Tate and Lyle - Decatur IL

System Name: Tate and Lyle - Decatur IL
Location: Decatur, IL
County: Macon
System Type: Motorola Type II
System Voice: Analog
System ID: Sysid: 3B26 Connect Tone: 90.0
Last Updated: August 2, 2020, 23:36 pm UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]
System Notes

Primary system is comprised of 7 Motorola MSF-5000 digital 800 MHz repeater stations and 1 main control station

Secondary system is comprised of 7 800 MHz Quantar repeaters and 1 main control station.

Alternate backup system for hazmat / security is a OLD Flexar UHF repeater system and about 75 onsite Motorola MT1000 portable radios.

Plant system constists of about 750 MTS-2000 (Models 1,2,and 3) portable radios and about 150 XTS-2500 analog/P25 digital radios, and 4 motorola Spectra consolette base stations. Each plant division has their own talkgroup, as well as a plant wide Emergency revert system that allows all emergency calls to be routed automatically to the emergency talkgroup.

(confirmed still on air 11/4/12)

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Primary 854.8875855.8875856.3875857.3875c858.3875c859.3875c860.3875c


TG 3248 - unidentified

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
16010ACoordinatorPlant Coordinator / Backup EmergencyBusiness
2080d0AResearchResearch and DevelopmentBusiness
400190AMain GateMain GateBusiness
1648670APlantPowrGenPlant Power Generator [COGENER]Business
1680690AUtilityMaintUtilties Maintenance [UTILMAINT]Business
3216c90AWet millWet Mill [WETMILL]Business
478412b0ACRP SecurityCRP Security? [CRPSEC]Security
484812f0ASecure 2Security: Main [Secure 2]Security
48801310AHazMatHazMat [HAZMAT]Emergency Ops
49441350ASecurity 1Security: Secondary/Admin Security [Secure1]Security
64481930AXanthanXanthan [XANTHAN]Business
64801950ARefinery 1 Refinery 1 [REFINERY1]Business
80161f50AStarch Starch [STARCH]Business
96162590ARR 5th WheelRailroad Fifth Wheel [5THWHEEL]Railroad
964825b0ATruck MobileTruck Mobile ? [TRCKMBL]Business
971225f0ASwitchSwitch (heard elevator D & 9717?) [SWITCH]Business
112162bd0AHarmonyElecHarmony Electric [HARMONY]Business
112482bf0ABodine ElecBodine Electric [BODINE]Business
112802c10AKelly ConstrKelly Construction [KELLY]Business
113762c70AConcorConcor [CONCOR]Business