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Entity | Entity Type |
Morton County Trunked Systems (1) | Trunked |
Morton County | Category |
Airport | Aircraft / Airport |
Morton County
Morton County
County Fire Dispatch is simulcast on 155.715 MHz and KSICS talkgroup 2763.
Kansas Statewide Interoperable Communication System (KSICS) Project 25 Phase II | Morton County Law Enforcement and Fire are on this system |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
859.7625 | WRAC414 | RM | MortonCo Sheriff | Sheriff Backup | FM | Law Dispatch | |
155.715 | RM | 162.2 PL | MortonCo Fire | Fire Dispatch | FMN | Fire Dispatch | |
155.790 | WQFI386 | RM | 162.2 PL | MortonCo EMS | EMS Dispatch | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
461.250 | WQEZ419 | RM | MortonCo Hosptal | Morton County Hospital | FMN | Hospital | |
155.940 | WQFI385 | RM | 123.0 PL | Morton Co Roads | Highway Maintenace | FMN | Public Works |