City of Boulder Integrated Radio System (CBIRS)

System Name: City of Boulder Integrated Radio System (CBIRS)
Location: Boulder, CO
County: Boulder
System Type: Project 25 Phase I
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 43E WACN: 00001
Last Updated: February 22, 2025, 21:12 pm UTC   [Updated 1 talkgroups for Public Works]
System Notes

BDA/DAS installers:  City of Boulder simulcast is transitioning from 8 to 18 channels and connecting to the state radio system in 2025. It is critical that vendors design BDA/DAS/ERRCES systems in coordination with City of Boulder Radio Services.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name Freqs
1 (1) 001 (1) Boulder 769.10625c769.75625c770.79375c771.59375c772.66875c773.43125c774.21875c774.89375c


Boulder Police talkgroups are referred to as channel "Law-x".

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45001afc9DLaw 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
45002afcaDELaw 2Police 2Law Dispatch
45003afcbDELaw 3 DataPolice 3 DataLaw Tac
45004afccDELaw 4Police 4Law Tac
45005afcdDELaw 5 TAC1Police 5 TAC1Law Tac
45006afceDELaw 6 TAC2Police 6 TAC2Law Tac
45007afcfDELaw 7Police 7Law Tac
45008afd0DELaw 8Police 8Law Tac
45013afd5DELaw 13Encrypted 13Law Talk
45015afd7DELaw 15Encrypted 15Law Talk

Boulder County fire agencies have switched to a 3-digit numbering system.
The City of Boulder are now fire stations 41-48.
So, for example, former Engine 2501 is now Engine 141.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45020afdcDAVD DispatchAutomatic Voice DispatchFire Dispatch
45030afe6DFire DispatchFire Dispatch (9100)Fire Dispatch
45021afddDFire Ops 1Fire Ops 1Fire-Tac
45022afdeDFire Ops 2Fire Ops 2Fire-Tac
45023afdfDFire Ops 3Fire Ops 3Fire-Tac
45024afe0DFire Ops 4Fire Ops 4Fire-Tac
45026afe2DFire TrainingFire TrainingFire-Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
100012711DAnnouncementsBoulder Reservoir PA AnnouncementsPublic Works
45040aff0DPublic Works 1Public Works 1Public Works
45041aff1DPublic Works 2Public Works 2Public Works
45042aff2DPublic Works 3Public Works 3Public Works
45043aff3DWater Plant 1Water Treatment Plant 1Public Works
45044aff4DWater Plant 2Water Treatment Plant 2Public Works
45045aff5DWater Plant 3Water Treatment Plant 3Public Works
45046aff6DWater Plant 4Water Treatment Plant 4Public Works
45047aff7DReservoir OpsBoulder Reservoir OperationsPublic Works
45048aff8DReservoir EMGBoulder Reservoir EmergencyPublic Works
45049aff9DeCity Parks 1City Parks 1 (398x Units)Public Works
45050affaDeCity Parks 2City Parks 2Public Works
45051affbDParking 1Parking 1 (3xx units)Public Works
45052affcDParking 2Parking 2 (3xx units)Public Works
45053affdDWater Dept 1Water Department 1Public Works
45054affeDWater Dept 2Water Department 2Public Works
45055afffDSnow DeskSnow 1 - Snow DeskPublic Works
45056b000DSnow PlowsSnow 2 - Snow PlowsPublic Works
45059b003DTesting 45059Radio Service testingPublic Works
45060b004DTesting 45060Radio Service testingPublic Works
45065b009DTesting 45065Radio Service testingPublic Works
45066b00aDTraffic LightsTraffic LightsPublic Works
45071b00fDe842x Units842x UnitsPublic Works
45072b010De843x Units843x UnitsPublic Works
45073b011DeEncrypted 45073Encrypted 45073Public Works
45074b012DeEncrypted 45074Encrypted 45074Public Works