Duke University
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
System Name: | Duke University |
Location: | Durham, NC |
County: | Durham |
System Type: | Motorola Type II Smartnet |
System Voice: | Analog |
System ID: | Sysid: 4238 Connect Tone: 116.13 |
Last Updated: | December 9, 2018, 20:29 pm UTC [Updated General Trunked System Information] |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
112 | 070 | A | TELCOM 2 | TELCOM 2 | Schools |
368 | 170 | A | DUKE COM2 | DUKE COM2 | Schools |
624 | 270 | A | DUMC FOODSVC | Campus Food Services | Schools |
656 | 290 | A | BAS | Building Automation Services | Schools |
784 | 310 | A | Elevators | Elevators | Schools |
944 | 3b0 | A | Confce SVCS | Conference Services | Schools |
976 | 3d0 | A | Bryan Center | Bryan Center | Schools |
1008 | 3f0 | A | Card Office | Card Office | Schools |
1104 | 450 | A | DNH MAINT | DNH MAINT | Schools |
1712 | 6b0 | A | RENTAL 2 | Rental 2 Hil-Rom | Schools |
1776 | 6f0 | A | DUHM APTS | DUHM APTS | Schools |
1840 | 730 | A | DUKE DINING | DUKE Dining | Schools |
1872 | 750 | A | DU TECH SVCS | Duke Tech SVCS | Schools |
1936 | 790 | A | DATA COMMS | DATA COMMUNICATIONS | Schools |
2288 | 8f0 | A | DUHM WEST1 | DUHM WEST 1 | Schools |
2640 | a50 | A | DUHM EAST | DUHM EAST | Schools |
2800 | af0 | A | FAC MAIN SRV | FAC MAINT SRVS | Schools |
2864 | b30 | A | FAC HI VOLT | FAC HIGH VOLTAGE | Schools |
2896 | b50 | A | FAC GROUNDS | Facilities Grounds Crew | Schools |
2960 | b90 | A | FAC STEAM | Facilities Steam Plant | Schools |
3056 | bf0 | A | FAC COMM | Facilities Common | Schools |
3984 | f90 | A | INS FIRE SAF | Inspection Fire Safety | Schools |
4208 | 1070 | A | VWR INTRNAT | VWR International | Schools |
4368 | 1110 | A | Tech Med SVC | Tech Med SRVS | Schools |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
16 | 010 | A | DUKE GAMES | DU GAMES | Multi-Talk |
1424 | 590 | A | DEMO 1 | DEMO 1 | Multi-Talk |
1456 | 5b0 | A | DEMO 2 | DEMO 2 | Multi-Talk |
4336 | 10f0 | A | NASHER MUS | Nasher Museum | Multi-Talk |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
48 | 030 | A | DUKE 911 | DUKE 911 | Law Talk |
208 | 0d0 | A | DUKEPD1 | Police 1 | Law Talk |
240 | 0f0 | A | DUKEPD2 | Police 2 | Law Talk |
272 | 110 | A | DUKEPD3 | Police 3 Traffic | Law Talk |
336 | 150 | A | DUKE COM1 | DUKE COM1 | Law Talk |
1392 | 570 | A | DUKE PD 5 | Duke Police 5 Events | Law Talk |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
528 | 210 | A | DUKETRANSIT | Duke Transit | Transportation |
848 | 350 | A | DUKETRANS | Duke Transportation | Transportation |
912 | 390 | A | SAFERIDESVAN | Safe Rides Van Services | Transportation |
1520 | 5f0 | A | TRAFFIC 2 | Traffic 2 Parking | Transportation |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
80 | 050 | A | TELCOM 1 | TELCOM 1 | Business |
496 | 1f0 | A | LIFEFLIGHT | LIFEFLIGHT | EMS-Tac |
1072 | 430 | A | DUKE EMS | DUKE EMS | EMS Dispatch |
1360 | 550 | A | DUKE PD 9 | Duke Police 9 FD EMS | EMS Dispatch |
1584 | 630 | A | RADIO REPAIR | RADIO REPAIR | Business |
1648 | 670 | A | DUMC ENV | DUMC Environmental | Business |
1904 | 770 | A | DU PATNT SVC | DUKE PATIENT SRVS | Transportation |
2000 | 7d0 | A | DUMCSVCS | DUMC Services/Transport | Transportation |
3472 | d90 | A | BED CNTROL | DUMC Bed Control | Business |
3664 | e50 | A | DUMC | DUMC | Business |
4272 | 10b0 | A | LifeFlight | Skanska Lifeflight | EMS-Tac |