Entity | Entity Type |
Montreal County Trunked Systems (41) | Trunked |
Montreal County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Fire | Category |
Medical | Category |
Hospital | Category |
Public Works | Category |
Port de Montreal | Category |
Autorite regionale de transport metropolitain | Category |
Education | Category |
Canadien Pacific | Category |
NouvLR | Category |
Attractions | Attraction |
Business | Business Group |
Canadien National Railway | Business Group |
Media | Business Group |
Pierre-Elliot-Trudeau Airport (YUL) | Aircraft / Airport |
Montreal Police (Service de police de la Ville de Montréal - SPVM) is now on SERAM. Most communications are encrypted.
Montreal Fire (Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal - SIM) is now on SERAM
Montreal EMS (Urgences-Santé) is now on RSP-25 Montreal. Most communications are encrypted.
Montreal Fire (SIM) Simplex
SERAM - Systeme evolue de radiocommunications de l'Agglomeration de Montreal Project 25 Phase II | Montreal Fire has switched over to this system for all operations. SERAM simplex : P25 One Frequency (Talk group 1) |
Urgences-sante Simplex
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.175 | VET358 | RM | 85.4 PL | CHUM H Dieu | CHUM Hotel-Dieu | FM | Security |
451.025 | XKC58 | RM | 114.8 PL | CHUM N-Dame | CHUM Notre-Dame | FM | Security |
463.775 | VOM638 | RM | 82.5 PL | CHUM St-Luc | CHUM St-Luc | FM | Security |
451.550 | VDJ938 | RM | CC 1 TG 100 SL 1 |
H Fleury | Hopital Fleury Ch1 | DMR | Security |
462.150 | VAB432 | RM | 179.9 PL | Jewish Gen | Jewish General | FM | Security |
451.025 | VBN889 | RM | 146.2 PL | LaSalle | Lasalle Hospital | FM | Security |
461.900 | CJD445 | RM | CC 5 TG 100 SL 1 |
Maisonneuve | Maisonneuve Hospital | DMR | Security |
463.4375 | CGX222 | RM | 88.5 PL | MGH | Montreal General Hospital | FMN | Business |
451.175 | CJC321 | RM | 156.7 PL | RDP | RDP Hospital | FM | Security |
463.550 | VDE361 | RM | 131.8 PL | Sacre-Coeur | Sacre-Coeur | FM | Security |
460.425 | VOJ525 | BM | CC 6 TG 10450 SL 1 |
SantaCabrini | Santa-Cabrini Hospital | DMR | Security |
168.060 | 167.9 PL | Ste-Justine | Ste-Justine (children) | FM | Security |
Public Works
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
159.150 | XJJ274 | RM | 156.7 PL | LaSalle | LaSalle | FM | Public Works |
171.645 | BM | Beaconsfield | City of Beaconsfield | FMN | Public Works | ||
410.7625 | XJJ327 | BM | 110.9 PL | DDO | City of Dollard des Ormeaux | FM | Public Works |
151.865 | XJF519 | BM | 203.5 PL | Dorval | City of Dorval | FM | Public Works |
169.560 | BM | Kirkland | City of Kirkland | FMN | Public Works | ||
410.0875 | XJN228 | RM | 110.9 PL | Pierrefonds | Pierrefonds / Roxboro | FM | Public Works |
164.415 | BM | CC 3 TG 10 SL 1 |
St Leonard | St-Leonard | DMR | Public Works | |
418.575 | M | 136.5 PL | Mtl-Div Ent | Division Entretien, Eclairage et Signalisation | FM | Public Works |
Port de Montreal
Fully fenced perimeter under constant surveillance, Harbour Master Control Centre operating 24/7:
• More than 250 strategically placed video cameras to cover the entire port territory from Montreal to Contrecoeur relay images to the Control Centre.
• Security guards and fire-prevention inspectors on duty year round. • Mobile command post.
Administration Portuaire Montreal DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | Port operations |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
462.525 | VBN565 | RM | 351 DPL | CEGEP VMtl | CEGEP Vieux Montreal | FM | Security |
464.3375 | BM | Le Far | Centre Le Far, Pavillon Amos | FMN | Security | ||
453.3125 | VOM765 | BM | 103.5 PL | Jean Eudes | College Jean Eudes | FM | Security |
451.175 | VDW397 | RM | Col JBrebeuf | College Jean de Brebeuf | DMR | Security | |
451.925 | VET225 | RM | 245 DPL | Marie Vic 1 | College Marie Victorin 1 | FM | Security |
461.850 | RM | 245 DPL | Marie Vic 2 | College Marie Victorin 2 | FM | Security | |
463.3125 | BM | Mt StAntoine | College Mont Saint Antoine | DMR | Security | ||
460.300 | CHM270 | RM | 167.9 PL | Antoine SE | Ecole Antoine-de-Saint-Exupery | FMN | Security |
461.700 | CHA206 | RM | 127.3 PL | Ecole C-L | Ecole Calixa-Lavalee | FMN | Security |
469.950 | BM | 703 DPL | Ecole C-L | Ecole Calixa-Lavalee | FMN | Security | |
463.2875 | CHM834 | RM | Jules-Verne | Ecole Jules-Verne | FMN | Security | |
463.125 | CKK569 | RM | Dan-Johnson | Ecole Sec Daniel-Johnson | FMN | Security | |
451.6625 | VFM783 | RM | PAT | Ecole SecPointe-aux-Trembles | FMN | Security | |
463.6125 | VXL975 | RM | Anjou | Ecole Secondaire Anjou | FMN | Security | |
460.275 | CIM488 | RM | Jean-Grou | Ecole Secondaire Jean-Grou | FMN | Security | |
461.625 | VBN494 | RM | 203.5 PL | HEC | Haute etudes commerciales HEC | FM | Security |
467.100 | 116 DPL | JFK School 1 | J F Kennedy School 1 | FM | Security | ||
467.0875 | 116 DPL | JFK School 2 | J F Kennedy School 2 | FM | Security | ||
460.300 | BM | 167.9 PL | St-Exupery | Saint Exupery High School | FMN | Security | |
451.175 | XNH610 | RM | 100.0 PL | Univ Concord | Universite Concordia | FM | Security |
460.125 | XNF901 | RM | CC 6 TG 110 SL 1 |
Univ McGill | Universite McGill - | DMR | Security |
451.125 | VDJ481 | RM | 331 DPL | Univ McGill | Universite McGill Campus | FM | Security |
460.575 | RM | CC 2 TG 10 SL 1 |
Univ Mtl 1 | Universite de Montreal 1 | DMR | Security | |
460.575 | RM | CC 2 TG 20 SL 2 |
Univ Mtl 1 | Universite de Montreal 1 | DMR | Security | |
462.200 | CJQ267 | RM | 210.7 PL | Univ Mtl 2 | Universite de Montreal 2 DGTIC | FM | Security |
460.175 | 186.2 PL | Univ du Qc | Universite du Quebec a Montreal | FM | Security |
Ecoles - Services de garde
Canadien Pacific
Simplex talk
Track Systeme
Simplex talk
Simplex talk