System Name: Lauttamus (T3)
Location: Various, OH PA WV
County: 10 Counties
System Type: DMR Tier 3 Capacity Max
System Voice: DMR
System ID: HEX: S1 DEC: S1
Last Updated: February 12, 2025, 12:20 pm UTC   [Updated 1 talkgroups for West Virginia]
System Notes

Model:  (S)mall

Network ID:  1

Type:   CapMax


LCNs need to be confirmed.

Check wiki for info if you are programming DSDPlus or Uniden scanner.   The wiki also indicates certain channels that are dedicated control channels.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
014 (E) Adena Jefferson, OH 454.0125c454.2625
005 (5) Bridgeport Belmont, OH 451.250c454.000c
006 (6) Byesville Guernsey, OH 461.250c461.950
002 (2) East Liverpool Columbiana, OH 460.975c461.400
009 (9) Fairmont Marion, WV 460.925c 
007 (7) Moundsville Marshall, WV 451.100c453.000
008 (8) St Joseph Marshall, WV 454.000460.975c
010 (A) Washington Washington, PA 451.500c461.000c
001 (1) Weirton Brooke, WV 460.900c463.7375


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
500TMingo Jct DPWMingo Junction DPW / PlowsPublic Works
5000TBuckeyeLoc BusesBuckeye Local Schools - BusesSchools
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3000TBrookeCo Sch BusBrooke Co Schools - BusesSchools
3001TBrookeCo Sch 911Brooke Co Schools to 911Emergency Ops
3002TBrookeCo Sch EvtBrooke Co Schools - EventsSchools
4000THanCo Sch BusHancock Co Schools - BusesSchools
4010THanCo Sch 911Hancock Co Schools to 911Emergency Ops
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1003TSW Energy 1003Southwest EnergyBusiness
1004TSW Energy 1004Southwest EnergyBusiness
1005TSW Energy 1005Southwest EnergyBusiness
1006TSW Energy 1006Southwest EnergyBusiness
1007TSW Energy 1007Southwest EnergyBusiness
1018TSW Energy 1018Southwest EnergyBusiness
1020TSW Energy 1020Southwest EnergyBusiness
1021TSW Energy 1021Southwest EnergyBusiness
1025TSW Energy 1025Southwest EnergyBusiness
1026TSW Energy 1026Southwest EnergyBusiness
1027TSW Energy 1027Southwest EnergyBusiness
1028TSW Energy 1028Southwest EnergyBusiness
1031TSW Energy 1031Southwest EnergyBusiness
1036TSW Energy 1036Southwest EnergyBusiness
Wheeling Island Hotel - Casino - Racetrack (WV)

Submitter indicated at least 10 talkgroups.   Submitter did not identify usage.   Submitter only noted that the company migrated to this system

DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2000TWIHC SECURITYSecuritySecurity
2001TWIHC FAC MGMTFacilities ManagementBusiness
2002TWIHC HOUSEKEEPGHousekeepingBusiness
2003TWIHC FOOD & BEVFood and BeverageBusiness
2004TWIHC SLOT ATTENDSlot Machine AttendantsBusiness
2005TWIHC HOTEL OPSHotel OperationsBusiness
2006TWIHC CAGESCashier CagesBusiness
2007TWIHC COMMISSARYCommissaryBusiness
2008TWIHC IT STAFFIT StaffBusiness
2009TWIHC SLOT TECHSSlot Machine TechniciansBusiness