38141 | 94fd | D | MCAS/PI PMO | MCAS and PI PMO | Military |
38142 | 94fe | D | MCAS/PI PMO2 | MCAS and PI PMO Tac 2 | Military |
38211 | 9543 | D | MCAS Fire | MCAS Fire and EMS | Fire Dispatch |
38212 | 9544 | D | MCAS Fire 2 | MCAS Fire TAC 2 | Fire-Tac |
38360 | 95d8 | D | PI Range Cnt | Parris Island Range Control | Military |
38421 | 9615 | D | MCAS Tower | Tower to Support Vehicles | Military |
38425 | 9619 | D | MCAS Fuel | Flight Line Fueling | Military |
38442 | 962a | D | MCAS Ordnanc | Flight Line Ordnance | Military |
38444 | 962c | D | MCAS Maint | Flight Line Maintenance | Military |
38445 | 962d | D | MCAS Ordnanc | Flight Line Ordnace Control | Military |
38446 | 962e | D | MCAS Maint | Flight Line Maintenance | Military |
38448 | 9630 | D | MCAS Hangar | Flight Line Hanger Ops | Military |
38605 | 96cd | D | MCAS Fac Mnt | Public Works/Facility Maintenance | Military |
38831 | 97af | D | PI Range Twr | Parris Island Range Tower | Military |
38832 | 97b0 | D | PI Training | PI Tower Recruit Training | Military |
38990 | 984e | D | PI FD/EMS | Parris Island Fire and EMS | Fire Dispatch |