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Entity | Entity Type |
Saline County Trunked Systems (2) | Trunked |
Saline County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Saline County | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
Businesses, Attractions and Recreation | Category |
Airports | Category |
See the WIKI for more information
Saline County
Saline County Government
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN) Project 25 Phase II | Talkgroups 30401 (All) and 30402 (Travel) are available for use. EMS has mobile extenders on 769.30625/799.30625 |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
156.210 | WQKR539 | RM | 606 DPL | Saline Sheriff | Sheriff / Central Dispatch (Marshall) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
155.3175 | WQKR539 | RM | 632 DPL | Saline C/W Law | Sheriff/911: Countywide Law | FMN | Law Dispatch |
154.355 | WQKR539 | RM | Sal Shrf Fut 1 | Sheriff: Future (Marshall) (input to Swt Spr EMS) | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
154.8675 | WQKP573 | RM | Sal Shrf Fut 3 | Sheriff: Future (at Gilliam for Marshall mobiles) | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
453.3375 | WQLD742 | BM | Sal Shrf AVL 1 | Sheriff: Automatic Vehicle Locators | Telm | Data | |
453.4875 | WQLD742 | BM | Sal Shrf AVL 2 | Sheriff: Automatic Vehicle Locators | Telm | Data | |
155.565 | WQKR539 | RM | 627 DPL | Saline Fire | Fire: Dispatch - Countywide | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
154.7475 | WQKR539 | RM | 245 DPL | Saline EMS | EMS: Dispatch - Countywide | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
155.8425 | WQBD637 | RM | Sal Shrf NEW | Sheriff: Future [Expired 9/14] | FMN | Law Dispatch |
I-70 Medical Center (Sweet Springs)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.340 | WQEZ571 | BM | HEAR340 | Patient Reports [Expired] | FMN | Hospital |
John Fitzgibbon Memorial Hospital (Marshall)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.295 | WQHV313 | B | Saline EMS | Saline County Ambulance [Expired 11/17] | FMN | EMS Dispatch | |
155.340 | WQHV313 | BM | HEAR340 | Patient Reports [Expired 11/17] | FMN | Hospital |
Marshall Habilitation Center
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.775 | KRB571 | RM | Marsh Hab Ctr 1 | Operations [Expired 7/23] | FMN | Public Works | |
155.865 | KRB571 | BM | Marsh Hab Ctr 2 | Operations [Expired 7/23] | FMN | Public Works |
Arrow Rock
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
156.280 | BM | Arrow Rock Fire | Fire: Dispatch [No License] | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.010 | KNDD613 | RM | 205 DPL | Marshall Police | Police: Dispatch [was D226] | FMN | Law Dispatch |
155.115 | WNWV787 | BM | Marshall CivDef | Civil Defense | FMN | Emergency Ops | |
154.355 | WZG269 | BM | 723 DPL | Marshall Fire | Fire: Dispatch | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
155.775 | KLL650 | RM | Marshall PubWrks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works | |
155.820 | KAN310 | RM | Marshall Utility | Municipal Utilities | FMN | Public Works |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.085 | KNDS828 | B | Slater EWS 1 | Electric / Water / Sewer [Expired 9/24] | FMN | Utilities | |
155.655 | KNDS828 | BM | Slater EWS 2 | Electric / Water / Sewer [Expired 9/24] | FMN | Utilities | |
462.675 | M | 141.3 PL | Slate NbrhdWatch | Neighborhood Watch (FRS 20) | FM | Security |
Sweet Springs
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.995 | KDX296 | BM | SwtSprngs Police | Police ? [Expired 1/24] | FMN | Law Dispatch |
Schools and Colleges
Malta Bend R5 Schools
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
159.900 | WQHR982 | BM | MaltaBend School | Operations [Expired 10/17] | FMN | Schools |
Marshall School District
Businesses, Attractions and Recreation
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
460.800 | WNUA963 | RM | 465 DPL | Thompson Farms | Thompson Farms (Marshall) | FMN | Business |