See the WIKI for Common and Itinerant Businesses information
Goodyear Blimp
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.625 | WPPH287 | M | 151.4 PL | Goodyear Blimp | Operations | FMN | Business |
Van Wagner Airships / Skyship Services
Heavy Lift Helicopters
CHI Aviation
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.625 | KA82446 | M | 506 DPL | CHI Aviation | CHI Aviation | FMN | Business |
Erickson Air-Crane
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.625 | KD41448 | M | 167.9 PL | Erickson Air | Erickson Air-Crane | FMN | Business |
Five State Helicopters
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
123.525 | M | CSQ | 5-State Helo | Five State Helicopters | AM | Business |
Helicopter Express
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.505 | WQLU207 | M | CSQ | Heli Express | Helicopter Express | FMN | Business |
Midwest Helicopter Airways
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.625 | M | 210.7 PL | MdwstHeli151 | Midwest Helicopter Airways | FMN | Business | |
154.600 | M | 210.7 PL | MdwstHeli154 | Midwest Helicopter Airways | FMN | Business |
Siller Brothers
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
153.365 | KX7062 | M | CSQ | Siller Bros | Siller Brothers | FMN | Business |
Broadcast Sports International (BSI)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
450.2625 | WQFH685 | B | CSQ | IFB for NBC | IFB for NBC Golf Channel | FMN | Business |
450.2875 | WQFH685 | B | CSQ | IFB for PGA | IFB for PGA Internet Broadcast | FMN | Business |
450.3375 | WQFH685 | B | CSQ | TV Camera 1 | On-Course TV Camera Cues 1 | FMN | Business |
450.3625 | WQFH685 | B | CSQ | IFB for CBS | IFB for CBS Sports Broadcast | FMN | Business |
450.4375 | WQFH685 | B | CSQ | TV Camera 2 | On-Course TV Camera Cues 2 | FMN | Business |
450.5375 | WQFH685 | B | CSQ | TV Camera 3 | On-Course TV Camera Cues 3 | FMN | Business |
450.6375 | WQFH685 | B | CSQ | TV Camera 4 | On-Course TV Camera Cues 4 | FMN | Business |
476.0125 | BSI STA | BM | 141.3 PL | Camera Instal/Mn | On-Course Camera Installation/Maintenance | FMN | Business |
476.200 | BSI STA | BM | 167.9 PL | Sports Internat1 | On-Course Broadcast Sports International | FMN | Business |
476.2375 | BSI STA | BM | 114.8 PL | TV Camera 5 | On-Course TV Camera Cues 5 | FMN | Business |
476.2625 | BSI STA | BM | 123.0 PL | CBS TV Camera | On-Course CBS TV Camera Maintenance | FMN | Business |
476.325 | BSI STA | BM | 74.4 PL | Ball Spotters | On-Course Golf Ball Spotters | FMN | Business |
476.425 | BSI STA | BM | 110.9 PL | Golf Reporter | On-Course Golf Reporter | FMN | Business |
476.550 | BSI STA | BM | 71.9 PL | CBS Dottie Pep | On-Course CBS Reporter Dottie Pepper | FMN | Business |
476.6375 | BSI STA | BM | 118.8 PL | TV Camera 6 | On-Course TV Camera Cues 6 | FMN | Business |
476.7375 | BSI STA | BM | 107.2 PL | Video "Charlie" | On-Course TV Video "Charlie" Channel | FMN | Business |
476.800 | BSI STA | BM | 69.3 PL | Sports Internat2 | On-Course Broadcast Sports International 2 | FMN | Business |
476.950 | BSI STA | BM | 67.0 PL | TV Camera 7 | On-Course TV Camera Cues 7 | FMN | Business |
476.9875 | BSI STA | BM | 179.9 PL | Sports Internat3 | On-Course Broadcast Sports International 3 | FMN | Business |
Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.8125 | M | CC 3 TG 2600 SL * |
LGPA Tour Ops | Tournament Operations | DMR | Business |
Professional Golf Association (PGA)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.8875 | KD52446 | RM | CC 1 TG 1 SL * |
PGA Operations | Operations | DMR | Business |
464.0875 | KD52446 | RM | CC 3 TG 5 SL * |
PGA Rules | On-Course Rules Officials | DMR | Business |
464.0875 | KD52446 | RM | CC 3 TG 6 SL * |
PGA Scoreboards | On-Course Scoreboards | DMR | Business |
464.750 | WPSE606 | RM | CC 4 TG 7 SL * |
PGA Talk-Around | Talk-Around | DMR | Business |
464.750 | WPSE606 | RM | CC 4 TG 8 SL * |
PGA ShotLink | ShotLink | DMR | Business |
461.075 | WPSE606 | RM | CC 7 TG 13 SL * |
PGA Publicity | Publicity / Trophy Ceremony | DMR | Business |
463.375 | WPSE606 | BM | 026 DPL | PGA Walk Scorers | Volunteers: Walking Scorers | FMN | Business |
464.825 | WPSE606 | BM | 031 DPL | PGA Volunteers | Volunteers | FMN | Business |
466.500 | WPSE606 | BM | 051 DPL | PGA Front Nine | Volunteers: Front Nine Laser Tablets | FMN | Business |
468.375 | WPSE606 | BM | 065 DPL | PGA Back Nine | Volunteers: Back Nine Laser Tablets | FMN | Business |
Seafair H1 Hydroplane Races
Front Line Power Construction
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.325 | M | 116 DPL | Front Line Power | Linemen | FMN | Utilities |
Haverfield International
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.5125 | WQRE352 | M | 97.4 PL | Haverfield 151 | Helicopter Operations | FMN | Business |
158.4075 | WQRE352 | M | 97.4 PL | Haverfield 158 | Helicopter Operations | FMN | Business |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
467.8125 | M | 073 DPL | IMCORP Techs | Testing Technicians | FMN | Utilities |
Pike Electric
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
49.520 | WPAS602 | M | 67.0 PL | Pike 1 | Pike 1 | FM | Utilities |
49.540 | WPAS602 | M | 67.0 PL | Pike 2 | Pike 2 | FM | Utilities |
49.580 | WPAS602 | M | 67.0 PL | Pike 3 | Pike 3 | FM | Utilities |
49.460 | WPAS602 | M | 67.0 PL | Pike 11 | Pike 11 | FM | Utilities |
49.480 | WPAS602 | M | 67.0 PL | Pike 12 | Pike 12 | FM | Utilities |
49.500 | WPAS602 | M | 67.0 PL | Pike 13 | Pike 13 | FM | Utilities |
49.420 | WPAS602 | BM | 67.0 PL | Pike Electric 1 | Pike Electric 1 | FM | Utilities |
Well Servicing Companies
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
159.855 | KA84521 | M | Hallib TX 1 | Ch. 1 | FMN | Business | |
160.155 | KA84521 | M | Hallib TX 2 | Ch. 2 | FMN | Business | |
159.585 | KA84521 | M | Hallib TX 3 | Ch. 3 | FMN | Business | |
151.985 | KA84521 | M | Hallib TX 4 | Ch. 4 | FMN | Business | |
151.490 | KA84521 | M | Hallib TX 5 | Ch. 5 | FMN | Business | |
151.925 | KA84521 | M | Hallib TX 6 | Ch. 6 | FMN | Business | |
151.955 | KA84521 | M | Hallib TX 7 | Ch. 7 | FMN | Business | |
151.625 | KA84521 | M | Hallib TX 8 | Ch. 8 | FMN | Business | |
154.570 | M | Hallib TX 9 | Ch. 9 | FMN | Business | ||
154.600 | M | Hallib TX 10 | Ch. 10 | FMN | Business |
Well Servicing - Fracturing, Wireline, Coiled Tubing, and Cementing. All locations use VHF radios now, and the three licensed frequencies are in every mobile truck radio for convoy travel. The low power wellsite operations frequencies are specific to each location. Crews from all over the country are working in Texas' many oilfield locations, so this list may not cover all traffic. Generally, 154.600 is Channel 1 across the nation, though it's CSQ tone means that interference is frequently problematic.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
153.080 | KB33256 | M | 74.4 PL | SLB CH 1 | Southern U.S. Mobile (Ch 1) | FMN | Business |
153.170 | KB33256 | M | 79.7 PL | SLB CH 2 | Southern U.S. Mobile (Ch 2) | FMN | Business |
153.320 | KB33256 | M | 85.4 PL | SLB CH 3 | Southern U.S. Mobile (Ch 3) | FMN | Business |
154.600 | BM | CSQ | SLB Texas 1 | Texas Wellsite Ops (Ch 1) (mixed mobile and handheld) | FMN | Business | |
151.550 | WQRF395 | BM | CSQ | SLB STX Ops2 | South Texas Wellsite Ops (Ch 2) (mixed mobile and handheld) | FMN | Business |
151.700 | WQQQ272 | BM | CSQ | SLB STX Ops3 | South Texas Wellsite Ops (Ch 3) (mixed mobile and handheld) | FMN | Business |
151.955 | BM | CSQ | SLB STX Ops4 | South Texas Wellsite Ops (Ch 4) (mixed mobile and handheld) | FMN | Business | |
154.600 | BM | 023 DPL | NE Tex Ops2 | Northeast Texas (Longview/Shreveport) Wellsite Ops (Ch 2) | FMN | Business | |
151.505 | BM | 023 DPL | NE Tex Ops3 | Northeast Texas (Longview/Shreveport) Wellsite Ops (Ch 3) | FMN | Business |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
469.8625 | M | 054 DPL | NAME Ride Ops | North American Midway Entertainment | FMN | Business |
Monster Jam
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.475 | BM | 88.5 PL | MonJam 461.475 | Atlanta (9/14/2019) | FMN | Business | |
466.925 | BM | 155 DPL | MonJam 466.925 | Atlanta (9/14/2019) | FMN | Business | |
467.125 | BM | 172 DPL | MonJam 467.125 | Atlanta (9/14/2019) | FMN | Business | |
469.225 | BM | 371 DPL | MonJam 469.225 | Atlanta (9/14/2019) | FMN | Business | |
464.500 | WPNR333 | M | 023 DPL | MonsterJamCamera | Camera/Media | FMN | Business |
456.275 | M | CC 5 TG 156 SL 1 |
MJ Officials 1 | Officials Ch. 1 MC Coordination/PA Announcer | DMR | Business | |
457.0125 | M | CC 5 TG 156 SL 1 |
MJ Officials 2 | Officials Ch. 2 On-Track Officials/Track Maintenance | DMR | Business | |
456.450 | M | CC 5 TG 156 SL 1 |
MJ Officials 3 | Officials Ch. 3 Off-Track Officials/Marshalling | DMR | Business | |
464.2375 | WPNR333 | RM | 023 DPL | Monster Jam Ops | Operations/Administration | FMN | Business |
461.3875 | WPNR333 | M | 023 DPL | MonsterJam Track | Track Support | FMN | Business |