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Entity | Entity Type |
Davidson County Trunked Systems (7) | Trunked |
Davidson County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Davidson County | Category |
Municipalities | Category |
Business | Business Group |
Davidson County
Davidson County
North Carolina VIPER Project 25 Phase I | Fire/EMS and Sheriff operate on this system. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.160 | KNHT497 | RM | 88.5 PL | DC FIRE MAIN | Davidson County Fire Dispatch (patched to VIPER) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
154.160 | KNHT497 | BM | 88.5 PL | DC FIRE T/A | Davidson County Fire Talk Around | FM | Fire-Tac |
154.400 | WPWS412 | RM | 88.5 PL | DCFIRE SOUTH | Davidson County Fire South Repeater | FM | Fire-Talk |
154.980 | WRV719 | RM | 107.2 PL | DCFIRE NORTH | Davidson County Fire North Repeater (Patch to Thomasville Trunked System) | FM | Fire-Talk |
153.830 | KDG911 | BM | 88.5 PL | DC FIRE PILT | Davidson County Fire Pilot Fire | FM | Fire-Talk |
154.280 | KNHT497 | BM | 88.5 PL | DC FIRE AID | Davidson County Fire State Fire | FM | Fire-Talk |
155.235 | KVC489 | RM | 88.5 PL | DC EMS MAIN | Davidson County EMS Dispatch (patched to VIPER) | FMN | EMS-Talk |
155.280 | KVC489 | BM | 88.5 PL | DC EMS STATE | Davidson County EMS State Rescue | FM | EMS-Talk |
155.340 | KVC489 | BM | 88.5 PL | DC HOSPITAL | Davidson County Hospital Net | FM | Hospital |
47.460 | KNDQ380 | BM | DC EMA | Davidson County Emergency Management | FM | Emergency Ops | |
453.250 | KNFL661 | RM | DC SCHOOLS | Davidson County School Buses | FM | Schools | |
460.0375 | KNFL661 | RM | DC SCHOOL BUSES | School Buses | FMN | Schools |
Davidson County Airport
EXX has no Control Tower.
Aircraft operating into or out of EXX are required to announce their intentions on 122.800 before commencing any manuevers.
Denton PD is now using the VIPER radio system for primary communications.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
153.785 | WNYW854 | BM | Denton Srvcs | Services | FM | Public Works |
Lexington FD & PD are now using the VIPER radio system for primary communications.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.880 | WPBM747 | RM | LEX PW | Services | FM | Public Works | |
453.150 | WPNZ666 | RM | LEX HA | Housing Authority | FM | Public Works |
Greensboro / Guilford County Project 25 Phase I | Thomasville is using the Guilford regional radio system for primary communications. |