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Entity | Entity Type |
Pulaski County Trunked Systems (2) | Trunked |
Pulaski County | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
See the WIKI for more frequencies and information
Illinois State Police Troop x (former District 22)
Pulaski County
Pulaski County Sheriff / 911 - ETSB
911 documentation claims that Pulaski County ESDA; Mounds City Police/Fire; Mounds Police/Fire is using 158.88 for dispatch, although no area usage or licenses can be found PDF
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
159.135 | WPNR373 | RM | 306 DPL | Pulaski Sheriff | Sheriff: Dispatch | FMN | Law Dispatch |
158.8875 | WQQU397 | BM | TriCo DetCtr | Tri-County Detention Center (Ullin) | FMN | Corrections | |
151.4225 | WPNR373 | RM | 265 DPL | Pulaski Co Fire | Fire/EMS Dispatch | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
159.105 | WPKP985 | B | Pulaski RurFire | Fire / EMS: Rural Dispatch (Mound City) | FMN | Fire Dispatch | |
155.220 | KNJK591 | B | Pulaski EMS | EMS: Dispatch | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
150.995 | WXF735 | BM | Pulaski Highway | Highway Department (Villa Ridge) | FMN | Public Works | |
154.055 | WPXN416 | BM | Pulaski HsAuth | Housing Authority (Mounds) [Expired 5/13] | FMN | Public Works |
Shawnee Mass Transit District
See Rides Mass Transit District (RMTD) under Statewide Businesses-Transportation
Tri-County Fire and Rescue
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
153.755 | WPLZ698 | RM | Tri-County Fire | Fire: Dispatch (Richland) [Expired 4/13] | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.955 | WNWD409 | BM | Karnak Village | Village Ops | FMN | Public Works |
Mound City
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.640 | WQYX233 | RM | MountCity Police | Police: Dispatch | FMN | Law Dispatch |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.235 | WNSB368 | BM | Mounds Fire | Fire [Expired 8/22] | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.175 | WNWU655 | BM | Olmsted Fire | Fire | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.850 | WQBY937 | BM | Ullin Police | Police | FMN | Law Tac |
Schools and Colleges
School Buses
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.575 | WQIZ934 | RM | ICS Bus NGC | Illinois-Central School Bus (New Brand Chain) | FMN | Schools |
Meridian Community Unit School District
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.9125 | WQLJ899 | RM | Meridian School | Ops/Security/Buses (Mounds) [Expired 2/20] | FMN | Schools |
Shawnee College (Ullin)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
152.390 | WPUB753 | RM | Shawnee College | Operations | FMN | Schools |