System Name: Christian County
Location: Hopkinsville, KY
County: Christian
System Type: NXDN NEXEDGE 9600
System Voice: NXDN Digital
System ID: HEX: 19 DEC: 25
Last Updated: September 26, 2023, 14:09 pm UTC   [Migrated 1 talkgroup(s) to County Services]
System Notes

Four-site UHF NXDN9600, 12.5 kHz Digital System

Users include: Christian County Sheriff, Christian County Fire, Christian County EMA, Christian County Rescue Squad, Christian County EMS, Hopkinsville Fire, Hopkinsville Police, Oak Grove Fire, Oak Grove Police, and Crofton Police.

Channel Map for Site 1 - Hopkinsville
213   452.6500 Mhz
257   453.2000 Mhz
283   453.5250 Mhz
295   453.6750 Mhz
311   453.8750 Mhz
405   460.0500 Mhz
416   460.1875 Mhz
438   460.4625 Mhz

Channel Map for Site 2 - Kelly
255   453.1750 Mhz
274   453.4125 Mhz
287   453.5750 Mhz
297   453.7000 Mhz
308   453.8375 Mhz

Channel Map for Site 3 - Oak Grove
259   453.2250 Mhz
269   453.3500 Mhz
281   453.5000 Mhz
302   453.7625 Mhz
411   460.1250 Mhz

Channel Map for Site 4 - Crofton
256   453.1875 Mhz
280   453.4875 Mhz
288   453.5875 Mhz
293   453.6500 Mhz
422   460.2625 Mhz

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
004 (4) Crofton 453.1875c453.4875453.5875453.650460.2625   
001 (1) Hopkinsville 452.650453.200453.525453.675453.875460.050460.1875460.4625c
002 (2) Kelly 453.175453.4125453.575453.700c453.8375c   
003 (3) Oak Grove 453.225453.350453.500453.7625c460.125   


Hopkinsville Fire operates on this CCEMS talkgroup, HFD dispatch starts with the number of the fire station then is followed by trucks or tankers that are needed on the call.

DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
19DToddMutualTodd Mutual Interop
6DeCCFD DispChristian County Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
10DeCCEMS DispChristian County EMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
County Law Enforcement
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
31DEHPD OpsHopkinsville Police Operations 1Law Tac
32DEHPD Ops 2Hopkinsville Police Operations 2 Law Tac
1DeCCSO DispChristian County Sheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
2DeHPD DispHopkinsville Police DispatchLaw Dispatch
86DeOGPD OpsOak Grove Police OperationsLaw Dispatch
32DECCJ OpsChristian County Jail OperationsCorrections
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
18DCCRD Ops 1Christian County Road DepartmentPublic Works
20DEHWEAHopkinsville Water Environment AuthorityUtilities
64DCCPW RefuseCounty Refuse DepartmentPublic Works
66DJSMC CustodialJennie Stuart Medical Center CustodialOther
72DHSD Ops 1Hopkinsville Street DepartmentPublic Works
93DOGWDOak Grove WaterPublic Works
36DJSMC SecurtyJennie Stuart Medical Center SecuritySecurity