Allegan County Public Safety

System Name: Allegan County Public Safety
Location: Allegan, MI
County: Allegan
System Type: EDACS Standard
System Voice: ProVoice and Analog
Last Updated: May 29, 2018, 02:56 am UTC   [Added a new news entry]
System Notes

This system is monitor-able using DSD or DSD+ or with the Uniden 436HP,  536HP scanners with the optional provoice upgrade will be able to monitor this system

More information is available at the Wiki  page

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Countywide Simulcast 01 857.9375c02 858.237503 858.4375c04 858.937505 859.237506 859.437507 859.9375
002 (2) Holland/Plainwell/Allegan (Simulcast) 01 858.2625c02 858.4875c03 859.2625    


Sheriff's Department
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
202915-135DSheriff DispatchSheriff: DispatchLaw Dispatch
204515-155DSheriff: Car-CarSheriff: Car-to-CarLaw Tac
204615-156DRural Law 1Rural Law: Dispatch 1Law Dispatch
204715-157DRural Law 2Rural Law: Dispatch 2Law Dispatch
6300-077DJail OpsJail OperationsCorrections
7500-093DPD Marine Div.Police Marine DivisionLaw Talk
County Services Talkgroups
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
7600-094DAnimal ControlAnimal ControlPublic Works
110508-101DTransportAllegan County TransportationTransportation

Talkgroups 04-023 and 04-024 can occassionally be heard in the clear, tone paging and voice response.

DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
53104-023DFD East - YellowFire Dispatch - East [Yellow]Fire Dispatch
53204-024DFire West - RedFire Dispatch - West [Red]Fire Dispatch
202515-131MFD/EMS PageFire and EMS Paging (Tones in Analog / Voice in Digital)Fire Dispatch
54604-042DAllegan EMSAllegan Life EMSEMS Dispatch
56104-061DFennville AMRFennville AMREMS Dispatch
57804-082DPlainwell EMSPlainwell EMSEMS Dispatch
53004-022DWayland EMSWayland EMSEMS Dispatch
54204-036DEMS-to-AGHosp.Allegan General HospitalHospital
54304-037DEMS-to-BPHBorgess-Pipp HospitalHospital
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1700-021DPD 911 DispatchCentral 9-1-1 Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
1800-022DPolice 911 LEINCentral 9-1-1 Police - LEINLaw Talk
1900-023DPolice 911 AltCentral 9-1-1 Police - SecondaryLaw Talk
2500-031DPolice 911 TacCentral 9-1-1 Police - TacticalLaw Talk
2000-024DPD CountywidePolice CountywideLaw Talk
2200-026DPolice Event 1Police Event 1Law Talk
2300-027DPolice Event 2Police Event 2Law Talk
2400-030DPolice Event 3Police Event 3Law Talk
7700-095DPolice Private 1Police Private 1Law Talk
9700-121DOtsego PoliceOtsego City PoliceLaw Dispatch
11300-141DPlainwell PolicePlainwell PoliceLaw Talk
16101-041DAllegan City PDAllegan City PoliceLaw Talk
17701-061DWayland PoliceWayland PoliceLaw Talk