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Entity | Entity Type |
Tippecanoe County Trunked Systems (14) | Trunked |
Tippecanoe County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Tippecanoe County | Category |
Schools | Category |
Business/Industrial | Business Group |
Purdue Airport (KLAF) | Aircraft / Airport |
Railroads | Business Group |
Almost all public safety communications take place on the county's 800Mhz P-25 system which is digital.
County fire dispatches are simulcast on 154.3700 Mhz.
County Highway and West Lafayette Public Works remain on VHF.
Tippecanoe County utilizes the Project Hoosier SAFE-T system as a backup to the Tippecanoe County trunked system and for interoperability with other agencies.
Tippecanoe County
Law Enforcement
Tippecanoe County Government (P25) Project 25 Phase I | Used by all county Law agencies in (Sheriff, Battleground Police, Lafayette Police, West Lafayette Police, Purdue Police) |
Indiana Project Hoosier SAFE-T Project 25 Phase I | (backup to the Tippecanoe TRS) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.7875 | WQKV470 | M | 114.8 PL | 79-JAIL-1 | Jail Operations 1 | FMN | Corrections |
453.7375 | WQKV470 | M | 179.9 PL | 79-JAIL-2 | Jail Operations 2 | FMN | Corrections |
Emergency Management/Fire/EMS
Tippecanoe County Government (P25) Project 25 Phase I | Used by Emergency Management, Fire and EMS |
Indiana Project Hoosier SAFE-T Project 25 Phase I | Backup for the Tippecanoe TRS |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.055 | KWE758 | BM | CSQ | 79-EMA-VHF | County EMA Paging/Tone Outs | FMN | Emergency Ops |
155.025 | KWE758 | BM | 91.5 PL | 79-EMA-WX | County EMA Weather Alert Radios | FMN | Emergency Ops |
154.370 | KVQ682 | B | 156.7 PL | 79-FD-DISP | Fire Dispatch / Tone-Outs | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
153.0125 | WQNE532 | RM | 131.8 PL | PHI DV FLT 1 CH1 | PHI Medical Helicopter/Dove Flight 1: West Lafayette (Ch 1) | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
153.0875 | WQDJ528 | RM | 131.8 PL | PHI DV FLT 1 CH2 | PHI Medical Helicopter/Dove Flight 1: West Lafayette (Ch 2) | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
159.735 | WQBC847 | BM | PHI DV FLT 1 CH3 | PHI Medical Helicopter/Dove Flight 1: West Lafayette (Ch 3) | FMN | EMS Dispatch | |
153.065 | WQFR305 | BM | 203.5 PL | LIFELINE-LAF | IU Health LifeLine VHF Lafayette | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
462.175 | WQKC977 | RM | 743 DPL | PROMPT-EMS-BLS | Prompt EMS: Basic Life Support Dispatch | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
464.400 | WQKC977 | RM | 192.8 PL | PROMPT-EMS-WC | Prompt EMS: Wheelchair Transport | FMN | Transportation |
47.420 | KSW959 | BM | RED-CROSS | Red Cross - Lafayette Chapter | FMN | Emergency Ops |
Government Services/Utilities
Tippecanoe County Government (P25) Project 25 Phase I | New P-25 system used by Public Works operations. |
Tipmont REMC NXDN NEXEDGE 9600 | Tipmont REMC provides electrical distribution to Tippecanoe County. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.010 | KSI993 | RM | 146.2 PL | 79-HWY-MAIN | County Highway Department | FMN | Public Works |
154.055 | KZF712 | BM | 79-BGPW-OPS | Battleground Government Services | FMN | Public Works | |
158.775 | KNAJ260 | BM | 79-LWW-OPS | Lafayette Water Pollution Control | FMN | Public Works | |
453.600 | WPHU812 | F | 79-LWW-DATA | Lafayette Wastewater Control Data | Telm | Public Works | |
155.895 | KQS652 | BM | 186.2 PL | 79-WL-STRT | West Lafayette Street Department | FMN | Public Works |
159.255 | KXO652 | BM | 79-WL-PARK | West Lafayette Parks Department | FMN | Public Works | |
453.350 | KWB613 | RM | 82.5 PL | 79-GLPT-DISP | Greater Lafayette Public Transportation | FMN | Transportation |
452.425 | WPLV363 | RM | 192.8 PL | 79-GLPT-OPS1 | Greater Lafayette Public Transportation | FMN | Transportation |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.3875 | WQZA302 | RM | CC 1 TG 100 SL 1 |
IU-Arnett-1 | IU Health Arnett Hospital Security | DMR | Security |
463.5125 | WQJL517 | RM | IU-Arnett-2 | IU Health Arnett Hospital | DMR | Hospital | |
451.8375 | WQLN769 | RM | StE-East-1 | St. Elizabeth East Hospital | DMR | Hospital | |
463.275 | WQLN769 | RM | StE-Cent-1 | St. Elizabeth Central Hospital | DMR | Hospital | |
464.225 | WQLN769 | RM | StE-Cent-2 | St. Elizabeth Central Hospital | DMR | Hospital | |
461.6125 | WQLN769 | RM | StE-Cent-3 | St. Elizabeth Central Hospital | DMR | Hospital | |
463.600 | WPEP429 | RM | 77.0 PL | VH-Hospital | Indiana Veterans Home | FMN | Hospital |
461.4375 | WQLK213 | RM | Westminster | Westminster Village Retirement Home | DMR | Hospital |
Tippecanoe County Schools
Tippecanoe County Government (P25) Project 25 Phase I | Use by Lafayette Schools, West Lafayette Schools, and Tippecanoe County Schools |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.475 | WPMG357 | M | AmeliaEarhart ES | Amelia Earhart Elementary | FMN | Schools | |
463.5625 | WQJV344 | RM | Battleground ES | Battleground Elementary School | DMR | Schools | |
451.9625 | WQJV558 | RM | Battleground MS | Battleground Middle School | DMR | Schools | |
452.325 | WPME277 | M | Edgelea ES | Edgelea Elementary | FMN | Schools | |
452.225 | WPLY838 | M | Glen Acres ES? | Glen Acres | FMN | Schools | |
451.225 | WPLV659 | M | Hersey ES | Hershey Elementary | FMN | Schools | |
466.070 | WQLJ728 | M | 100.0 PL | Klondike MS | Klondike Middle School [Expired 2/20] | FMN | Schools |
154.515 | WNSL991 | M | Laf Jefferson HS | Lafayette Jefferson High School | FMN | Schools | |
460.650 | WPHJ966 | RM | Lafay School 1 | Lafayette School Corporation | FMN | Schools | |
463.550 | WNLF870 | RM | 315 DPL | Lafay School 2 | Lafayette School Corporation | FMN | Schools |
464.950 | WPLG843 | M | Lafay School 3 | Lafayette School Corporation | FMN | Schools | |
462.225 | WPQC631 | M | Linnwd ES | Linnwood Elementary | FMN | Schools | |
451.550 | WPKZ290 | RM | 023 DPL | McCutcheon HS | McCutcheon High School | FMN | Schools |
451.325 | WPOY381 | M | Miami Schools | Miami Public Schools | FMN | Schools | |
452.400 | WPMZ700 | M | Sunnyside MS | Sunnyside Middle School | FMN | Schools | |
462.500 | WPTN421 | RM | Tippec Schools R | Tippecanoe School Corporation | FMN | Schools | |
460.800 | WPIW769 | M | 365 DPL | Vinton ES | Vinton Elementary | FMN | Schools |
469.000 | WPRX214 | M | Wainwright MS | Wainwright Middle School | FMN | Schools |
Purdue University
Tippecanoe County Government (P25) Project 25 Phase I | Used by Purdue Fire, Purdue Police and a majority of non-public safety related support operations. |
Indiana Project Hoosier SAFE-T Project 25 Phase I | (Backup to the Tippecanoe TRS) |
Purdue University Athletics DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | Used by Purdue University athletics department for day-to-day operations. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
156.210 | KSB412 | RM | 156.7 PL | 79-PUPD-SP | Police: Student Patrol (SP-XXX units) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
453.825 | WNQF898 | RM | 79-PU-OPS-1 | Operations 1 | FMN | Schools | |
453.925 | WPGR200 | RM | 79-PU-OPS-2 | Operations 2 | FMN | Schools | |
461.575 | WNCQ663 | RM | 79-PU-OPS-3 | Operations 3 | FMN | Schools | |
462.050 | WQAT877 | RM | 146.2 PL | 79-PU-ENG | Engineering Department | FMN | Schools |
155.280 | KCI754 | BM | 79-PU-ANIMAL | Large Animal Hospital | FMN | Schools | |
155.925 | KSQ484 | RM | 218.1 PL | 79-PU-MAINT | Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
453.525 | KKH397 | RM | CC 4 TG 204 SL 2 |
79-PU-GROUND | Groudscrew, Dorms and Co-Rec | DMR | Schools |
151.955 | KSI770 | BM | 254.1 PL | 79-PU-TAXI | Taxi Service / Paging | FMN | Schools |
151.625 | KQC937 | M | 79-PU-FOREST | Itinerant / Forestry | FMN | Schools | |
464.7625 | WQGS730 | M | 141.3 PL | 79-PU-GARAGE | Parking Garage Ops | FMN | Schools |