Emergency Radio Service 800 Mhz

System Name: Emergency Radio Service 800 Mhz
Location: Multiple, IN
County: 7 Counties
System Type: Motorola Type IIi Hybrid
System Voice: Analog
System IDs: Sysid: 1D3E Connect Tone: 116.3
Sysid: 2F3B Connect Tone: 105.88
Sysid: 491F Connect Tone: 90.0
Sysid: 4B21 Connect Tone: 90.0
Sysid: 592B Connect Tone: 116.13
Sysid: 6537 Connect Tone: 90.0
Last Updated: July 24, 2019, 16:46 pm UTC   [General text description updated]
System Notes

The following sites are Hybrid Type IIi:

Elkhart, Ft. Wayne, and Kokomo (System ID=1D3E, CT=116.3) Fleetmap: Custom (b0-b7 should be set to S4)

Dunlap (System ID=2F3B, CT=105.88) Fleetmap: Custom (b0-b7 should be set to S4)

The following sites are Type II: Anderson (System ID=491F, CT=90.0) Muncie (System ID=6537, CT=90.0)

The following sites have not been confirmed as to Type I or Type II: Peru, Marion

This system will be upgraded to an MotoTRBO Capacity Plus system in the near future.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
005 (5) Anderson Madison 852.6625853.6375c854.6375c858.0375856.5875c859.5625 
001 (1) Dunlap Elkhart 851.3375852.0375854.0125854.7375856.5375857.5375858.5375c
002 (2) Fort Wayne Allen 852.0625853.1625854.1625c854.7125   
004 (4) Kokomo Howard 856.1125857.1125c858.1125859.1125c   
007 (7) Marion Grant 852.0625853.1625854.1625854.7125c856.8625860.0375c 
003 (3) Muncie Delaware 854.5625856.0125857.0125859.0125c860.0125860.5875c 
006 (6) Peru Miami 859.0625860.0625c     


SubfleetDEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
000-020000ATaxiServiceMuncie/Anderson Taxi ServiceTransportation
500-100000ADlwre Hiway Delaware County Highway BackupPublic Works
500-40000ABall U PD BUBall State University Police backupLaw Tac
057600e100AMuncie PD BUMuncie Police Dispatch - Backup SystemLaw Tac
Elkhart County Business
SubfleetDEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
200-030000AGrbge CoGarbage/Trash CompanyBusiness
200-070000AEmplyrs ScrtEmployers Security CompanyBusiness
200-130000AJaredsJareds Construction Co.Business
200-150000ANorthern PriNorthern Pride CarwashBusiness
300-020000AAAA TowingAAA Towing ContractorBusiness
600-040000ABFI GarbageBFI Garbage TrucksBusiness
700-030000ATowing700-03Towing CompanyBusiness
Elkhart County Government
SubfleetDEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
000-030000AElkhrtAnmlsElkhart County Animal ShelterPublic Works
000-040000AElkhrtDogsElkhart County Dog CatcherPublic Works
Howard County Business
SubfleetDEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
100-040000ARhino TaxiRhino TaxiTransportation
Howard County Government
SubfleetDEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
700-010000AKokomoSklsKokomo Schools BusesSchools
700-030000AKokomo HSKokomo High School MaintenanceSchools
700-040000AKokomo maintKokomo Schools MaintenanceSchools
700-060000AKokomo HS AdKokomo High School AdministrationSchools