10/7/08 - All R02 information from this system has been moved to Communications Services/Richard Rankin - Alton
WPMW392 also licensed for 452.225 has 451.35, 451.825, 452.825, 461.275; no LTR key ups on any other. (4/07)
02 451.37 Removed from system, placed in correct system, Warner UHF #6
002004 sometimes shows up as 0-03-006 for a brief time.
4/07**020004 (again briefly showed up a 003006 but had convo about pickuing up a computer, recliner and washer, like a large trash pickup ??)
Other Conventional Users of these frequenecies
451.825 516 DPL - Washington University (MO) Security/Maintenance
451.825 179.9 PL - Keller Construction, Edwardsville IL
451.825 127.3 PL - Washington University (MO) Security ("Olin Hall") 9/06
451.350 132 DPL - unkonwn user, Dispatcher 100, units 120, "loading door", call box by road blinking"
451.350 - also licensed to Alton High School