Ascension Parish Fire Departments

System Name: Ascension Parish Fire Departments
Location: Gonzales, LA
County: Ascension
System Type: LTR Standard
System Voice: Analog
Last Updated: January 29, 2021, 04:43 am UTC   [General text description updated]
System Notes

This system is no longer being actively used on a day-to-day basis. All operational traffic (dispatch, fireground and headquarters) has moved to the Ascension Parish Public Safety - East system -- remaining traffic is occasional and is of a training or event purpose only. The link to Dispatch on the 800Mhz system has been removed and no traffic is heard on this channel.

As of January 2021, this system has been taken off the air.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Primary 01 460.612505 453.362509 453.387513 453.4875


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1-01-100A1 DispatchDispatch (No longer linked to Dispatch/800)Fire Dispatch
1-01-101A2 GonzalesGonzales Fire ChannelFire-Tac
1-01-102A3 SorrentoSorrento Fire ChannelFire-Tac
1-01-103A4 PrairievlPrairieville Fire ChannelFire-Tac
1-01-104A5 Fifth WardFifth Ward Fire ChannelFire-Tac
1-01-105A6 GalvezLakeGalvez-Lake Fire ChannelFire-Tac
1-01-106A7 St AmantSt Amant Fire ChannelFire-Tac
1-01-107A8 7th DistSeventh Districh Fire ChannelFire-Tac
1-01-108A9 GeismarGeismar Fire ChannelFire-Tac
1-05-100AGonzales PrvGonzales Fire Private ChannelFire-Tac
1-05-101ASorrento PrvSorrento Fire Private ChannelFire-Tac
1-05-102APrairiev PrvPrairieville Fire Private ChannelFire-Tac
1-05-103A5th Ward PrvFifth Ward Fire Private ChannelFire-Tac
1-05-104AGalvezLk PrvGalvez-Lake Fire Private ChannelFire-Tac
1-05-105ASt Amant PrvSt Amant Fire Private ChannelFire-Tac
1-05-106A7th Dist PrvSeventh District Fire Private ChannelFire-Tac
1-05-107AGiesmar PrvGiesmar Fire Private ChannelFire-Tac
1-05-108AAscension TCAscension Parish Training CoordinaterFire-Tac