Business (Berkshire County)

Last Updated: July 16, 2022, 22:07 pm UTC


General Business

Berkshire Mall

Berkshire Mall officially closed in 2018. 

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
49.540WQCE303 BM 77.0 PL JBHull Oil John B Hull Fuel Oil Co. (Gt. Barrington) FM Business
151.580WNHF647 BM 311 DPL Kimball Fuel James Kimball Fuel Company (Gt. Barrington) FMN Business
151.655WNFN388 BM 162.2 PL MT Evert Lds Mt. Everett Landscaping (Sheffield) FMN Business
151.745WPZQ523 BM 110.9 PL SayersWreck Sayer's Wrecking (Lanesborough) FMN Business
151.805WPJL703 BM 606 DPL SOBerk Eld T So. Berkshire Elderly Transportation (Gt. Barrington) FMN Transportation
151.925WQAP216 BM 146.2 PL HousWeldCo Housatonic Welding Company (Housatonic) FMN Business
152.300WNQU809 BM 662 DPL Wards Nurs Ward's Nursery (Gt Barrington) FMN Business
152.375WNDY528 BM 612 DPL Rainbow Taxi Rainbow Taxi (Pittsfield) FMN Transportation
152.885WNIW914 BM 364 DPL WilksnExca Wilkinson Excavating (Sheffield) FMN Business
153.020WPWA387 RM 162 DPL MarianFather Marian Fathers (Stockbridge) FMN Business
154.515KNDY699 BM 351 DPL Ski Butternt Ski Butternut - Operations FMN Business
154.540KNBD779 BM 192.8 PL Haupt Tree Haupt Tree Company (Egremont) FMN Business
157.500WNMM453 BM 132 DPL StevesTow Steve Daniel's Towing (Gt. Barrington) FMN Business
158.370WPLY339 BM 123.0 PL TryonConst Tryon Construction (Monterey) FMN Business
158.415WPJZ415 RM 107.2 PL GE Pittsfild General Electric - Plastics Divison (Pittsfield) FMN Business
159.630KNHD856 BM 186.2 PL Carlson HVAC Carlson HVAC - CH 1 (Sheffield) FMN Business
159.750KNHD856 BM 043 DPL Carlson HVAC Calrson HVAC - CH 2 (Sheffield) FMN Business
159.855WNIW914 BM 023 DPL FormellAuto Formell Auto Salvage (Housatonic) FMN Business
160.110WPWH564 RM 162 DPL Dufour Bus DuFour Bus Lines (Hinsdale) FMN Transportation
452.200WPUN272 BM 331 DPL AustinRiggs Austin Riggs Center (Stockbridge) FM Business
452.825WPXA228 RM 754 DPL CanyonRnch Canyon Ranch (Lenox) FMN Business
458.8125 M 413 DPL Sears - Lnsb Sears (Lanesborough) FMN Business
461.1125WPKS269 BM 118.8 PL Fairview Sec Fairview Hospital (Gt. Barrington) - Security FM Security
461.650KKF892 RM 179.9 PL BMC Security Berkshire Medical Center - Security (Pittsfield) FMN Security
464.525 BM 162.2 PL Kripalu Ops Kripalu Center - Security/Maintenance (Stockbridge) FMN Business
464.575WQOB521 RM 151.4 PL KimballFarms Kimball Farms (Lenox) FMN Business
467.875 BM 411 DPL KripaluCtr Kripalu Center (Stockbridge) FMN Business
467.900 M 465 DPL KMart GB KMart (Gt. Barrington) FMN Business
469.550 BM 411 DPL Kripalu Prog Kripalu Center - Programs Coord (Stockbridge) FMN Business

Recreation and Tourism

Ski Areas
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.850WQLV486 RM 151.4 PL CatamountSki Catamount Ski Area (Egremont/Hillsdale, NY) FMN Business
154.515KNDY699 BM 351 DPL SkiBtnt-ShopMain Ski Butternut - Shop and Maintenance FMN Business
159.1875KNEA839 RM 315 DPL SkiBtnt-SkiPatrl Ski Butternut - Ski Patrol - Lift Ops FMN Business
154.600 BM 351 DPL SkiBtnt-Office Ski Butternut - Ticket Office FMN Business
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.6625WQNK354 RM 712 DPL Tglewd-Sec Security/Logistics FMN Security
152.3225WQNK354 RM 343 DPL Tglewd-Usher Ushers/Int. Sec FMN Business
152.4275WQNK354 BM 271 DPL Tglewd-FacPk Facilites/Parking FMN Business
152.9975WQNK354 BM 071 DPL Tglewd - Mnt Maintenance FMN Business
Tourism & Recreation
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.505 BM 023 DPL AmBestV Inn America's Best Value Inn - Lee (OPS) FM Business
153.635WPNT316 RM 173.8 PL NormanRock Norman Rockwell Museum (Stockbridge) FMN Business
461.700WNNL734 RM 107.2 PL ClarkArt-Sec Clark Art Institute - Security FMN Security
464.450WQSY368 RM 465 DPL ClarkArt-Ops Clark Art Institute - Operations FMN Business
464.500 BM 125 DPL MahaiweOps1 Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center - Primary Ops FMN Business
464.550 BM 152 DPL MahaiweOps2 Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center - Secondary Ops FMN Business
464.550 BM 71.9 PL HoldyInnExp Holiday Inn Express - Housecleaning/Maint. (Gt. Barrington) FM Business
464.550 BM 67.0 PL RedLion-Hskp Red Lion Inn - Housekeeping FMN Business


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
49.120WQHT522 BM 100.0 PL NatGridMLB National Grid - Monterey Repeater (Tied w. 461.35) FM Utilities
461.350WQHT522 BM 100.0 PL NatGridMUH National Grid - Monterey Repeater (Tied w/ 49.12) FMN Utilities
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
47.700KCD711 BM 127.3 PL BerkshireGas Berkshire Gas FM Utilities