Calcasieu Parish Public Safety

System Name: Calcasieu Parish Public Safety
Location: Calcasieu Parish, LA
County: Calcasieu
System Type: Motorola Type II Smartnet
System Voice: Analog
System ID: Sysid: 5F2A Connect Tone: 83.72
Last Updated: April 16, 2021, 07:27 am UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]
System Notes

 Almost all users have migrated to the LWIN TRS.  Only the School Bus TG is curretly seeing any use.  This system will remain in agency radios for an short time as backup.

As of 2020, this system was damaged irrepairably by Hurricane Laura.  All radio traffic has migrated to LWIN.  The Parish may install a newer system at some time in the future.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Primary 852.7625851.1625851.1875851.6875851.7125852.2375852.300852.550


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
17446d0ASCHOOLBUSParish Schools BusesSchools