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McKean County Trunked Systems (4) Trunked
McKean County Amateur Radio Amateur Radio
McKean County Category
Businesses Category


McKean County

Fire/EMS/PD/PW Off Network

These frequencies will be used for on-scene comms when the P25 trunked system is not being used.

PA-STARNet: Pennsylvania Statewide Radio Network
Project 25 Phase II
McKean Co public safety has migrated to this system for primary day to day comms.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.0075WQAL287 B 42 Fire Disp Fire Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
153.830WQBD681 M 532 DPL 42 Scene 8 Fire Scene 8 FMN Fire-Tac
154.310WQBD681 M 532 DPL 42 Scene 9 Fire Scene 9 FMN Fire-Tac
154.145WQBD681 M 532 DPL 42 Scene 10 Fire Scene 10 FMN Fire-Tac
154.430WQBD681 M 532 DPL 42 Scene 11 Fire Scene 11 FMN Fire-Tac
154.160WQBD681 M 532 DPL 42 Fire Police S Fire Police On Scene FMN Fire-Talk
153.935 M 173.8 PL 42 Local Govt Local Govt On Scene FMN Public Works
159.090 RM 151.4 PL 42 VHF Repeater County VHF Repeater FMN Interop
154.355WQBD681 M 131 DPL 42 IA 1 Interagency 1 FMN Interop
154.400WQBD681 M 371 DPL 42 IA 3 Interagency 3 FMN Interop
462.950WNYT792 RM 42 EMS Dispatch MED-9 FMN EMS Dispatch
462.975 BM 141.3 PL MED 10 MED 10 FMN EMS-Talk
463.000 BM 141.3 PL MED 1 MED 1 FMN EMS-Talk
463.025 BM 141.3 PL MED 2 MED 2 FMN EMS-Talk
463.050 BM 141.3 PL MED 3 MED 3 FMN EMS-Talk
463.075 BM 141.3 PL MED 4 MED 4 FMN EMS-Talk
463.100 BM 141.3 PL MED 5 MED 5 FMN EMS-Talk
463.125 BM 173.8 PL MED 6 MED 6 FMN EMS-Talk
463.150 BM 141.3 PL MED 7 MED 7 FMN EMS-Talk
463.175 BM 141.3 PL MED 8 MED 8 FMN EMS-Talk
McKean Co Police Frequencies

With migration to STARNET, these frequencies are presumed to be out of service but will remain listed until confirmed to be out of service.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.025WNSZ304 RM 114.8 PL McKean PD County Police Dispatch (County Control) FMN Law Dispatch
155.475 BM National PD Police National FMN Law Tac
159.090WNPL338 RM Bradford PD Bradford Township - Police FMN Law Tac
154.965WNQF662 M BrdfrdPD Tac Bradford Township - Police Tac FMN Law Tac
Municipal Services
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.940WNPU324 RM Kane LG Kane Borough - Local Government Services FMN Public Works


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.625WPCZ603 BM BeaconLt BHS Beacon Light Behavioral Health Systems FMN Business
151.805WPCZ603 BM BeaconLt BHS Beacon Light Behavioral Health Systems FMN Business
151.895WPCZ603 BM BeaconLt BHS Beacon Light Behavioral Health Systems FMN Business
451.025WNDM905 RM BradCtyWater Bradford City Water Authority FMN Public Works
461.325WPEW938 RM Bradford RMC Bradford Regional Medical Center Ops FMN Business
464.325WPWK244 RM Brad Forest Bradford Forest Products Inc FMN Business
464.775 BM MC Raceway McKean County Raceway FMN Business
464.925WPPG513 RM Bradford HS Bradford Area High School FMN Schools