DFW Communications (old Teletouch-Dallas 1)

System Name: DFW Communications (old Teletouch-Dallas 1)
Location: Dallas, TX
County: Dallas
System Type: LTR Standard
System Voice: Analog
Last Updated: November 16, 2020, 05:36 am UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]
System Notes

This system appears to no longer be on the air. There are no activity or idle messages being detected on any of the frequencies.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Confirmed LCN 01 452.67502 N/A 03 462.02504 463.32505 N/A 06 461.97507 454.27508 N/A 
  09 461.55010 464.27511 N/A 12 461.80013 454.32514 464.850  


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1-13-041AWrecker 041Wrecker Co (South Dallas area)Business
1-13-050AElite TowingElite TowingBusiness
1-13-052AConstr 052Construction Co (spanish speaking)Business
1-13-053AConstr 053Construction Co (spanish speaking)Business
1-13-060AWrecker 060Wrecker CoBusiness
1-13-064ACarefliteAmbCareflite Ground Ambulance (Dallas Area)Business
1-13-106AWrecker 106Wrecker CoBusiness
1-13-108AAJs WreckerAJ's Wrecker (4007 E Ledbetter, Dallas)Business
1-13-162ASweeper 162Parking Lot Sweeper CompanyBusiness