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Entity | Entity Type |
Pike County Trunked Systems (4) | Trunked |
Pike County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Pike County | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools | Category |
Airports | Category |
Illinois State | Category |
Businesses, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
See the WIKI for unconfirmed frequencies and more information.
Illinois State Police Troop (was District)
Mississippi River - Commercial traffic uses Marine Ch 13 while recreational uses Ch 9. Ch. 16 is a hailing channel. For more see Database and American Boating Association. US Army Corp of Engineers control the lock and dams
All Fire Departments are volunteer, members of MABAS-IL Division 67, and most use MABAS fireground frequencies.
Pike County
Sheriff / E911 Fire/EMS
154.785 Sheriff is simulcasting/patched to 151.055 Pittsfield Police NXDN Repeater (as of 5/6/15)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.785 | KNGF366 | RM | 114.8 PL | Pike Sheriff/Law | Sheriff / Countywide Law: Dispatch {123.0 in} | FMN | Law Dispatch |
155.100 | KIB550 | RM | 127.3 PL | Pike911 Paging | Fire/EMS: Paging Only - Countywide {Multiple Input} | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
158.880 | KIB550 | F | 196.6 PL | Pike911 PHil | Fire/EMS: Paging Link to Pleasant Hill Tower | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
158.880 | KIB550 | F | 141.3 PL | Pike911 Hull | Fire/EMS: Paging Link to Hull Tower | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
158.880 | KIB550 | F | 365 DPL | Pike911 Bary | Fire/EMS: Paging Link to Barry Tower | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
158.880 | KIB550 | F | 88.5 PL | Pike911 Pfld | Fire/EMS: Paging Link to Pittsfield Tower | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
158.880 | KIB550 | F | 94.8 PL | Pike911 Grig | Fire/EMS: Paging Link to Griggsville Tower | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
154.100 | KIB550 | RM | 114.8 PL | Pike911Alpha | Fire/EMS: Response / EMS: Incident Command - Alpha {162.2 in} | FMN | Fire-Tac |
151.130 | KIB550 | RM | 114.8 PL | Pike911Bravo | Fire/EMS: Response / EMS: Incident Command - Bravo {91.5 in} | FMN | Fire-Tac |
453.375 | KIB550 | RM | 114.8 PL | Pike RF Link | 911/Sheriff: Voting System (to Law, Alpha or Bravo) | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
458.150 | KIB550 | F | 123.0 PL | Pike 911 RF1 | 911: Remote Receive Link (Constant Tone Carrier) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
458.525 | KIB550 | F | 162.2 PL | Pike 911 RF2 | 911: Remote Receive Link (Constant Tone Carrier) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
458.850 | KIB550 | F | 91.5 PL | Pike 911 RF3 | 911: Remote Receive Link (Constant Tone Carrier) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
158.760 | KIB550 | BM | 114.8 PL | Pike County EMA | EMA: Ops / Exercises | FMN | Emergency Ops |
Blessing Illini Community Hospital (Pittsfield)
Pike County Ambulance Service - paged on 155.1, Response on Alpha or Bravo
Blessing Health System (IL) DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO) | Hospital Operations (Encrypted) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.235 | KJE989 | RM | 114.8 PL | ICH Ops A | Plant Operations | FMN | Business |
155.235 | KJE989 | RM | 127.3 PL | ICH Ops B | Operations | FMN | Business |
155.340 | KJE989 | B | 127.3 PL | MERCI1 127.3 | Patient Reports / Air-Evac Inbound (210.7 S/W available) | FMN | Hospital |
Pike County Government
Municipalities and Districts
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.715 | WQCH360 | BM | 114.8 PL | Griggsv City | City Operations | FMN | Public Works |
Meredosia-Bluffs Rescue District
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.400 | WRAK507 | RM | 143 DPL | MerBluff EMS | EMS: Paging / Dispatch | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.055 | WQVB551 | RM | 10 RAN | PittsfieldPolice | Police: Simulcast of Sheriff/Law | NXDN96 | Law Dispatch |
158.835 | KNGS341 | RM | 315 DPL | Pittsfield Fire | Fire: Local / Private | FMN | Fire-Talk |
154.250 | WNLW578 | BM | 114.8 PL | Pitsfld Firegrnd | Fireground (with Barry) | FMN | Fire-Tac |
154.025 | KNGS341 | BM | 97.4 PL | Ptsfd PubWrk | Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
160.0125 | WQLP726 | F | Ptsfld WDD | Water Distribution Data (CSQ) [Expired 3/20, in use 10/23] | Telm | Data |
Pleasant Hill
For Fire Events, City ops, may use PHCUSD3 154.515 Repeater
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
160.1025 | WPYG321 | BM | PHill Water | Pleasant Hill Water Company (CSQ) [Expired 8/23] | Telm | Data |
Pittsfield Penstone Airport
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
118.525 | WWR2 | B | CSQ | PeostonAWOS | AWOS | Telm | Aircraft |
Griggsville-Perry School District
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
152.435 | WSCH547 | RM | 136.5 PL | 1stStdnt GP | First Student Buses [BK Electric] | FMN | Schools |
Pikeland Community School District #10 (Pittsfield)
Has access to 453.375R 114.8 PL Pike Charley
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.725 | WNCZ341 | RM | 103.5 PL | Pklnd School | Ops / Buses [PCS] | FMN | Schools |
Pleasant Hill Community Unit School District 3
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.515 | KNAC787 | RM | 203.5 PL | PH Sch/Villg | School Ops / PH City Ops, Fire Events [D365 in] [Expired 9/22] | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
Western Community Unit School District 12 (Barry/Hull)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.275 | WQNF206 | RM | 33 RAN | Western CUSD | Operations [TG 29000] (NX??) | NXDN48E | Schools |
Pittsfield-Penstone Municipal Airport [PPQ]
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
118.525 | WWR2 | BM | CSQ | PPQW AWOS-3 | Weather AWOS-3 | AM | Aircraft |
122.800 | BM | CSQ | PPQ CTAF | CTAF/UNICOM [No License] | AM | Aircraft |
Illinois State
Pittsfield Work Camp [K-17-???]
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.425 | WQRC881 | RM | 127.3 PL | K17PF WorkCamp | Operations | FMN | Corrections |