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Entity | Entity Type |
Greene County Trunked Systems (6) | Trunked |
Greene County | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools | Category |
State of Illinois | Category |
Businesses, Media, Recreation and Attractions | Business Group |
See the WIKI for more information
Illinois State Police Troop 8 (former District 18) Greene County Scanner Page on Facebook
Greene County
911 / Sheriff
Dispatch by West Central Joint Dispatch Center in Jacksonville (as of 1/18) [Can contact Mac911 on their repeater]
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.2425 | WQZU447 | RM | 57 RAN | Greene Law Rdhse | Sheriff/Rural Law: Dispatch (Roodhouse-Simulcast) | NXDN48E | Law Dispatch |
151.4225 | WQZU447 | RM | 57 RAN | Greene Law Grnfd | Sheriff/Rural Law: Dispatch (Greenfield-Simulcast) | NXDN48E | Law Dispatch |
151.0175 | WQZU447 | RM | 57 RAN | Greene Law CarrN | Sheriff/Rural Law: Dispatch (North/Carrollton-Simulcast) | NXDN48E | Law Dispatch |
154.8675 | WQZU447 | RM | 57 RAN | Greene Law Kmpsv | Sheriff/Rural Law: Dispatch (Kampsville-Simulcast) | NXDN48E | Law Dispatch |
154.4075 | WPOX944 | RM | 57 RAN | Greene Law CarrC | Sheriff/Rural Law: Dispatch (Carrollton-Simulcast) [Expired 8/24] | NXDN48E | Law Dispatch |
173.2875 | WPOX944 | M | GreeneSheriffMX | Sheriff: Mobile Extenders b>[Expired 8/24] | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
158.8425 | WQZU446 | RM | 172 DPL | Greene Fire/EMS | Fire/EMS: Dispatch (DB: West Central JDC 911) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
151.0025 | WPTN432 | RM | 125 DPL | Greene Highway | Highway Department | FMN | Public Works |
Thomas H Boyd Memorial Hospital (Carrollton)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.950 | WNWT705 | RM | Boyd Memorial | Operations/EMS Ops | FMN | Business |
Municipalities and Districts
Townships and Water Districts
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.055 | WPTA974 | M | 205 DPL | BluffdaleTwpRoad | Bluffdale Township Road Maintenance [Expired 2/11] | FMN | Public Works |
153.680 | WPYG317 | BM | CSQ | GrnCo Water Data | Greene County Water Co: Data [Expired 8/23] | FMN | Data |
159.765 | WQQP981 | F | CSQ | SMGWC WDD | Scott-Morgan-Greene Water Cooperative [Expired 2/23] | FMN | Data |
Police dispatched on Greene County Sheriff Repeater 154.4075 D411 (by WCDC) (as of 2/18)
Carrollton Fire Protection District: See the WIKI for more information
Carrollton Fire Protection District: See the WIKI for more information
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.685 | WPLX299 | RM | 411 DPL | Carr Police | (OLD) Police: Dispatch | FMN | Law Dispatch |
151.3775 | WRPB605 | RM | 445 DPL | Carrollton Fire | Fire (still in use?) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
153.740 | WRPB605 | M | Carrollton FG 2 | Fireground | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
154.9875 | WRPB605 | M | Carrollton FG 3 | Fireground | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
155.820 | WNRD867 | BM | Carr PubWrks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
Police dispatched on Greene County Sheriff Repeater 154.4075 D411 (by WCDC) (as of 2/18)
Police dispatched on Greene County Sheriff Repeater 154.4075 D411 (by WCDC) (as of 2/18)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.640 | WPMH621 | RM | 155 DPL | Roodhouse Police | Police: Local [Expired 7/13; on air 10/23) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
154.175 | WQW917 | BM | CSQ | Rdhs Fire Local | Fire: Dispatch / Fireground [Expired 2/05] | FMN | Fire-Tac |
151.1825 | WQXE430 | BM | Rdhs Fire New | Fire: New | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
155.145 | WPGN797 | BM | 271 DPL | Rdhs PubWrks | Public Works / FPD Alternate | FMN | Public Works |
White Hall
Police dispatched on Greene County Sheriff Repeater 154.4075 D411 (by WCDC) (as of 2/18)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.740 | WPGV406 | BM | 662 DPL | WhHl Utilities | Utilities (also D114?) | FMN | Public Works |
155.115 | BM | 662 DPL | WH PubWrks | Public Works [No License] | FMN | Public Works |
State of Illinois
Coming soon.
Greene County Boot Camp (White Hall) [K-17-300]
Also see IDOC Statewide frequencies
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | May be using some talkgroups. |