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Entity | Entity Type |
Norton County Trunked Systems (1) | Trunked |
Norton County | Category |
Norton County
Norton County
Kansas Statewide Interoperable Communication System (KSICS) Project 25 Phase II | Norton County Sheriff, Fire and EMS use this system. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.430 | WQAB588 | RM | 107.2 PL | NortonCo Sheriff | Sheriff, Fire and EMS (before KSICS) | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
155.265 | KWM637 | RM | Norton Hospital | EMS Dispatch | FMN | Hospital | |
151.025 | WPZX550 | RM | Norton Co Roads | Highway Maintenance | FMN | Public Works |
Norton Police dispatch is on the Sheriff's Repeater (155.430 MHz)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
45.640 | KCZ928 | BM | NortonPubWks | Public Works | FM | Public Works | |
461.175 | KDO273 | RM | NortonSchool | Public School Buses | FMN | Schools |
Norton Correctional Facility
Norton Correctional Facility is a medium security prison in Norton. The facility includes a mental health unit.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.310 | WNKS899 | RM | 103.5 PL | NortonPrison Sec | Prison Security | FMN | Corrections |
155.880 | WNIG991 | RM | 103.5 PL | Norton Prison | Prison Operations | FMN | Corrections |
155.700 | WPQY389 | RM | 103.5 PL | Norton Prison | Prison Operations | FMN | Corrections |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.895 | WNKA372 | BM | NorthrnVallySchl | Northern Valley Schools - Security and Operations | FMN | Schools |