48 | 030 | | | Fire Dispatch | Fire Dispatch |
80 | 050 | | | Fire Dispatch? (Fire 1) | Fire Dispatch |
112 | 070 | | | Fire Ops 2 | |
144 | 090 | | | Fire Administration | |
176 | 0b0 | | | Kimbrough ACH | |
208 | 0d0 | | | FD-EMS-1 | EMS Dispatch |
368 | 170 | | | Military Police Dispatch (MP 1) | Law Dispatch |
400 | 190 | | | Tac 2 (MP 2) | |
432 | 1b0 | | Ft Meade MP3 | Tac 3 (MP 3) | Military |
464 | 1d0 | | | Gate Security | |
848 | 350 | | | Department of Public Works Administration--Water Base | Utilities |
880 | 370 | | | Command and Control | |
912 | 390 | | | Department of Public Works Industrial | |
944 | 3b0 | | | Public Works (Snow Plows) | Public Works |
976 | 3d0 | | | Family Housing | |
1008 | 3f0 | | | Department of Public Works Electrical Engineers | Public Works |
1040 | 410 | | | Household Goods Inspectors | |
1072 | 430 | | | Project Utilities | Military |
1104 | 450 | | | Housing Inspectors | |
1616 | 650 | | | Department of Public Works? | |
1872 | 750 | | | Emergency Operations Center | |
2000 | 7d0 | | | Directorate of Information Management | |
3248 | cb0 | | | Directorate of Community Activities (Special Events) | |
3280 | cd0 | | Army DINFOS | DINFOS - Army Advanced Individual Training Unit | Military |
3536 | dd0 | | | Information Management | Military |
3952 | f70 | | | Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service | |