Empire Liberty Electric

System Name: Empire Liberty Electric
Location: Joplin Mo HQ and 4-state , AR KS MO OK
County: 18 Counties
System Type: DMR Tier 3 Capacity Max
System Voice: DMR
System ID: HEX: L1 DEC: L1
Last Updated: January 2, 2025, 15:27 pm UTC   [Changed Site # 020 (Aurora) to 20 (Aurora)]
System Notes
- Licensed to Empire Electric. A company official recently said "doing business as Empire, branded as Liberty."
- Empire is a long time electric utility with some natural gas segments in Joplin and SW Mo.
- Empire was purchased in 2017 by Liberty Utilities, which operates regulated water, wastewater, natural gas, and electric utilities, providing local utility management, service, and support to small and mid-sized communities across the United States. Liberty is owned by Algonquin Power and Utilities Corp.of Canada.
- They are replacing their aging 48MHz low band transmitters with a 24 site Tier III DMR system in the Four State Area,
- First control channels heard October 2021.
- A link to a spreadsheet with all 24 licensed sites and 48 frequencies can be found in the Wiki, along with a map of all licensed sites.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
001 (1) Bolivar Polk, MO 462.050c464.2625
002 (2) Buffalo Dallas, MO 463.5625464.2125c
003 (3) Greenfield, MO Dade, MO 461.8625c463.7625
004 (4) Noel McDonald, MO 464.1875464.2375c
005 (5) Neosho Newton, MO 461.5125461.8875c
006 (6) Gravette AR Benton, AR 461.9375464.3625c
007 (7) Avilla MO Jasper, MO 463.2125c463.5625
008 (8) Reeds Spring Stone, MO 462.000c462.150c
009 (9) Republic Greene, MO 461.825463.275c
010 (A) Columbus KS Cherokee, KS 461.825c463.350
011 (B) Monett Lawrence, MO 463.4875c463.675
012 (C) Asbury MO Jasper, MO 452.0125c452.150
013 (D) Ozark Christian, MO 461.875c462.175
014 (E) Stockton MO Cedar, MO 451.0375c451.875
015 (F) Strafford Greene, MO 461.6375c464.3625
016 (10) Joplin East (Kodiak/Dunweg) Newton, MO 464.050464.250c
017 (11) Hockerville OK Ottawa, OK 451.9625452.250c
018 (12) Wheatland Hickory, MO 463.625464.350c
019 (13) Wyandotte Ottawa, OK 463.775464.2875c
020 (14) Aurora Lawrence, MO 463.2375c463.550
021 (15) Joplin West Jasper, MO 461.8125c464.2125c
022 (16) Welch OK Craig, OK 464.125c464.3875c
023 (17) Branson Taney, MO 464.3375464.6875c


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10TJoplin Ops 10Joplin Electric Operations TG 10Utilities
11TJoplin Const 11Joplin Construction TG 11Utilities
19TJoplin Const 19Joplin Construction TG 19Utilities
20TSE KS Ops 20Baxter Springs SE KS Elec OpsUtilities
29TSE KS Const 29SE Kansas area ConstructionUtilities
30TNeos/Andrson OpsNeosho/Anderson Electric Ops Utilities
40TAurora OpsAurora Electric Ops - Base 2Utilities
50TBflo/Bolivar OpsBuffalo - Bolivar area Elec OpsUtilities
51TBuf/Bol ConstBuffalo - Bolivar area construction opsUtilities
59TBuf/Bol 59Buffalo - Bolivar area const 59Utilities
70THollister OpsHollister-Branson OperationsUtilities
91TJoplin Ops 91Joplin Electric Operations TG 91Utilities
99TSystemwideSystem wideUtilities