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Carroll County Trunked Systems (3) | Trunked |
Carroll County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
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Carroll County EMA, Carroll County Fire/EMS, Carroll County Sheriff, and Delphi Police Department utilize the Project Hoosier SAFE-T system for their primary public safety communications.
Carroll County
Law Enforcement
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.130 | KSC478 | BM | CSQ | A-BASE-CAR | Sheriff Plan A Base-to-Car (Backup) | FMN | Law Tac |
154.890 | KSC478 | M | CSQ | A-CAR-BASE | Sheriff Plan A Car-to-Base (Backup) | FMN | Law Tac |
465.200 | KSC478 | M | 08-SO-MRE | Sheriff Mobile Extenders | FMN | Law Tac | |
154.100 | WNPZ820 | BM | 08-CPD-OPS | Camden Police Ops | FMN | Law Tac | |
154.710 | WPKT934 | M | 08-DPD-MRE | Delphi Police Mobile Extenders | FMN | Law Tac | |
855.7125 | WPML411 | RM | 08-SO-MDT | Sheriff Mobile Data Terminals | Telm | Law Tac |
Emergency Management/Fire/EMS
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.745 | WPAJ704 | BM | 08-EMA-OPS | Carroll County EMA | FMN | Emergency Ops | |
154.130 | WPAJ313 | BM | 82.5 PL | 08-FD-DISP | County Fire Dispatch | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
154.070 | KNIE586 | M | 08-FD-FG-1 | Fire Tac 1 | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
153.830 | KFG517 | M | 08-FD-FG-2 | Fire Tac 2 | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
155.805 | WPLD247 | BM | 82.5 PL | 08-EMS-DISP | County EMS Dispatch | FMN | EMS Dispatch |