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Entity | Entity Type |
Cleveland County Trunked Systems (10) | Trunked |
Cleveland County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Cleveland County | Category |
University of Oklahoma | Category |
Airport | Aircraft / Airport |
Auto Racing | Attraction |
Businesses | Business Group |
Education | Business Group |
Hospitals | Business Group |
USPS Center for Educational Development | Federal |
USPS Maintenance Center | Federal |
Utilities | Business Group |
Cleveland County is in Oklahoma Highway Patrol Troop A.
Cleveland County
Cleveland County
Oklahoma Wireless Interoperability Network (OKWIN) (P25) Project 25 Phase II | Most Cleveland County Sheriff and jail communication is on this system. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.265 | KKC981 | RM | 123.0 PL | Cleveland Co SO | Sheriff Dispatch (Secondary to OKWIN) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
155.550 | KKC981 | BM | 136.5 PL | Cleveland Co SO | Sheriff -- Old Channel | FMN | Law Tac |
159.390 | WQVN227 | RM | Cleveland Co FD | County Fire Dispatch (Linked to OKWIN) | FMN | Fire Dispatch | |
460.4375 | KD47773 | BM | CSQ | ClevelandCo Jail | County Jail (before OKWIN) | FMN | Corrections |
154.995 | KNGD551 | RM | 162.2 PL | ClevelandCoRoads | Highway Maintenance | FMN | Public Works |
Norman Project 25 Phase II | All Norman City Services are on this system. |
Oklahoma Wireless Interoperability Network (OKWIN) (P25) Project 25 Phase II | Norman Police and Fire have links to this system. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.740 | KGK681 | BM | 244 DPL | Norman Siren | Tornado Siren Activation | FMN | Emergency Ops |
460.625 | WPHX239 | RM | 023 DPL | Norman Housing | Public Housing Authority | FMN | Public Works |
Oklahoma Wireless Interoperability Network (OKWIN) (P25) Project 25 Phase II | Lexington Police and Fire are on this system. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.550 | WRE493 | BM | 627 DPL | Lexington Police | Police (dispatch before OKWIN) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
154.2425 | WQVL459 | BM | 243 DPL | Lexington Fire | Fire Dispatch | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
Oklahoma Wireless Interoperability Network (OKWIN) (P25) Project 25 Phase II | All City of Moore public safety communication is on this system. |
Moore NXDN NEXEDGE 9600 | Moore Public Works communication is on this System |
Oklahoma Multi-Agency Communications System (OMACS) Project 25 Phase II | Noble Police and Fire are on this system |
Oklahoma Wireless Interoperability Network (OKWIN) (P25) Project 25 Phase II | Noble Police and Fire can use this system. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.520 | KNAS840 | BM | 654 DPL | Noble Fire | Fire Tone Out (Linked to OKWIN) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
Rural Fire Distrticts
University of Oklahoma
OU Campus Police
Norman Project 25 Phase II | Most University of Oklahoma communication is on this system. |
Oklahoma Wireless Interoperability Network (OKWIN) (P25) Project 25 Phase II | OU Campus Police is linked to this system for interoperability. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.800 | KNBI420 | RM | 123.0 PL | OU Police VHF | Campus Police Dispatch | FMN | Law Dispatch |
156.165 | WPIG951 | RM | 123.0 PL | OU Police CP | Police Command Post | FMN | Law Tac |
165.4375 | RM | 141.3 PL | NWS Security | National Weather Center Security | FMN | Security | |
461.6375 | WPEC876 | M | OUEmergencyPhone | Emergency Call Phones | FMN | Law Tac |
OU Operations
Norman Project 25 Phase II | Most University Communication is on this system. |