St. Landry Parish Communications District

System Name: St. Landry Parish Communications District
Location: Opelousas, LA
County: St. Landry
System Type: Motorola Type II Smartnet
System Voice: Analog
System ID: Sysid: 8228 Connect Tone: 116.13
Last Updated: May 12, 2021, 13:19 pm UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Primary 867.6625866.475868.300c868.775c


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
16010AOP-911911 CENTERMulti-Dispatch
65121970ASTLANDRY-EMSSt. Landry Parish 911 - EMSEMS Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3248cb0AOP-OEP FMAFire Mutual AidInterop
3376d30AOP FPD-6Fire District 6Fire Dispatch
3472d90AOP FPD-4Fire District 4 (Cankton)Fire Dispatch
3536dd0ASTLAND-FD6St Landry Parish Fire - District 6Fire Dispatch
67041a30AVFD'sVFDFire Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
528210AOPDOpelousas PoliceLaw Dispatch
560230AOPD-2OPD-2Law Dispatch
580244AOPD-1OPD-1Law Dispatch
592250AOPD-4Opelousas PoliceLaw Dispatch
6882b0AOCM-OPSCity MarshalsLaw Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
304130AOPSO-1Sheriff Dispatch 1Law Dispatch
336150AOPSO-2Sheriff Dispatch 2Law Dispatch
7202d0AEPD-OPSEunice Police (Also on LWIN, and VHF)Law Dispatch
9443b0AEUNICE-MRSHLEunice City MarshalLaw Dispatch
1328530ASUNSET PDSunset PDLaw Dispatch