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Entity | Entity Type |
Montgomery County Trunked Systems (2) | Trunked |
Montgomery County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Montgomery County | Category |
Schools | Business Group |
Montgomery County
Montgomery County
Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications System (ISICS) Project 25 Phase II | Sheriff, Fire, and EMS |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.280 | KTI643 | RM | MontgSh Disp | Sheriff Dispatch | FM | Law Dispatch | |
155.190 | KTI643 | BM | MontgSheriff | Sheriff | FM | Law Tac | |
155.610 | KTI643 | B | Montg ShInfo | Sheriff Information - Base | FM | Law Talk | |
155.910 | KTI643 | M | Montg ShInfo | Sheriff Information - Mobiles | FM | Law Talk | |
155.865 | KOE332 | B | MontgFireDis | Fire Dispatch | FM | Fire Dispatch | |
154.310 | KBG636 | RM | MontgFireOps | Fire Operations - PL 67.0 Grant, PL 97.4 Elliott, PL 114.8 Villisca, PL 229.1 Red Oak | FM | Fire-Tac | |
155.235 | KNIV324 | B | Hospital | Hospital | FM | EMS Dispatch | |
156.165 | KLG458 | RM | MontgRdDept | Road Department | DMR | Public Works |
Red Oak
Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications System (ISICS) Project 25 Phase II | Red Oak Police and Fire |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
156.000 | WPNX995 | RM | 110.9 PL | Red Oak PD | Police Dispatch | FM | Law Dispatch |
154.100 | WNPU807 | BM | Red Oak FG | Fireground | FM | Fire-Tac | |
173.325 | WQTH273 | F | RedOak Water | Water Control | Telm | Data |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.055 | KKC732 | RM | 167.9 PL | Villisca PW | Public Works | FM | Public Works |