Businesses (Mohave County)

Last Updated: May 29, 2024, 20:27 pm UTC



GMRS Repeaters
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.550WRXD608 RM CSQ GMRS550 CSQ Ft Mohave, Gun Range FMN Other
462.675WRFS930 RM 100.0 PL GMRS675 C100 Dolan Springs FMN Other
Arizona Public Service Corporation (P25)
Project 25 Phase II
Operations are on this system.
Tucson Electric Power P25
Project 25 Phase I
Operations are on this system.
Central Arizona Aqueduct Project DT3
DMR Tier 3 Capacity Max
Operations are on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.075WRPV614 F AEP King Telem Arizona Electric Power Cooperative (Kingman) - Telemetry Telm Utilities
48.600KOB886 RM 100.0 PL ELP NG Ch-12 El Paso Natural Gas Co - Channel 12 (Hualapai Mountain, east of Kingman) FM Utilities
451.225WQMH554 RM 023 DPL Calpine Pwr Plt South Point Energy Center (Power Plant) Operations FMN Utilities
855.4125WPOZ850 RM 777 NAC UNS Electric Unisource Electric (TEP) - Kingman P25 Utilities
856.3375WPTE735 F UNS Gas Telem Unisource Gas - Kingman Telm Utilities

Arizona Strip

Bar-10 Ranch Resort
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.300WQIG337 RM 186.2 PL Bar10 Ops Bar-10 Ranch Resort FMN Business

Bullhead City

Clearwave Communications CAP
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO)
Businesses operate on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.820 M Sams Club MURS Sams Club - Bullhead City FMN Business
157.425 M CSQ JetSkiRntls Jet Ski Rentals FMN Business
463.3625WRAP391 RM CC 5
TG 101
SL *
Laughlin Golf Laughlin Ranch Golf Club (1360 William Hardy Dr, Bullhead City, AZ) DMR Business
463.975WRBP433 RM CC 10
TG 51
SL *
Dot Foods TG51 Dot Foods Distribution Center (2565 Landon Dr, Bullhead City, AZ) DMR Business
Golden Vertex Mining
Golden Vertex Mining
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO)
Operations are on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.900WQUL590 RM CC 2
TG 100
SL *
WARMC - Security Western AZ Regional Medical Center - Security DMR Security
461.125WQUL590 RM CC 2
TG 102
SL *
WARMC - Ops Western AZ Regional Medical Center - Operations DMR Hospital
463.075 RM 136.5 PL WARMC MedCom 4 WARMC Patient Reports FMN Hospital

Fort Mohave

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.8375 RM 243 DPL VVMC Reports Valley View Medical Center Patient Reports FMN Hospital

Grand Canyon West

Grand Canyon West Resort
Fisher Wireless TeamTalk
DMR Motorola Connect Plus (TRBO)
Grand Canyon West Resort operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.415WQKA393 RM 203.5 PL GCWR 1 Operations/Security Ch. 1 FMN Security
160.095WQKA393 RM GCWR 2 Operations/Security Ch. 2 FMN Security
151.5725WQDX201 RM Sundance Helo Sundance Helicopters South Rim Grand Canyon Tours FMN Business


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.550 M 67.0 PL Basha's Basha's Grocery Store FMN Business
467.750 M 100.0 PL Cerbat Cliffs Cerbat Cliffs Animal Hospital (4110 Stockton Hill Rd) FMN Business
152.480WNGS721 B 159.8 PL Clearwave Pager Clearwave Communications One-Way Pager FMN Business
467.875WRWE382 M 67.0 PL Cracker Barrel Cracker Barrel #416 FMN Business
451.975KGS315 RM 107.2 PL Desert Constr Desert Construction FMN Business
464.400WNHX655 RM 141.3 PL GW Towing Great West Diesel Towing FMN Business
467.875 M 411 DPL Harbor Freight Harbor Freight store 3214 Kingman FMN Business
467.750 M 413 DPL HomeDepot - A Home Depot Help Buttons and New Order Announcements FMN Business
467.8375WQHD863 M 331 DPL HomeDepot - B Home Depot Help Buttons and New Order Announcements FMN Business
467.850WQHD863 M 331 DPL HomeDepot - C Home Depot Help Buttons and New Order Announcements FMN Business
467.875WQHD863 M 413 DPL HomeDepot - D Home Depot Help Buttons and New Order Announcements FMN Business
463.425 M 032 DPL HomeDepot Ops Home Depot Operations (OLD) FMN Business
467.225WPVX841 M 365 DPL JC Penney JC Penney Clerks and Supervisors FMN Business
451.925 RM 71.9 PL KTS - Taxi Kingman Transportation Service LLC - Taxi Dispatch FMN Transportation
467.875WQUG694 M 632 DPL Maurices Maurices (3930 Stockton Hill Rd) FMN Business
462.725 M 252 DPL ARC Thrift Store Mohave County ARC Thrift Store (2050 Airway Ave, Kingman) GMRS-725 FMN Business
154.600 M 71.9 PL Motel 6 Kingman Motel 6 West Operations - Kingman FMN Business
457.600 B CSQ Paging Paging FMN Business
457.800 B CSQ Paging Paging FMN Business
464.500WQIH635 M 162.2 PL PetSmart Ch-1 PetSmart Store #2136 Channel-1 FMN Business
464.550WQIH635 M 162.2 PL PetSmart Ch-2 PetSmart Store #2136 Channel-2 FMN Business
467.925 M CSQ Rickety Cricket Rickety Cricket Restaurant/Brewery FMN Business
467.925 M 271 DPL Ross Store Ross Department Store FMN Business
467.925 M 67.0 PL Ross Ross Department Store FMN Business
467.850 M 100.0 PL Smith's Smith's Grocery Store FMN Business
467.900WQRH236 M 225.7 PL Staples RedStar Staples 1388 Kingman FMN Business
154.570 M CSQ Walmart Blue Dot Walmart FMN Business
154.600 M CSQ Walmart GreenDot Walmart FMN Business
151.625WQOH598 M 71.9 PL Wright Tow Wright Towing FMN Business
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.125WPZK766 RM CC 11
TG 1
SL *
KRMC Maintenance Kingman Regional Medical Center - Maintenance DMR Hospital
461.125WPZK766 RM CC 11
TG 2
SL *
KRMC Security Kingman Regional Medical Center - Security DMR Security
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.6125WPCY595 M 192.8 PL Ameri Wmark-1 American Woodmark - Channel 1 FMN Business
464.6625WPCY595 M 192.8 PL Ameri Wmark-2 American Woodmark - Channel 2 FMN Business
464.7125WPCY595 M 192.8 PL Ameri Wmark-3 American Woodmark - Channel 3 FMN Business
464.7625WPCY595 M 192.8 PL Ameri Wmark-4 American Woodmark - Channel 4 FMN Business
468.6125WPCY595 M 192.8 PL Ameri Wmark-5 American Woodmark - Channel 5 FMN Business
151.625 BM 136.5 PL KTR Ind Prk Swit Kingman Terminal Railroad - Industrial Park Switching FMN Railroad
462.000WNVX595 RM 703 DPL Origin Mining Origin Mining Company - Operations FMN Business
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
950.000WHS675 F CSQ KGMN Uplink KGMN Broadcast Uplink FM Business
951.750WQAG268 F CSQ KZKE KZKE Broadcast STL FM Business

Lake Havasu City

Clearwave Communications CAP
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO)
Businesses operate on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
467.900 M 371 DPL HF Tools 592 Harbor Freight Tools FMN Business