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Entity | Entity Type |
Pawnee County Trunked Systems (2) | Trunked |
Pawnee County | Category |
Pawnee County
Pawnee County
Kansas Statewide Interoperable Communication System (KSICS) Project 25 Phase II | Pawnee County Sheriff is on this system |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.745 | WPUF608 | RM | 192.8 PL | PawneeCo Sheriff | Sheriff (Dispatch before KSCIS) | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
155.190 | WPTV380 | RM | 179.9 PL | PawneeCo SO West | Sheriff - West Repeater | FMN | Law Dispatch |
155.955 | KNBT897 | RM | Pawnee Co Roads | Highway Maintenance | FMN | Public Works |
Kansas Statewide Interoperable Communication System (KSICS) Project 25 Phase II | Larned Police and EMS are on this system |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.145 | WPHP721 | RM | 192.8 PL | Larned Police 2 | Police Tactical | FMN | Law Dispatch |
155.865 | WQWN553 | BM | Larned Fire Tone | Fire and EMS Tone Out | FMN | Fire Dispatch | |
463.075 | WNUM491 | RM | Larned EMS | EMS to St Joseph Hospital - Patient Reports | FMN | Hospital | |
155.100 | WPUF608 | BM | Larned City Serv | City Services and Storm Siren Activation | FMN | Fire Dispatch | |
453.4375 | WPQI743 | M | Larned Utilties | City Utilities | FMN | Public Works | |
458.4375 | WPQI743 | M | Larned Utilties | City Utilities | FMN | Public Works | |
155.205 | KWX611 | BM | Larned Schools | Fort Larned School Buses | FMN | Schools |
Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.310 | WNXK778 | RM | 173.8 PL | Larned Prison | Facility Operations | FMN | Corrections |
Larned Juvenile Correctional Facility
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
854.9875 | WPKV714 | RM | 612 DPL | Larned Juvenile | LJCF Operations | FM | Corrections |
Larned State Hospital
The Larned State Hospital is the largest psychiatric facility in the state with the capacity to treat 450 patients
It has a repeater licensed on 155.805 WPCG432 and 464.175 WRHV574
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
858.5375 | WPGU298 | RM | StateHospSecurty | LSH Security and Fire | FM | Hospital | |
856.4375 | WPXC450 | RM | LarnedStateHosp | LSH Grounds and Escorts | FM | Hospital | |
857.4375 | WPXC450 | RM | LarnedStateHosp | LSH - Future Use | FM | Hospital | |
858.4375 | WPXC450 | RM | LarnedStateHosp | LSH - Future Use | FM | Hospital |