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Entity | Entity Type |
Jefferson County Trunked Systems (21) | Trunked |
Jefferson County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
MetroSafe | Category |
Louisville/Jefferson County EMS | Category |
Louisville/Jefferson County Government Services | Category |
Hospitals & Medical | Category |
Athletic Arenas | Attraction |
Bowman Field (KLOU) | Aircraft / Airport |
Businesses | Business Group |
Churches | Attraction |
Churchill Downs | Attraction |
Clark (County, IN) Regional Airport (KJVY) | Aircraft / Airport |
Hotels | Business Group |
Industrial | Business Group |
Kentucky Center for the Arts | Business Group |
Kentucky Kingdom/Fair Grounds | Attraction |
Louisville International Airport - Standiford Field (KSDF) | Aircraft / Airport |
Louisville Zoo | Business Group |
Media | Business Group |
Private Security | Business Group |
Thunder Over Louisville | Aircraft / Airport |
University of Louisville | Business Group |
> Census Bureau, U.S. Marshal, U.S. Postal Service and Veterans Administration Medical Center are listed on the Federal Agencies page...
> Most Jefferson County Agencies, Public Safety and Public Service are on the MetroSafe TRS...
> lat/long for Louisville Centerpoint:
38-11-25.3 N, 085-40-29.9 W
More conventional repeater frequencies on the licenses below. Also has 8CALL and 8TAC repeaters available. WQRL450
Louisville Emergency Communications Network: MetroSafe Project 25 Phase II | Most Jefferson County Agencies have TGIDs on this system. The freqs listed below, however, are used as needed; they are patched to the appropriate TGID in use for the incident in question. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
856.2625 | WPPA787 | M | 203.5 PL | MetroSafe Ops A | Operations (Simplex) | FMN | Multi-Tac |
Louisville Metro Police
Jefferson County Fire
Suburban Fire Dispatch is used only as a pager tone out frequency and tones out units from the Okolona, Middletown, Anchorage, Buechel, Eastwood, Fairdale, Fern Creek, Harrods Creek, Highview, Jeffersontown, Lake Dreamland, Lyndon, McMahan, Pressure Ridge Park, St. Matthews and Worthington Fire Departments.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
152.0075 | WPBI942 | RM | 151.4 PL | JeffCoFDDSP | Suburban Fire Dispatch (Patched to TG 210) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
154.295 | WPBI942 | RM | 151.4 PL | JeffCoFD MA | Mutual Aid | FMN | Fire-Tac |
155.340 | KNIU557 | BM | Harrods Creek | Harrods Creek Back-up | FMN | Hospital | |
155.265 | WYC658 | F | 151.4 PL | JeffCo Wx Sirens | Weather Sirens | FMN | Emergency Ops |
Louisville Metro EMS
Louisville/Jefferson County EMS
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.300 | WPRM312 | RM | CC 1 TG 1 SL 1 |
AMR EMS Disp | Dispatch | DMR | EMS Dispatch |
452.300 | KNEJ305 | RM | CC 1 TG * SL 2 |
AMR EMS IN | Indiana Operations | DMR | EMS-Tac |
452.225 | KIB394 | RM | 203.5 PL | AMR EMS KY | Kentucky Operations | FMN | EMS-Tac |
EMS to Hospital
Louisville/Jefferson County Government Services
Louisville Government Services
Suburban Municipalities - Government Services
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.955 | KXU314 | 146.2 PL | Jtown PW | Jeffersontown Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
Board of Education
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
152.465 | WQNG805 | RM | Ballard HS | Ballard High School | FMN | Schools | |
152.3525 | WQMH859 | RM | Doss HS | Doss High School | FMN | Schools | |
153.020 | WQCK509 | RM | Iroquois HS | Iroquois High School | FMN | Schools | |
152.3375 | WQKY539 | RM | Jtown HS | Jeffersontown High School | FMN | Schools | |
152.4575 | WQDW757 | RM | MooreTrad HS | Moore Traditional High School | FMN | Schools | |
151.910 | WQOR951 | RM | SenecaHSOps | Seneca High School Operations | FMN | Schools | |
451.9625 | WQNQ495 | RM | Farnsley MS | Farnsley Middle School | FMN | Schools | |
451.925 | WQRI874 | M | Hglnd Md Ops | Highland Middle School Operations | FMN | Schools | |
456.5625 | WQRI874 | M | Hglnd Md Car | Highland Middle School Car Rider Line | FMN | Schools | |
462.2875 | WQLH768 | RM | 411 DPL | Christ Acad | Christian Academy of Louisville | FMN | Schools |
152.9675 | WQNT807 | RM | Stuart MS | Stuart Middle School | FMN | Schools |
Hospitals & Medical
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.025 | WPGA776 | RM | 162.2 PL | CentralStateHosp | Central State Hospital | FMN | Business |
463.700 | WPRF419 | BM | 205 DPL | Humana Maint | Humana Hospital Audubon | FMN | Business |
461.200 | WQSC656 | RM | CC 1 TG 3 SL 1 |
Jewish Hospital | Jewish Hospital | DMR | Business |
464.900 | WQSC656 | RM | CC 1 TG 1 SL 1 |
Jewish Hosp Eng. | Jewish Hospital Engineering | DMR | Business |
464.900 | WQSC656 | RM | CC 1 TG 2 SL 1 |
Jewish Hosp Ops | Jewish Hospital Operations | DMR | Business |
461.200 | WQSC656 | RM | CC 1 TG 3 SL 1 |
JewishHosp Sec | Jewish Hospital Security | DMR | Security |
461.725 | WRBM519 | RM | CC 7 TG 5 SL 1 |
NortonHosp Sec | Norton Hospital Security | DMR | Security |
464.025 | WPEB895 | RM | CC 7 TG 1 SL 1 |
Norton Scrty D | Norton Hospital Security | DMR | Security |
464.025 | WPEB895 | RM | 127.3 PL | Norton Scrty A | Norton Hospital Security | FMN | Security |
462.9625 | WNUU765 | M | 023 DPL | StMryElzHsp A | St. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital | FMN | Business |
464.4125 | KD42360 | RM | 071 DPL | StMryElzHsp Mnt | St. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital Maintenance [Expired 4/12] | FMN | Business |
461.200 | WQRQ300 | RM | CC 1 TG 2 SL 2 |
UL Emergency | University of Louisville Health Emergency | DMR | Hospital |
453.075 | WPTG982 | RM | CC 1 TG 7 SL 2 |
UL Hosp Eng. | University of Louisville Hospital Engineering | DMR | Hospital |
453.075 | WPTG982 | RM | CC 1 TG 6 SL 1 |
UL Hosp Sec | University of Louisville Hospital Security | DMR | Security |