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Entity Entity Type
Adams County Trunked Systems (31) Trunked
Adams County Amateur Radio Amateur Radio
Adams County Category
Schools Category
Businesses Business Group
Colorado Air and Space Port - KCFO Aircraft / Airport


Adams County

Adams County
Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC)
Project 25 Phase II
Adams County operates on this system.
State of Colorado DTRS
Project 25 Phase I
The Byers Fire Protection District, Deer Trail Rural Fire Protection District, Sable Altura Fire Rescue, and Strasburg Fire Protection District operate on the DTRS.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.6125WRKG734 RM 134 DPL AdamsCo Gvt Mtce Government Center Maintenance (OLD) FMN Public Works
462.1625WRZV641 RM CC 1
TG 1100
SL *
Northglenn EMS Northglenn Ambulance (Mestaa’ Mountain) DMR EMS Dispatch
Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC)
Project 25 Phase II
Brighton primarily operates on the FRCC for communications.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.125WQWF701 RM CC 5
TG 1010
SL *
Riverdale AS Riverdale Animal Shelter DMR Public Works
Federal Heights
Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC)
Project 25 Phase II
Federal Heights primarily operates on the FRCC for communications.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.900WPCM219 RM CC 10
TG 151515
SL 1
Fed Hts DPW Public Works DMR Public Works
Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC)
Project 25 Phase II
Thorton primarily operates on the FRCC for communications.
Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC)
Project 25 Phase II
Westminster primarily operates on the FRCC for communications.
Rampart Search and Rescue
Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC)
Project 25 Phase II
Rampart SAR operates on the FRCC system and is the designated SAR for Adams County Sheriff
State of Colorado DTRS
Project 25 Phase I
Rampart SAR has talkgroups on DTRS and primarily operates in Adams County
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.160WQFM317 RM 662 DPL RmptS&RDisp Dispatch (Lee Hill) FMN Emergency Ops
155.5725WQJW319 RM 662 DPL RmptS&RAdmin Dispatch (Squaw Mtn) FMN Emergency Ops
155.175WPOX768 M 662 DPL RmpS&RTac1 Tactical Channel-1 FMN Emergency Ops
155.205WQFM317 M 662 DPL RmptS&RTac2 Tactical Channel-2 FMN Emergency Ops
155.220WPOX768 M 662 DPL RmptS&RTac3 Tactical Channel-3 FMN Emergency Ops
155.235WPOX768 M 662 DPL RmptS&RTac4 Tactical Channel-4 FMN Emergency Ops
155.6925WQFM317 M 662 DPL RmptS&RTac5 Tactical Channel-5 FMN Emergency Ops
151.160WQFM317 BM 662 DPL RmptS Tactical Channel 6 FMN Emergency Ops
155.160WPOX768 M 662 DPL RmptS&RMutAd Mutual Aid FMN Emergency Ops
155.340WPOX768 M 662 DPL RmptS&RMAMed Mutual Aid / Medical (Chopper LZ) FMN Emergency Ops
460.0625WQJW319 RM 662 DPL AdamsSO-EOC Adams Co Sheriff & EOC (Squaw Mtn) FMN Emergency Ops
851.0125WPWX852 RM 662 DPL RSAR-AdamsSO Adams Co Sheriff FMN Emergency Ops
460.0875WQJW319 RM 662 DPL RmptS&RStorm Storm Chasers (Portable Repeater) FMN Emergency Ops
47.480WQCN488 RM 662 DPL RmptS&RLowBd Low Band (Lee Hill) FM Emergency Ops


Adams County School District 12
Adams County School District 12 System 1
DMR Conventional Networked
Adams County School District 12 operates on this system.
Adams County School District 12 System 2
DMR Conventional Networked
Adams County School District 12 operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.625WRKD355 RM 311 DPL ArapRidge Elem Arapahoe Ridge Elementary School FMN Schools
461.8125WPBS637 BM 306 DPL BlmnTechCtr Bollman Technical Education Center FMN Schools
461.9625WPBS637 M 754 DPL Centnl Elem Centennial Elementary School FMN Schools
452.4375WQMG817 RM 351 DPL Cntry MidSch Century Middle School FMN Schools
461.9625WPBS637 BM 116 DPL ChryDrv Elem Cherry Drive Elementary School FMN Schools
461.8625WRKD846 RM 311 DPL Crnado Elem Coronado Elementary School FMN Schools
461.8125WPBS637 BM 306 DPL CtnCrk Elem Cotton Creek Elementary School FMN Schools
461.8125WPBS637 BM 754 DPL CyteRdg Elem Coyote Ridge Elementary School FMN Schools
464.1375WPBS637 RM 306 DPL Crsrds AltSc Crossroads Alternative School FMN Schools
468.7125WPBS637 BM 107.2 PL DistWd Cust District-Wide Custodial FMN Schools
464.125WRKD846 BM 311 DPL EagleVw Elem Eagleview Elementary School FMN Schools
461.150WQCZ772 RM 306 DPL EdSvcCtr Educational Service Center (Administration) FMN Schools
464.925WPIN579 BM 116 DPL FdrlHts Elem Federal Heights Elementary School FMN Schools
464.275WRKD846 BM 311 DPL GlcrPk Elem Glacier Peak Elementary School FMN Schools
461.7875WRKD846 RM 311 DPL Hlcrst Elem Hillcrest Elementary School FMN Schools
463.675WQCZ772 RM 532 DPL Hrzn HighSch Horizon High School FMN Schools
463.7625WRDF215 RM 351 DPL Hulstrom Elem Hulstrom Elementary School FMN Schools
464.8375WPBS637 RM 754 DPL HntrGln Elem Hunters Glen Elementary School FMN Schools
464.425WPIN579 M 754 DPL LeroyDr Elem Leroy Drive Elementary School FMN Schools
464.850WRKD846 BM 311 DPL MallyDr Elem Malley Drive Elementary School FMN Schools
464.3625WPBS637 RM 116 DPL McElwn Elem McElwain Elementary School FMN Schools
464.525WPIN579 RM 116 DPL Meridan Elem Meridian Elementary School FMN Schools
461.850WQCZ772 RM CC 11
TG 2001
SL *
MtnRng HiSch Mountain Range High School DMR Schools
461.850WQCZ772 RM 023 DPL MtnRng HiSch Mountain Range High School FMN Schools
464.8375WPBS637 BM 116 DPL MtnView Elem Mountain View Elementary School FMN Schools
464.600WRKE393 RM 306 DPL Nrth Star Elem North Star Elementary School FMN Schools
461.300WQCZ772 RM 107.2 PL Nthgln HiSch Northglenn High School FMN Schools
451.600WRDQ807 RM CC 2
TG 101
SL *
Northglenn MS Northglenn Middle School (1123 Muriel Drive) DMR Schools
451.075WQVA647 RM CC 7
TG 50000
SL *
Pinnacle Bus Pinnacle Charter School Buses DMR Schools
464.375WRKE393 BM 116 DPL PH Elem Prairie Hills Elementary School FMN Schools
462.0125WPBS637 RM 754 DPL Rvrdle Elem Riverdale Elementary School FMN Schools
452.150WRKD355 RM 311 DPL RckyTop MS Rocky Top Middle School FMN Schools
452.675WRCI764 RM 311 DPL STEM Lab STEM Lab FMN Schools
464.0625WQFW880 RM 311 DPL STEM Launch STEM Launch FMN Schools
451.900WRKD355 RM 311 DPL ShdwRdge MS Shadow Ridge Middle School FMN Schools
461.9125WRAP865 RM 116 DPL SlvrCreek Elem Silver Creek Elementary School FMN Schools
463.9875WQFW880 RM 116 DPL SlvrHls Elem Silver Hills Elementary School FMN Schools
464.525WPIN579 BM 065 DPL Skyview Elem Skyview Elementary School FMN Schools
462.425WRKE393 RM 754 DPL Stellar Elem Stellar Elementary School FMN Schools
464.6125WQCZ772 BM 306 DPL Thrntn HISch Thornton High School FMN Schools
463.3125WQFW880 RM 411 DPL Thrntn MidSc Thornton Middle School FMN Schools
452.850WRKD355 RM 311 DPL VantagePt MS Vantage Point High School FMN Schools
461.950WRCE615 BM 244 DPL VetMem Aquatics Veterans Memorial Aquatics Center FMN Schools
463.6875WQFW880 RM 116 DPL Westlake MidSc Westlake Middle School FMN Schools
463.400WRKE393 RM 754 DPL WestView Elem Westview Elementary School FMN Schools
Adams County School District 14
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.350WRDD772 RM CC 8
TG 1100
SL *
Adams 14 Buses Adams 14 School Buses DMR Schools
462.3625WQLJ985 M 143 DPL Adams City HS Adams City High School (7200 Quebec Pkwy, Commerce City) FMN Schools
451.450WQLJ985 RM 203.5 PL Adams City MS Adams City Middle School (4451 E 72nd Ave, Commerce City) FMN Schools
451.9375WQLJ985 RM 143 DPL Kearney MS Kearney Middle School (6160 Kearney St, Commerce City) FMN Schools
Brighton 27J School District
Brighton 27J School District
DMR Conventional Networked
The schools operate on this system.
Mobile Relay Associates LTR
LTR Standard
Brighton 27J School District School Bus Operations are on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.3875WQJJ521 RM 205 DPL Prairie View HS Prairie View High School (12909 E 120th Ave) FMN Schools
Front Range Community College
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.350WQSI693 RM CC 11
TG 101
SL *
EMS Training 1 EMS Program Training 1 DMR Schools
463.350WQSI693 RM CC 11
TG 102
SL *
EMS Training 2 EMS Program Training 2 DMR Schools
464.350WQFE832 RM CC 5
TG 111
SL *
FRCC Campus Ops Campus Operations DMRE Schools
Mapleton Public Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.1625WRDD730 RM CC 14
TG 11000
SL *
Mapleton PS Mapleton Public Schools DMR Schools
451.1625WRDD730 RM CC 14
TG 12000
SL *
Mapleton Bux MX Mapleton School Bus Maintenace DMR Schools
461.725WPWB465 RM CC 5
TG 100
SL *
Mapleton Skyview Mapleton Skyview Campus Chan-1 DMR Schools
461.725WPWB465 RM CC 5
TG 200
SL *
Mapleton Skyview Mapleton Skyview Campus Chan-2 DMR Schools
Westminster School District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.875WNXT582 RM CC 5
TG 1
SL *
Westminster Bus Westminster Public Schools - Buses (Lookout Mountain) DMR Schools
451.250WQYK245 RM CC 12
TG 100001
SL 1
Westminster HS Westminster High School DMR Schools
452.175WQZD631 RM CC 10
TG 100001
SL *
Ranum School Ranum Middle School DMR Schools
468.450WQZD631 M CC 14
TG 100001
SL *
TBD Elementary TBD Elementary School DMR Schools
462.3875WQMK976 M 156.7 PL CP Charter 1 Crown Pointe Academy Charter School Ch 1 FMN Schools
467.3875WQMK976 M 156.7 PL CP Charter 2 Crown Pointe Academy Charter School Ch 2 FMN Schools