North Carolina Dept of Corrections

System Name: North Carolina Dept of Corrections
Location: Raleigh, NC
County: 2 Counties
System Type: NXDN NEXEDGE 9600
System Voice: NXDN Digital
System ID: HEX: 1c DEC: 28
Last Updated: February 3, 2024, 18:18 pm UTC   [Added Talkgroup to: Tabor Correctional (367 Tabor Correctional Ops)]

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
006 (6) Central Prison Wake 453.050453.2625453.4875453.7375453.950
005 (5) NC Correctional Institution for Women Wake 453.1625c453.4125c453.8125c  
013 (D) Tabor Correctional Columbus 453.3125c453.525453.950  


NC Correctional Institution for Women
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
121DNCCIW ControlControl (Administration and Emergency)Corrections
122DNCCIW Ops/YardOperations/Yard (Operations and Units)Corrections
124DNCCIW MaintMaintenanceCorrections
128DNCCIW GatesGates (Entry Gates)Corrections
129DNCCIW PerimeterPerimeter (Roving Perimeter Patrols)Corrections
Tabor Correctional
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
367DOperationsTabor Correctional OpsCorrections