DeKalb County Public Safety P25

System Name: DeKalb County Public Safety P25
Location: DeKalb County, GA
County: DeKalb
System Type: Project 25 Phase I
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 1F5 WACN: BEE00
Last Updated: February 14, 2025, 12:59 pm UTC   [Updated 2 talkgroups for Dunwoody]

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name Freqs
1 (1) 006 (6) Simulcast 851.5625851.9875852.1125854.0125854.3125c854.6125c854.6375c855.0125


DeKalb County Police

Avondale Estates Police operates on North Central talkgroups, but also have their own Tac channel.

Clarkston Police and City of Stone Mountain Police operate on Tucker talkgroups but also have their own Tac channels.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60011771DDKPD 1 NC Disp1 North Central DispatchLaw Dispatch
60021772DDKPD 2 NC TAC2 North Central TacticalLaw Tac
60051775DDKPD 3 South3 South DispatchLaw Dispatch
60061776DDKPD 4 S TAC4 South TacticalLaw Tac
60091779DDKPD 5 Tucker5 Tucker DispatchLaw Dispatch
6010177aDDKPD 6 T TAC6 Tucker TacticalLaw Tac
60071777DDKPD 7 East7 East DispatchLaw Dispatch
60081778DDKPD 8 E TAC8 East TacticalLaw Tac
6011177bDDKPD 11 Info11 Info / RecordsLaw Tac
6012177cDDKPD 12 Spec Op12 Special OpsLaw Tac
6013177dDDKPD Tac 1313 DKPD TacticalLaw Tac
6014177eDDKPD Tac 1414 Training AcademyLaw Tac
6015177fDDKPD 15 MCD15 Major Crimes Division DetectivesLaw Tac
606917b5DeDKPD SWATSWAT Team OpsLaw Tac
610417d8DeDKPD SWAT CMDSWAT Team CommandLaw Tac
60031773DDKPD Tac 6003Tac 6003Law Tac
60041774DDKPD Tac 6004Tac 6004Law Tac
60181782DeDKPD NarcNarcoticsLaw Tac
60211785DDKPD InteropInteropLaw Talk
60231787DDKPD GangsGang Task ForceLaw Tac
6030178eDDKPD HSOHomeland Security OfficeLaw Tac
608617c6DDKPD CEO SecDekalb CEO Security DetailLaw Tac
DeKalb County Fire

DeKalb County has privatized EMS with AMR.  They are dispatched on the Fire Dispatch channel

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
612117e9DDCFD 1 DISPFire DispatchFire Dispatch
612217eaDDCFD 2 OPSFire OperationsFire-Tac
612417ecDDCFD HospitFire Hospital PatchHospital
612617eeDDCFD TAC 1Fire Tac 1 - Battalion 1 Primary FiregroundFire-Tac
612717efDDCFD TAC 2Fire Tac 2 - Battalion 2 Primary FiregroundFire-Tac
612817f0DDCFD TAC 3Fire Tac 3 - Battalion 3 Primary FiregroundFire-Tac
612917f1DDCFD TAC 4Fire Tac 4 - Battalion 4 Primary FiregroundFire-Tac
613017f2DDCFD TAC 5Fire Tac 5 - Battalion 5 Primary FiregroundFire-Tac
613117f3DDCFD TAC 6Fire Tac 6 - Battalion 1 Secondary Fireground & TalkFire-Tac
613217f4DDCFD TAC 7Fire Tac 7 - Battalion 2 Secondary Fireground & TalkFire-Tac
613317f5DDCFD TAC 8Fire Tac 8 - Battalion 3 Secondary Fireground & TalkFire-Tac
613417f6DDCFD TAC 9Fire Tac 9 - Battalion 4 Secondary Fireground & TalkFire-Tac
613717f9DDCFD TAC 10Fire Tac 10 - Battalion 5 Secondary Fireground & TalkFire-Talk
613517f7DDCFD Train 6135Fire Training 6135Fire-Tac
613817faDDCFD Train 6138Fire Training 6138Fire-Tac
614117fdDDCFD Train 6141Fire Training 6141Fire-Tac
614217feDDCFD Train 6142Fire Training 6141Fire-Tac
DeKalb County Sheriff
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
609117cbDDKSO 1 DispSheriff 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
609517cfDDKSO AltSheriff AlternateLaw Talk
609217ccDDKSO 2 TACSheriff 2 Tac Law Tac
609417ceDDKSO 3 TACSheriff 3 Tac Law Tac
609317cdDDKSO 5 CourtsSheriff 5 Court ServicesLaw Tac
609617d0DDKSO 6 Jail 1Sheriff 6 Jail PrimaryCorrections
609717d1DDKSO 7 Jail 2Sheriff 7 Jail AlternateCorrections
609817d2DDKSO 8 Jail 3Sheriff 8 Jail AlternateCorrections
610017d4DDKSO Jail 6100Jail Corrections
610317d7DDKSO Jail EmergJail EmergenciesCorrections
610717dbDJail TKC OpsJail TKC Commissary ContractorCorrections
DeKalb County Services
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
606317afDZoningPlanning & ZoningPublic Works
606417b0DPDK AirportPeachtree DeKalb Airport OpsPublic Works
62111843DPW 1 RoadPublic Works - 1 - 911 Radio to Roads & Drainage LinkPublic Works
62121844DPW 2 RoadPublic Works - 2 - Roads & Drainage AlternatePublic Works
62141846DPW 4Public Works - 4Public Works
62151847DPW 5 T/APublic Works - 5 - TalkaroundPublic Works
62171849DPW 7 FleetPublic Works - 7 - Fleet Maintenance DivisionPublic Works
6219184bDSanitation SSanitation SupervisorsPublic Works
6220184cDSanitation 1Sanitation 1Public Works
6221184dDSanitation 2Sanitation 2Public Works
6222184eDSanitation 3Sanitation 3Public Works
6223184fDLandfillSanitation - LandfillPublic Works
62271853DWater/Sewer911 Radio to Watershed Mngt LinkPublic Works
62301856DTrafficTraffic EngineeringPublic Works
62311857DTraffic TACTraffic Engineering Tac Public Works
6234185aDParks/RecParks DepartmentPublic Works
606217aeDCode EnforceCode CompliancePublic Works
62321858DPark RangersPark RangersPublic Works

The Chattahoochee River 911 Authority (aka "ChatComm") serves Brookhaven as its 911 Emergency Call Center. ChatComm was created in 2009, a joint effort by the cities of Sandy Springs and Johns Creek. It is operated following the Public-Private model with iXP Georgia, LLC managing the day-to-day operations. In addition to serving the cities of Sandy Springs (which uses the North Fulton Regional Radio System Authority P25 system) and Johns Creek (which uses the Fulton County P25 system), the city of Dunwoody (which uses the DeKalb County 25 system) is also dispatched by ChatComm. DeKalb County Fire Rescue (and its ambulance contractor AMR) continues to serve Brookhaven for fire & EMS services. 

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60401798DBPD DispatchPolice DispatchLaw Dispatch
60411799DBPD Tac 1Police Tac 1Law Tac
6042179aDBPD Tac 2Police Tac 2 EventsLaw Tac
6043179bDBPD NET/UASPolice - Neighborhood Enforcement Team (NET) and UAS (Drone Operators)Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
62561870DCPD DispatchPolice DispatchLaw Dispatch
62571871DCPD Tac 1Police Tac 1Law Tac
62581872DCPD Tac 2Police Tac 2Law Tac
62591873DCPD Tac 3Police Tac 3Law Tac
62611875DPublic WorksPublic WorksPublic Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
62411861DDec PD DispPolice DispatchLaw Dispatch
62421862DDec PD Tac 1Police Tac 1Law Tac
62431863DDec PD Tac 2Police Tac 2Law Tac
62461866DDec FD DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
62471867DDec FD Tac 1Fire Tac 1Fire-Tac
62481868DDec FD Tac 2Fire Tac 2Fire-Tac
62491869DDec FD Tac 3Fire Tac 3Fire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
61821826DDorav PD DispPolice DispatchLaw Dispatch
61831827DEDorav PD TacPolice TacLaw Tac
61841828DDorav PD T/APolice Talk AroundLaw Tac
61851829DDorav PD CIDPolice CIDLaw Tac

The Chattahoochee River 911 Authority (aka "ChatComm") serves Dunwoody as its 911 Emergency Call Center. ChatComm was created in 2009, a joint effort by the cities of Sandy Springs and Johns Creek. It is operated following the Public-Private model with iXP Georgia, LLC managing the day-to-day operations. In addition to serving the cities of Sandy Springs (which uses the North Fulton Regional Radio System Authority P25 system) and Johns Creek (which uses the Fulton County P25 system), the city of Brookhaven (which uses the DeKalb County 25 system) is also dispatched by ChatComm. DeKalb County Fire Rescue (and its ambulance contractor AMR) continues to serve Dunwoody for fire & EMS services. 

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60381796DDunw PD DispPolice 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
60361794DDunw PD TacPolice 2 TacLaw Tac
Georgia State Patrol

 GSP has "back-up" talkgroups on the DeKalb County P25 system that are rarely used. GSP's primary operations in DeKalb County are on the GSP talkgroups on the City of Atlanta P25 system.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6174181eDGSP MainGSP Back-Up DispatchLaw Dispatch
6175181fDGSP Tac 1GSP Back-Up Tac 1Law Tac
6173181dDGSP PrivateGSP Back-Up PrivateLaw Tac
Stone Mountain (City)

Stone Mountain Police dispatched by DeKalb County Police Tucker Precinct .

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6271187fDStMtPD T/APolice Talk-Around ("Channel 1")Law Talk
62731881DStMt PWPublic WorksPublic Works
Other Public Safety
Lithonia Police: Dispatched on 7E, talkgroup 6007
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
61511807DDKPD-APD 1Police Interop 1Law Tac
61521808DDKPD-APD 2Police Interop 2Law Tac
61531809DDKPD-APD 3Police Interop 3Law Tac
6154180aDDKPD-APD 4Police Interop 4Law Tac
61671817DDeKalb InterOp 1County Interop 1Interop
61691819DDeKalb InterOp 2County Interop 2 (or 3?)Interop
61681818DDeKalb InterOp 3County Interop 3 (or 2?)Interop
6170181aDDeKalb InterOp 4County Interop 4Interop
64231917DDeKalb InterOp ACounty Interop #?Interop
314097ab1DUASI 911 IOpUASI - Linked Multi System InteropInterop
6026178aDDeK Animal CntrlCounty Animal ControlPublic Works
608817c8DMed ExaminerMedical ExaminerPublic Works
61661816DDeK DeKalb 911DeKalb County 911 CenterEmergency Ops
60321790DAvondale PD TacAvondale Estates Police TacLaw Talk
61961834DLithonia PD TacLithonia Police: TacLaw Tac
610517d9DMarsh PD Prim 1Marshall Primary (Ch 1)Law Dispatch
610617daDMarsh PD Tac 2Marshall Tac (Ch 2)Law Tac
62721880DStnMtnPk B/UStone Mountain Park BackupLaw Tac
608517c5DDeK Schl PoliceDeKalb County School PoliceLaw Dispatch
61611811DDeKalb Sch SRODeKalb County School Resource OfficersLaw Tac
607817beDGPC Police Disp1Georgia Perimeter College Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
607917bfDGPC Police Tac 2Georgia Perimeter College Police 2 TacLaw Tac
608017c0DGPC Police Tac 3Georgia Perimeter College Police 3 TacLaw Tac
400289c5cDUASI Fire 1UASI - Fire 1 Linked Fire InteropInterop
62331859DDeK Park RangersPark RangersPublic Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
62961898DEHPS MidtownMidtown Hospital Public Safety DispatchLaw Dispatch
62971899DMidtown TacMidtown Hospital Public Safety TacLaw Tac
6299189bDEmory Midtown FMEmory Midtown Hospital Facilities MaintenanceBusiness
6300189cDHosp Env 2Environmental Services AlternateBusiness
6302189eDHosp ValetValet ParkingBusiness
6303189fDHosp EnvEnvironmental ServicesBusiness
631118a7DHosp FMFacilities ManagementBusiness
631518abDEHPS Univ SecEmory University Hospital SecuritySecurity
631918afDHosp FMFacilities ManagementSchools
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6286188eDEU Staff-EUPD University-EPD 911/EPD Main (University staff to police dispatch)Law Tac
6287188fDEU Police/EMSPolice Main / EMS ResponseLaw Dispatch
62881890DEU Police Tac-1Police Tac-1Law Tac
62891891DEEU Police Tac-2Police Tac-2Law Tac
62901892DEmory Oxford PDEmory Oxford College PoliceLaw Dispatch
62921894DEU EMS DispatchEmory EMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
62941896DEU Fire SafetyFire Safety DivisionFire-Talk
62951897DEU Fire Safety TFire Safety TalkaroundFire-Tac
6298189aDEU Parking 6298Parking ServicesSchools
630418a0DEU Parking 6304Parking ServicesSchools
630618a2DEU FacilitiesFacilities ManagementSchools
630718a3DEU CustodialCustodialSchools
630918a5DEU Parking 6309Parking ServicesSchools
631018a6DEU ParkingOfficeParking OfficeSchools
631218a8DEU W Library SecEmory Woodruff Library SecuritySecurity
631318a9DEU Food ServicesFood ServicesSchools
631418aaDEmory EventsEventsSchools
631618acDEU Animal ResrcsDivision of Animal ResourcesSchools
631718adDEU PD MidtownTacEmory Police Midtown TacLaw Tac
Radio System/Testing
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
111112b67DRadio Service111Radio ServicePublic Works
111122b68DRadio Service112Radio ServicePublic Works
111132b69DERRCS Grid TestEmergency Responder Radio Coverage System (ERRCS) RF Grid TestingPublic Works