18125c769.43125c769.68125c769.93125c770.43125c770.68125c 
1 (1) 033 (21) Site: 1-33 Hawaii 769.18125c      
1 (1) 034 (22) Site: 1-34 UNKNOWN 769.16875c769.41875c769.66875c769.91875c770.16875c  
1 (1) 035 (23) Site: 1-35 UNKNOWN 773.84375c      
1 (1) 038 (26) Site: 1-38 Statewide 773.55625773.80625774.30625774.55625774.80625c  
1 (1) 039 (27) Site: 1-39 UNKNOWN 770.40625c770.90625c773.03125c773.28125c773.53125c  
1 (1) 046 (2E) Site: 1-46 Maui 773.84375774.09375c774.34375c774.59375c774.84375  
1 (1) 048 (30) Site: 1-48 Maui 769.21875c769.46875769.71875769.96875770.46875  
1 (1) 051 (33) Site: 1-51 UNKNOWN 773.54375c      
1 (1) 067 (43) Site: 1-67 UNKNOWN 769.19375c769.44375c769.69375c769.94375c770.19375  
1 (1) 071 (47) Site: 1-71 (likely Maui) UNKNOWN 773.79375774.04375c774.29375c774.54375c774.79375c  
1 (1) 092 (5C) Site: 1-92 UNKNOWN 769.20625c769.70625c769.95625c773.78125c   


Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
71411be5DKCCC OPS1Kauai Community Correctional CenterCorrections
Department of Transportation (DOT)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
71011bbdDDOT MOTORCADEMotorcade DetailPublic Works
Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
75081d54DDLNR 1Beach/Park DispatchLaw Dispatch
75091d55DDLNR 2Honolulu areaLaw Talk
Hawaii Department of Law Enforcement (DLE)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
71221bd2DDLE OPS1Operations 1Law Talk
71231bd3DDLE OPS2Operations 2Law Talk
71291bd9TDLE HNL DISPDispatch - HNL Daniel K Inouye AirportLaw Dispatch
71511befDDLE HILO DISPDispatch - HiloLaw Dispatch
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
77011e15DHI EMA ALLEmergency Ops / Civil Defense Warning SirensEmergency Ops
Hawaii Harbor Police
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
78591eb3DHHPHarbor PatrolLaw Dispatch
Hilo International Airport (ITO)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
78671ebbDITO SECURITYSecuritySecurity
78681ebcDITO ARFFAirport Rescue and Fire FightingFire Dispatch
Inouye International Airport (HNL)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
78031e7bTHNL EMSAirport EMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
78051e7dTHNL CHECKPOINTCheckpoint SurveillancePublic Works
78061e7eTHNL OPS CNTRLAirport Operations ControlPublic Works
78071e7fTHNL CUSTODIALAirport CustodialPublic Works
78141e86THNL ARFFAirport Fire and Rescue DispatchFire Dispatch
78191e8bTHNLOPSAirport OpsPublic Works
78201e8cTHNL SWEEPERAirport SweeperPublic Works
78221e8eTHNL ELECTRICIANAirport ElectricianPublic Works
78251e91THNLFDTAC1Fire Tac 1Fire-Tac
78261e92THNLFDTAC2Fire Tac 2Fire-Tac
78291e95THNL SECURITYAirport Security - Allied UniversalSecurity
78331e99THNL TACAirport TacticalMulti-Tac
78441ea4THNLCKPT3Checkpoint 3Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
79151eebDINTEROP 1Interop 1Interop
79161eecDINTEROP 2Interop 2Interop
79171eedDINTEROP 3Interop 3Interop
79181eeeDINTEROP 4Interop 4Interop
Kahului Airport (OGG)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
78251e91DOGG ARFFKahului Airport ARFFFire Dispatch
Kalaeloa Airport (John Rogers Field) (JRF)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
78191e8bDJRF ARFFJohn Rodgers Field ARFFFire Dispatch
78461ea6DJRF OPSJohn Rodgers Field Airport Operations ControlPublic Works
Lihue Airport (LIH)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
78111e83DLIH FIRE DISPARFF DispatchFire Dispatch
78791ec7DLIH SECURITYLihue Airport SecuritySecurity
78901ed2DLIH CUSTODIALCustodialFire Dispatch
78921ed4DLIH FIRE TACARFF TacticalFire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1001DTECH 1Range and Audio TestingOther
2002DTECH 2Range and Audio TestingOther
7007DTECH 7Range and Audio TestingOther
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
241096aDSPEVENT1Special Events 1Multi-Talk
79331efdDSCOPSState Capital Building OpsLaw Talk
University of Hawaii
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
79521f10DUHPD 1Police DispatchLaw Dispatch
79531f11DUHPD 2Police TacticalLaw Tac
79741f26DKCC CPSKauai Community College: Campus Public SafetyLaw Dispatch