The Breakers Palm Beach

System Name: The Breakers Palm Beach
Location: Palm Beach, FL
County: Palm Beach
System Type: DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO)
System Voice: DMR
Last Updated: March 6, 2025, 15:22 pm UTC   [Updated General System Details]
System Notes

Locations are not Confirmed but are within the Breakers Resort.

RIDs are in the 62xxx range, no RAS or Privacy is in use currently.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Breakers 1 01 461.675c02 462.175c03 463.425c04 463.825c
002 (2) Breakers 2 01 461.850c02 463.800c03 463.950c04 464.6125c
003 (3) Breakers 3 01 461.750c02 462.050c03 463.3625c04 464.450c


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1TSecurity 1Security 1Security
2TSecurity 2Security 2Security
3TSecurity LogistiSecurity LogisticsSecurity
4TA/V 1A/V 1Business
5TA/V 2A/V 2Business
6TRooms 1Rooms 1Business
7THousekeeping 1Housekeeping 1Business
8TBell ServicesBell ServicesBusiness
9TFront DoorFront DoorBusiness
10TDesign StudioDesign StudioBusiness
13TGolf and GroundsGolf and GroundsBusiness
14TGolf OperationsGolf OperationsBusiness
15TBag RoomBag RoomBusiness
16TFacilities 1Facilities 1Business
17TFacilities 2Facilities 2Business
18TPool Bungalow 1Pool and Bungalow 1Business
19TPool Bungalow 2Pool and Bungalow 2Business
20TPool Bungalow 3Pool and Bungalow 3Business
23TTrans RTTrans RTBusiness
24TRental 1Rental 1Business
25TRental 2Rental 2Business
26TRental 3Rental 3Business
27TRental 4Rental 4Business
28TRental 5Rental 5Business
255TAll CallAll CallBusiness